Gordon Baker, Australia



Secondary            Scotch College, Melbourne.

Medical                  Royal Melbourne Hospital.

University              University of Melbourne, Monash University.

Degrees                 M.B., B.S., 1966; M.R.A.C.P. 1970; Ph.D., 1974; M.D. 1977

                                 F.R.A.C.P. 1977




1961-66                  Commonwealth Scholarship

1961                        Queens College Resident Bursary

Medical Course Examination Honours

                                 Surgery, Third Class; Pathology, Second Class; Chemistry, Third Class;

                                 Physics, Third Class; Biology, Second Class.

1972                        Junior Specialist Fellowship, Prince Henry's Hospital.

1973                        Monash Graduate Scholarship.

1974-1975              United States Public Health Service International Fellowship.





I have worked full time in clinical research over the last 10 years mainly on the causes and management of male infertility.


I have expertise in andrology, spermatology, clinical trials and analysis of fertility and in vitro fertilisation data.


I am a reviewer for research projects and publications in reproductive biology and medicine journals and, also, general journals such as Lancet and British Medical Journal.


I have been on the program organising committees for the VI International Congress of Andrology 1997, International Symposium “Clinical Application of Advances in Andrology” 1998 and am a member of the organising committee for the International Federation of Fertility Societies Meeting 2001.


Current research projects include:

Disordered zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction in humans

Sentinel surveillance on semen quality and time to pregnancy

Prediction of human fertility using objective morphometric assessment of semen

A randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of heparin and aspirin in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion and IVF-implantation failure

Recombinant human zona pellucida proteins for sperm function tests




In the past, I have taught endocrinology and reproductive medicine to undergraduate, postgraduate medical, and science students at Monash and Melbourne Universities by lectures and in clinics with patients. I also gave lectures to the 5th year students during their Obstetrics and Gynaecology term at the Royal Women's Hospital. Formal feed back about my component of the 5th year teaching was satisfactory.


At present, I am involved in the Advanced Study Units: Medical Aspects of Fertility and Infertility (579-1/201) and In Vitro Fertilisation (579-1/202) with A/Prof A. Lopata. There are two groups of 3 to 6 3rd year medical students each year for both units. I teach 5th year students during the Specials week in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in the Reproductive Services Clinic. This teaching involves tutorials, provision of literature, demonstrations of semen analysis and in vitro fertilization, and clinical history taking and physical examination of patients. There is generally laudatory verbal feedback from the students.


I will be involved in the Semester 4 teaching program for the 2nd year medical students in the Problem Based Learning module on infertility. I will give a lecture on spermatogenesis.


Postgraduate teaching of reproductive medicine, particularly male infertility has been for doctors in training and WHO fellows at Monash Medical Centre and the Royal Women's Hospital. I was on the committee, which set up subspecialty training for fellows of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for the Certificate of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility and have been an examiner for this advanced training course. I continue to be involved in the training of these subspecialists.


I was regularly involved in continuing education meetings for country practitioners arranged by the Victorian Medical Postgraduate Foundation. I am occasionally involved in local lectures and workshops for paramedical personnel such as nurses, counsellors and medical science students. I have also taught in overseas training programs on testicular function and semen analysis sponsored by WHO and workshops associated with several international meetings.


I participate regularly in in-house training of staff, patient information and quality assurance for Reproductive Services at the Royal Women's Hospital and Melbourne IVF.


I have written chapters and reviews on the clinical management of male infertility over a number of years. I am interested in developing computer-based learning in this area. This could have several levels appropriate for patients and the public as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students, and specialty and advanced subspecialty trainees.





1967-69                  Resident Medical Officer,

                                 Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia.

1969-70                  Registrar, Clinical Research Unit,

                                 Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia.

1970-71                  Registrar, Department of Endocrinology,

                                 Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne.

1971-72                  Assistant Physician, Diabetic Clinic,

                                 Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne.

1971-74                  Research Fellow and Assistant Physician,

                                 Department of Endocrinology,

                                 Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne.

1974-76                  Visiting Scientist, Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, U.S.A.

1976-79                  Research Fellow, Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine, University of Melbourne.

1977-86                  Physician (Andrologist), Reproductive Biology Unit and Associate, Professorial Unit, Royal Women's Hospital. Physician, Reproductive Medicine Clinic and Honorary Assistant Physician, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Prince Henry's Hospital, Melbourne.

1980-83                  Senior Research Fellow, Howard Florey Institute.

1983-85                  N.H.& M.R.C. Senior Research Fellow, Medical Research Centre, Prince Henry's Hospital.

1986-98                  Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Women's Hospital.

1987- current        Specialist Reproductive Biology Unit, Monash Medical Centre.

1988- current        Director of Clinical Research, Reproductive Biology Unit Royal Women's Hospital.

1993- current           Honorary Andrologist, Austin Hospital        Senior Scientific Associate Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research

1994- current           Honorary Clinical Endocrinologist, Royal Children's Hospital.

1995- current           Consultant to the Board on Research and Director of Melbourne IVF Research

1998-2000              Principal Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Women's Hospital.

2000-2004              Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Women’s Hospital.

2004-current         Professor, University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Women’s Hospital.





1978                        WHO South Korea - male infertility.

1983                        WHO People's Republic of China - male contraception.

1984                        WHO People's Republic of China - Workshop on the Testis.

1989                        WHO Geneva - Review of male contraception trial.

                                 WHO Beijing - Research on male reproduction.

1993                        WHO Indonesia - In depth review of Family Planning Research.

1993                        WHO Vietnam - Andrology - Vas Occlusion Workshop.

1997                        WHO Semen Analysis Manual revision

1998                        WHO Sentinel surveillance of semen quality

2001                        Supporting Committee for Medical Services Advisory Committee-Surgical Sperm Collection for ICSI




                                 Royal Australasian College of Physicians

                                 Australian Medical Association

                                 Endocrine Society of Australia

                                 Australian Society for Reproductive Biology

                                 Fertility Society of Australia

                                 Society for the Study of Reproduction





1972-74                  Victorian State Committee of Royal Australasian College of Physicians

1984-87                  Secretary, Biological Sciences Committee of the Australian Federation of        Family Planning Associations Inc.

1984-90                  Councillor, Fertility Society of Australia Inc.

1986-88                  Secretary, Fertility Society of Australia.

1988-89                  President, Fertility Society of Australia.

1991-95                  Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility Subspecialisation Subcommittee,                                               Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

1992-95                  Hospital Approval Advisory Panel.

1996-99                                     Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (Chairman) Fertility Society of Australia

2004-                       Victorian Law Reform Commission Assisted Reproductive Technologies Reference Advisory Committee




Research student supervision







Jane Henderson        Co-supervisor: Dr PJ Hanna

Association between Occupational Group and Sperm Concentration in Infertile Men




Anthony F Morrow  Co-supervisor: Prof HG Burger

The Endocrinology of Seminiferous Tubule Failure.




Witjaksono Julianto Co-supervisor: Prof RJ Pepperell

Use of GnRH for Ovulation Induction




Jane McCooey

Zinc Nutriture and Male Infertility




Louisa Suk Yee Lam Co-supervisor: Prof RJ Pepperell

Induction of Ovulation with Gonadotrophins-Reappraisal, Fertility Potential and Long-Term Health after Treatment.




Liu De Yi

New Tests of Human Sperm Function and In Vitro Fertilization




Con Mallidis

Fine needle biopsy of the testes




Moira O’Bryan         Co-supervisor: Dr B Murphy

Clusterin in the Human




Nustratuddin Abdullah

Factors affecting implantation rates after IVF-ET




Harold Bourne

An evaluation of micromanipulation and in vitro fertilization for the treatment of severe male infertility

M Reprod. Sc




Geraldene Fleishman

Monoclonal Antibodies to Human sperm.




Stephen Tang

Assessment of cervical mucus and artificial sperm penetration media

M Reprod. Sc



Maria Atlas-White

Clusterin in the Human Male Reproductive Tract




Mirjana Martic         Co-supervisor: A/Prof ME Dunlop

Mechanism of the Human Acrosome Reaction




Kate Stern

Investigation of implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss.




Tanya Stewart

Sentinel surveillance of human semen and time to pregnancy




Anwyn Apedaile

Flow cytometry of human sperm




Hamed el sayed Ellakwa

Chromosome and other abnormalities in pregnancy outcomes after in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer and intracytoplasmic injection.



WHO Training Fellowships:

De Yi Liu, Chen Zhen Wen, Michael Mbisvo, Zhang Zhen, Godwin Imade







Research Project




An infertility database

HWG Baker & RJ Pepperell


$    65,627


WHO - 85921

Evaluation of the requirement for azoospermia in antifertility method based on suppression of sperm production with testosterone enanthate in normal men.




$    75,000


NH&MRC 87/0421

Assessment of sperm morphology by video image analysis HWG Baker, ID Svalbe, GN Clarke



$    65,563


RWH 3AW Trust 90/13

Needle Biopsy of the testes

$      3,000


RWH 3AW Trust 90/12

Sperm function and IVF

$    32,000


RWH 3AW Trust 90/38

Sperm preparation techniques

A. Vassiliadis & HWG Baker


$    27,300


WHO - 88903

Requirement for severe oligospermia as an anti-fertility method.


$  122,442


RWH 3AW Trust

Different methods of sperm preparation for IVF.

HWG Baker & A Vassiliadis



$    22,717


RWH 3AW Trust

Sperm defects and impaired fertility

HWG Baker


$    33,282


Australian Equine Research Foundation

Development of a sperm-zona pellucida binding test to assess semen quality in stallions using equine oocytes. JH Hyland , DB Galloway  and HWG Baker



$    15,057


Ares Serono Company

Trial 5405

Recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (Gonal - F) versus placebo to improve fertility of men with oligozoospermia, prior to an in vitro fertilisation treatment.





$  152,071


RWH 3AW Trust 93/20

Male infertility and spinal cord injury

HWG Baker & TC Lim


$    35,289


RWH 3AW Trust

Clinical application of sperm preparation techniques in IVF

HWG Baker  & A Vassiliadis



$    30,389


RWH 3AW Trust

Relationship between objective sperm morphology and IVF results

HWG Baker



$    10,000


RWH 3AW Trust

Disorders of gamete interaction and failure of fertilisation in vitro

HWG Baker



$    10,810


NH&MRC 930628

Disorders of gamete interaction and failure of fertilisation in vitro.

HWG Baker  & DY Liu



$  105,862


Vic Health Promotion Foundation

Investigations of male infertility. 

DM de Kretser, HWG Baker, PD Temple-Smith, RI McLachlan, K Loveland.



$  468,540


RWH 3AW Trust

Male Infertility and spinal cord injury

HWG Baker & TC Lim


$    22,000


RWH 3AW Trust 95/27

Classification of abnormalities of sperm oocyte interaction causing human infertility HWG Baker, DY Liu


$    56,686



Testosterone as a male contraceptive: Basis of variable induction for azoospermia and role of dyhydrotestosterone.  RI McLachlan & HWG Baker



US$  10,000


RWH 3AW Services Trust 96/18

Physiology and pathology of the human zona pullucida induced acrosome reaction.  HWG Baker DY Liu



$    50,694


NH&MRC 970261

Prediction of human fertility using objective morphometric assessment of semen.  HWG Baker, C Garrett  and DY Liu.



$  103,954


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Disordered zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction in humans.  Baker HWG, Liu DY, Dunlop ME and Martic M.



$    28,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Sentinel surveillance on semen quality and time to pregnancy.  Baker HWG and Stewart T.


$    30,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee 99/41

Evaluation of flow cytometry of human sperm for assessing fertility Baker HWG, Liu DY, Garrett C and Clarke GN.



$    10,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee 99/50

Causes of disordered zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction in humans Baker HWG, Liu DY, Dunlop ME and Martic M.




$    52,989


RWH Research Advisory Committee 99/49

WHO study of changes in human fertility. Baker HWG, Liu DY and Garrett C.



$    51,910


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Causes of disordered zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction. Baker HWG, Liu DY and Dunlop ME.


$    15,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Recombinant human zona pellucida proteins for sperm function tests.

Baker HWG, Liu DY and Moses EK



$    55,000


Andrology Australia CRC

National DNA repository for the identification of genetic causes of male infertility.


$    40,000


Bertarelli Foundation

The experience of mothering following assisted conception: a prospective longitudinal study. Hammarberg K, Fisher J and Baker HWG.


$ ~ 40,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Studies of the mechanism of the human zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.

Baker HWG, Liu DY and Dunlop ME


$    68,000


Melbourne Research Grants Scheme

Studies of the mechanism of the human zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.

Baker HWG, Liu DY and Dunlop ME


$    17,000


RWH Research Advisory Committee

Study of the impact of occupation infertility, semen quality and time to pregnancy: motor mechanics. Baker HWG, Liu DY and Garrett C


$     30,000


Melbourne Research Grants Scheme

Causes of human disordered zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.

Baker HWG and Liu DY


$    40,000



文本框: PUBLICATIONS (Abstracts presented at conferences have not been included) 

1.         Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G., Culross, J. and Chamley, W.A.  A simple continuous blood sampling double-lumen catheter.  Lancet 1: 20-21, 1972.

2.         Baker, H.W.G., Balla, J.I., Burger, H.G., Ebeling, P. and Mackay, I.R.  Multiple sclerosis and autoimmune disease. Aust. N.Z. J. Med. 3:  256-260, 1972.

3.         Baker, H.W.G., Best, J.B., Burger, H. G. and Cameron, D.P.  Plasma human growth hormone levels in response to meals.  A reappraisal. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 50: 715-724, 1972.

4.         Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G., Patel, Y.C., Rennie, G.C., Youatt, G., Burger, H.G. and Hudson, B. Temporal patterns of circulating hormones as assessed by continuous blood sampling.  J. Clin. Endocr. 36: 108-116, 1973.

5.         O'Connor, S., Baker, H.W.G., Dulmanis, A. and Hudson, B.   The measurement of sex steroid binding globulin by differential ammonium sulfate precipitation.  J. Steroid Biochem. 4: 331-339, 1973.

6.         Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B. and Straffon, W.G. Effect of synthetic oral oestrogens in men. Lack of gonadotrophin suppression by chlorotrianisene.  Clin. Endocr. 2: 297-306, 1973.

7.         Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G. and Burger H.G.  The secretion rate of human growth hormone:  1. Daily secretion rates, effect of posture and sleep.  J. Clin. Endocr. 37: 515-520, 1973.

8.         Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Johns, M.W., Masterton, J.P., Patel, Y.C. and Rennie, G.C.  Temporal patterns of integrated hormone levels during sleep and wakefulness.  1.  Thyroid stimulating hormone, growth hormone and cortisol.  J. Clin. Endocr. 37:  841-847, 1973.

9.         Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Johns, M.E., Masterton, J.P., Patel, Y.C. and Rennie, G.C. Temporal patterns of integrated hormone levels during sleep and wakefulness. II. Follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, testosterone and estradiol.  J. Clin. Endocr. 37:  848-854, 1973.

10.      Alford, F.P., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., Cameron, D.P. and Keogh, E.J.  The secretion rate of human growth hormone:  II.  Acromegaly, effect of chlorpromazine treatment.  J. Clin. Endocr. 38:  309-312, 1973.

11.      Mackay, I.R., Mathews, J.D., Toh, B.H., Baker, H.W.G. and Walker, I.  A sequential trial comparing cyclophosphamide and azathioprine as adjuncts in the treatments of systemic lupus erythematosus.  Aust. N.Z. J. Med. 4:  154-158, 1974.

12.      Patel, Y.C., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., Johns, M.W. and Ledinek, J.E. Suppression of the thyrotrophin circadian rhythm by glucocorticoids.  J. Endocr. 62: 421-422, 1974.

13.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Rennie, G.C. and Straffon, W.G. The assessment of results following endocrine therapy of prostatic cancer.  J. Urol. 113: 824-828, 1975.

14.      Wang, C., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M. and  Hudson, B.  Hormonal studies in Klinefelter's syndrome.  Clin. Endocr. 4: 399-411, 1975.


15.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Dulmanis, A., Hudson, B., O'Connor, S., Paulsen, C.A., Purcell, N., Rennie, G.C., Seah, C.S., Taft, H.P. and Wang, C.  A study of the endocrine manifestations of hepatic cirrhosis.  Quart. J. Med. 45:  145-178, 1976.

16.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., O'Connor, S., Wang, C., Mirovics, A., Court, J., Dunlop, M. and Rennie, G.C.  Changes in the pituitary-testicular system with age.  Clin. Endocrinol. 5:  349-372, 1976.

17.      Baker, H.W.G., Sonstein, F.M., Eichner, G.J., Santen, R.J., Jefferson, L.S. and Bardin, C.W.  Perfusion of rat testes and accessory sex organs:  A New method.  Endocrinology 100:  699-708, 1977.

18.      Baker, H.W.G., Bailey, D.J., Feil, P.D., Jefferson, L.S., Santen, R.J. and Bardin, C.W. Nuclear accumulation of androgens in perfused rat accessory organs and testes.  Endocrinology 100:  709-721, 1977.

19.      Baker, H.W.G., Bailey, D.J., Worgul, T.J., Jefferson, L.S., Santen, R.J. and Bardin, C.W. Evaluation of methods for perfusing rat testes.  Invest. Urol. 15:  169-172, 1977.

20.      Eddie, L.W., Baker, H.W.G., Dulmanis, A., Higginson, R.E. and Hudson, B.  Inhibin from cultures of rat seminiferous tubules.  J. Endocr. 78:  217-224, 1978.

21.      Eddie, L.W., Baker, H.W.G., Higginson, R.E. and Hudson, B. A bioassay for inhibin using pituitary cell cultures.  J. Endocr. 81: 49-60, 1979

22.      Baker, H.W.G., Straffon, W.G.E., Murphy, G., Davidson, A., Burger, H.G. and de Kretser, D.M. Prostatitis and male infertility:  a pilot study.  Possible increase in sperm motility with antibacterial chemotherapy.  Int. J. Androl. 2: 193-201, 1979.

23.      Worgul, T., Baker, H.W.G., Murray, F.T., Jefferson, L.S. and Bardin, C.W. Direct effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate on testes:  possible mechanisms examined by testicular perfusion.  Int. J. Androl. 2:  408-418, 1979.

24.      Baker, H.W.G. and Pepperell, R.J. Lack of effect of bromocriptine on semen quality in men with normal or slightly elevated prolactin levels.  Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynec. 20:  158-161, 1980.

25.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Lording, D.W., McGowan, P. and Rennie, G.C. Factors affecting the variability of semen analysis results in infertile men.  Int. J. Androl. 4:  609-622, 1981.

26.      McGowan, M.P., Burger, H.G., Baker, H.W.G., de Kretser, D.M. and Kovacs, G.  The incidence of non-specific infection in the semen of fertile and sub-fertile males.  Int. J. Androl. 4: 657-662, 1981.

27.      Wischusen, J., Baker, H.W.G. and Hudson, B.  Reversible male infertility due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia.  Clin. Endocrinol. 14:  571-577, 1981.

28.      Eddie, L.W., Baker, H.W.G., Higginson, R.E. and Hudson, B. Gonadotrophin releasing hormone causes a biphasic secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone by cultures of rat anterior pituitary cells.  Acta Endocr. 99: 44-49, 1982.

29.      Baker, H.W.G., Baker, I.D.C., Epstein, V.M. and Hudson, B. Effect of stress on steroid hormone levels in racehorses.  Aust. Vet. J. 58: 70-71, 1982.

30.      Quinn, M.A., Baker, H.W.G., Rome, R., Fortune, D. and Brown, J.B. Response of mucinous ovarian tumour of borderline malignancy to human chorionic gonadotrophin.  Obstet. Gynaecol. 61: 121-126, 1983.

31.      O'Connor, M. and Baker, H.W.G. Depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate as an adjunctive treatment in three aggressive schizophrenic patients.  Acta Psychiat. Sand. 67: 399-403, 1983.

32.      Baker, H.W.G., Clarke, G.N., Hudson, B., McBain, J.C., McGowan, M.P. and Pepperell, R.J. Treatment of sperm autoimmunity in men.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 2: 55-71, 1983.

33.      Kovacs, G.T., Baker, H.W.G. and Vaux, H.A. The outcome of AID in initial and subsequent courses of treatment.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 2:  295-298, 1983.

34.      McGowan, M.P., Baker, H.W.G., Kovacs, G.T. and Rennie, G.C. Selection of high fertility donors for artificial insemination programmes.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 2: 269-274, 1983.

35.      Baker, H.W.G., Straffon, W.G.E., McGowan, M.P., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M. and Hudson, B.  A controlled trial of the use of Erythromycin for men with asthenospermia.  Int. J. Androl. 7: 383-388, 1984.

36.      Baker, H.W.G., Clarke, G.N., McGowan, M.P., Koh, S.H. and Cauchi, M.N. Increased frequency of autoantibodies in men with sperm antibodies.  Fertil. Steril. 43: 438-441, 1985.

37.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Hudson, B. and Niall, H.D.  Variability in the apparent molecular weight of inhibin.  Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 38:  327-338, 1985.

38.      Clarke, G.N., Lopata, A., McBain, J.C., Baker, H.W.G. and Johnston, W.I.H. Effect of sperm antibodies in males on human in vitro fertilization (IVF).  Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. Microbiol. 8: 62-66, 1985.

39.      Jennings, M.G., McGowan, M.P. and Baker, H.W.G. Immunoglobulins on human sperm;  validation of a screening test for sperm autoimmunity.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 3: 335-342, 1985.

40.      Wang, C., Baker, H.W.G., Jennings, M.G., Burger, H.G. and Lutjen, P. Interaction between human cervical mucus and sperm surface antibodies.  Fertil. Steril. 44: 484-488, 1985.

41.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Rennie, G.C. and Straffon, W.G.E.  Testicular vein ligation and fertility in men with varicoceles.  Brit. Med. J. 291: 1678-1680, 1985.

42.      Zaini, A., Jennings, M.G. and Baker, H.W.G.  Are conventional sperm morphology and motility assessments of predictive value in subfertile men?  Int. J. Androl. 8:  427-435, 1985.

43.      Baker, H.W.G. and Kovacs, G.T. Spontaneous improvement in semen quality:  regression towards the mean.  Int. J. Androl. 8: 421-426, 1985.

44.      Kovacs, G.T., Jarman, H., Dunn, K., Westcott, M. and Baker, H.W.G.  The contraceptive diaphragm.   Is it an acceptable method in the 1980s?  Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 26: 76-79, 1986.

45.      Baker, H.W.G., Bangah, M.L., Burger, H.G., Kovacs, G.T., Summerbell, D. and Warnes, G.M.  Timing of ovulation by determination of the urinary luteinizing hormone surge with an enzyme-linked monoclonal antibody dipstick (Ovustick).  Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynaec. 26: 79-83, 1986.

46.      Ayodeji, O. and Baker, H.W.G.  Is there a specific abnormality of sperm morphology in men with varicoceles?  Fertil. Steril. 45:  839-842, 1986.

47.      Kovacs, G.T., Rogers, P., Leeton, J.F., Trounson, A.O., Wood, C. and Baker, H.W.G. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer:  prospects of pregnancy by life table analysis.  Med. J. Aust. 144:  682-683, 1986.

48.      Liu, D.Y., Cooper, E.J. and Baker, H.W.G.  Seminal transferrin, an index of Sertoli cell function:  is it of clinical value?  Clin. Reprod. Fert. 4:  191-197, 1986.

49.      Morrow, A.F., Baker, H.W.G. and Burger, H.G.  Different testosterone and LH relationships in infertile men.  J. Androl. 7:  310-315, 1986.

50.      Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G.  The effect of serum on motility of human spermatozoa in culture.  Int. J. Androl. 9:  109-117, 1986.

51.      Henderson, J., Rennie, G.C. and Baker, H.W.G.  Association between occupational group and sperm concentration in infertile men.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4: 275-281, 1986.

52.      Morrow, A.F., Baker, H.W.G. and Burger, H.G.  Partial gonadotrophin deficiency is infrequent in infertile men.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4: 319-327, 1986.

53.      Cooper, E.J. and Baker, H.W.G.  Protein carboxyl methylase in asthenospermia.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4: 269-274, 1986.

54.      Jennings, M.G., McGowan, M.P. and Baker, H.W.G.  Is conventional bacteriology useful in the management of male infertility?  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4: 359-366, 1986.

55.      Jones, D.M., Kovacs, G.T., Harrison, L., Jennings, M.G. and Baker, H.W.G. Immobilization of sperm by condoms and their components.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4: 367-372, 1986.

56.      Lam, S.Y., Evans, J.H., Quinn, M.A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Postpartum spinal wedge fractures in a 27 year old epileptic anorectic woman.  Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 27: 71-74, 1987.

57.      Jennings, M.G., Temple-Smith, P., Southwick G.., Nayudu, P.L., and Baker, H.W.G.  Patterns of human epididymal fluid proteins on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  Int. J. Androl.  10: 441-446, 1987.

58.      Morrow, A.F., Gyorki, S., Warne, G.L., Burger, H.G., Bangah, M.L., Outch, K.H., Mirovics, A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Variable androgen receptor levels in infertile men.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.  67: 1115-1127, 1987.

59.      Baker, H.W.G., Kovacs, G.T. and Burger, H.G.  Failure of daily measurements of HCG in urine to demonstrate a high rate of early embryonic mortality.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil.  5: 15-25, 1987.

60.      Baker, H.W.G. and Clarke., G.N.  Sperm morphology: consistency of assessment of the same sperm by different observers.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 5: 37-43, 1987.    

61.      Jennings M.G., McGowan, M.P., Nayudu, P.L. and Baker, H.W.G. Patterns of human seminal plasma proteins on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 5: 45-54, 1987.

62.      Liu, D.Y., Jennings, M.G. and Baker, H.W.G.  Correlation between defective motility (asthenospermia) and ATP reactivation of demembranated human spermatozoa.  J. Androl. 8: 349-353, 1987.

63.      MacMillan, R.A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Comparison of latex and polyacrylamide beads for detecting sperm antibodies.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 5: 203-209, 1987.

64.      Lam, S.Y., Evans, J.H., Pepperell, R.J., Brown, J.B., Smith, M.A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Mild to moderate abnormalities of semen do not affect pregnancy rates during ovulation induction with gonadotrophins. Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 5: 127-131, 1987.

65.      Liu, D.Y., Elton, R.A., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Spermatozoal nuclear chromatin decondensation in vitro: a test for sperm immaturity. Comparison with results of human in vitro fertilization.  Clin. Reprod. Fert. 5: 191-201, 1987.

66.      Lam, S.Y., McKenna, M., McBain, J.C., Baker, H.W.G. and Johnston, W.I.H.  Outcome of patients with one ovary in an in vitro fertilization programme.  J. IVF & ET 4: 319-323, 1987.

67.      Kovacs, G., Baker, G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D. and Lording, D.  AID with cryopreserved semen:  A decade of experience.  Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 95: 354-360, 1988.

68.      Liu, D.Y., du Plessis, Y., Nayudu, P.L., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G.  The use of in vitro fertilization to evaluate putative tests of human sperm function.  Fertil. Steril. 49: 272-277, 1988.

69.      Gellert, S.T., Clarke, G.N., Baker, H.W.G., Hyne, R.V. and Johnston, W.I.H.  Evaluation of Nycodenz and Percol density gradients for the selection of motile human spermatozoa.  Fertil. Steril. 49: 335-341, 1988.

70.      Wilton, L.J., Temple-Smith, P.D., Baker, H.W.G. and de Kretser, D.M.  Human male infertility caused by degeneration and death of sperm in the epididymis.  Fertil. Steril. 49: 1052-1058, 1988.

71.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  The proportion of human sperm with poor morphology but normal intact acrosomes detected with pisum sativum agglutinin correlates with fertilization in vitro.  Fertil. Steril. 50: 288-293, 1988.

72.      Lam, S.Y., Martin, M., Evans, J.H., Baker, H.W.G. and Pepperell, R.J.  First pregnancy at 47 years of age after 20 years of amenorrhoea.  Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 28: 152-153, 1988.

73.      Lam, S.Y., Baker, G., Pepperell, R. and Evans, J.H.  Treatment-independent pregnancies after cessation of gonadotropin ovulation induction in women with oligomenorrhea and anovulatory menses.  Fertil. Steril. 50: 26-30, 1988.

74.      Liu, D.Y., Lopata, A., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. A human sperm-zona pellucida binding test using oocytes that failed to fertilize in vitro.  Fertil. Steril. 50: 782-788, 1988.

75.      Ismail, M.T.M., Howard, E.J. and Baker, H.W.G. Comparative study of standard methods of semen analysis and correlation of their results to Cellsoft's TM.  Malaysian J. Reprod. .Health 6: 59-63, 1988.

76.     Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N., Lopata, A., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. A sperm-zona pellucida binding test and in vitro fertilization.  Fertil. Steril. 52: 281-287, 1989.

77.      Kovacs, G.T., Riddoch, G., Duncombe, P., Welberry, L., Chick, P., Weisberg, E., Leavesley, G.M. and Baker, H.W.G. Inadvertent pregnancies in oral contraceptive users.  Aust. Med. J. 150: 549-551, 1989.

78.      Lam, S.Y., Baker, H.W.G., Evans, J.H. and Pepperell, R.J. Factors affecting fetal loss in induction of ovulation with gonadotropins: Increased abortion rates related to hormonal profiles in conceptual cycles.  Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 160: 621-628, 1989.


79.      Liu, D.Y., Lopata, A., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Human sperm-zona pellucida binding, sperm characteristics and in vitro fertilization.  Hum. Reprod. 4: 696-701, 1989.

80.      Kovacs, G.T., King, C., Rogers, P., Wood, C. Baker, H.W.G. and Yates, C. In vitro fertilization, a practical option after failed artificial insemination with donor semen.  Reprod. Fert. Dev. 1: 383-386, 1989.

81.      Kovacs, G.T., King, C., Cameron, I., Cushnahan, L., Wood, E.C., Leeton, J.F., Renou, P., Shekleton, P., Lenz, S. and Baker, G. A comparison of vaginal ultrasonic-guided and laparoscopic retrieval of oocytes for in vitro fertilization.  Asia-Oceania J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 16: 39-43, 1990

82.      O'Bryan, M.K., Baker, H.W.G., Saunders, J.R., Kirszbaum, L., Walker, I.D., Hudson, P., Liu, D.Y., Glew, M.D., d'Apice, A.J.F. and Murphy, B.F. Human seminal clusterin (SP-40,40). Isolation and characterization.  J. Clin. Invest. 85: 1477-1486, 1990.

83.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Relationships between human sperm acrosin, acrosomes and fertilization in vitro.  Hum. Reprod. 5: 298-303, 1990.

84.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Inducing the human acrosome reaction with a calcium ionophore A23187 decreases sperm-zona pellucida binding with oocytes that failed to fertilize in vitro.  J. Reprod. Fert. 89: 127-134, 1990.

85.      Liu, D.Y., Lopata, A. and Baker, H.W.G. Use of oocytes that failed to be fertilized in vitro to study human sperm-oocyte interactions: comparison of sperm-oolemma and sperm-zona pellucida binding and relationship with results of IVF.  Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 2: 641-650, 1990.

86.      Kovacs, G.T., Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., Lee, J. and Summerbell, D. Prognosis of pregnancies conceived by donor insemination with respect to the late follicular phase luteinizing hormone levels.  Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 97: 654-656, 1990.

87.      World Health Organisation Task Force on Methods for the Regulation of Male Fertility. Contraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia in normal men.  Lancet, 336: 955-959, 1990.

88.      Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G. Inhibition of human sperm-zona pellucida and sperm-oolemma binding by antisperm antibodies.  Fertil. Steril. 55: 440-442, 1991.

89.      Kovacs, G., Buckler, H., Bangah, M., Outch, K., Burger, H., Healy, D., Baker, G. and Phillips, S. Treatment of anovulation due to polycystic ovarian syndrome by laparoscopic ovarian electrocautery.  Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 98: 30-35, 1991.

90.      Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G. Relationship between sperm motility assessed with the Hamilton-Thorn motility analyser and fertilization rates in vitro.  J. Androl. 12: 231-239, 1991.

91.      Mallidis, C., Howard, E.J. and Baker, H.W.G. Variation of semen quality in normal men.  Int. J. Androl. 14: 99-107, 1991.

92.      Liu, D.Y., Lopata, A., Pantke, P. and Baker, H.W.G. Horse and marmoset sperm bind to the zona pellucida of salt-stored human oocytes.  Fertil. Steril. 56: 764-767, 1991.

93.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Morphology of spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida of human oocytes that failed to fertilize in vitro.  J. Reprod. Fert. 94: 71-84, 1992.


94.      Fuller, P.J., Burger, H.G. and Baker, H.W.G. Concurrent hyperprolactinemia and sperm autoimmunity in a man with secondary infertility.  Fertil. Steril. 58: 202-204, 1992.

95.      Ng, F.L.H., Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Comparison of Percoll, mini-Percoll and swim-up methods for sperm preparation from abnormal semen samples.  Hum. Reprod. 7: 261-266, 1992.

96.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Sperm nuclear chromatin normality: relationship with sperm morphology, sperm-zona pellucida binding, and fertilization rates in vitro.  Fertil. Steril. 58: 1178-1184, 1992.

97.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Inhibition of acrosin activity with a trypsin inhibitor blocks human sperm penetration of the zona pellucida.  Biol. Reprod. 48: 340-348, 1993

98.      Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G. Lack of association between sperm antibodies and recurrent spontaneous abortion.  Fertil. Steril. 59: 463-464, 1993.

99.      Mbizvo, M.T., Johnston, R.C. and Baker H.W.G. The effect of motility stimulants, caffeine, pentoxifylline and 2-deoxyadenosine on hyperactivation of cryopreserved human sperm.  Fertil. Steril. 59: 1112-1117, 1993.

100.    Kovacs, G., Mushin, D., Kane, H. and Baker H.W.G. A controlled study of the psycho-social development of children conceived following insemination with donor semen.  Hum. Reprod. 8: 778-790, 1993.

101.    Young, N.R., Baker, H.W.G., Liu, G. and Seeman, E. Body composition and muscle strength in healthy men receiving testosterone enanthate for contraception.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 77: 1028-1032, 1993.

102.    Johnston, R.C., Kovacs, G.T., Lording, D.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Correlation of semen variables and pregnancy rates for donor insemination: a 15-year retrospective.  Fertil. Steril. 61: 355-359, 1994.

103.    Mallidis, C. and Baker, H.W.G. Fine needle tissue aspiration biopsy of the testis.  Fertil. Steril. 61: 367-375, 1994.

104.    Lim, T.C., Mallidis, C., Hill, S.T., Skinner, D.J., Carter, P.D., Brown, D.J., Baker, H.W.G. A simple technique to prevent retrograde ejaculation during assisted ejaculation.  Paraplegia 32: 142-149, 1994.

105.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. A new test for the assessment of sperm-zona pellucida penetration: relationship with results of other sperm tests and fertilization in vitro.  Hum. Reprod. 9: 489-496, 1994.

106.    O'Bryan, M.K., Mallidis, C., Murphy, B.F. and Baker, H.W.G. Immunohistochemical localisation of clusterin in the male genital tract of humans and marmosets.  Biol. Reprod. 50: 502-509, 1994.

107.    Mallidis, C., Volpe, V., Ostor, A., Lopata, A. and Baker, H.W.G. Fixation and staining of testicular tissue.  J. Histotech. 17: 111-114, 1994.

108.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Acrosome status and morphology of human spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida and oolemma determined using oocytes that failed to fertilize in vitro.  Hum. Reprod. 1994. 9:673-679, 1994.


109.    Johnston, R.C., Mbizvo, M.T., Summerbell, D., Kovacs, G.T., and Baker, H.W.G. Relationship between stimulated hyperactivated motility and pregnancy rate in donor insemination: a preliminary report.  Hum. Reprod. 9: 1684-1687, 1994.

110.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Disordered acrosome reaction of sperm bound to the zona pellucida: a newly discovered sperm defect with reduced sperm-zona pellucida penetration and reduced fertilization in vitro.  Hum. Reprod. 9: 1694-1700, 1994.

111.    O'Byran, M.K., Murphy, B.F., Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  The use of anticlusterin monoclonal antibodies for the combined assessment of human sperm morphology and acrosome integrity.  Hum. Reprod. 9: 1490-1496, 1994.

112.    Mallidis, C., Lim, T.C., Hill, S.T., Skinner, D.J., Brown, D.J., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Collection of semen from men in acute phase of spinal cord injury.  Lancet 334: 1072-1073, 1994.

113.    Singpetch, S., Baker, G. and Johnston I.  The length of the follicular phase influences normal fertilization rates in assisted reproduction.  Siriraj Hosp. Gaz. 46: 530-534, 1994.

114.    Aribarg, A., Zhang, G.Y., Cing, C., Li, G.Z., Anderson, R.A., Wu, F.C.W., Baker, H.W.G., Wang, X.H., Soufir, J.C., Paulsen, C.A., Ng, S.C., Gottlieb, C., Handelsman, D.J., Resch, B., Szollosi, J., Swerdloff, R.S., Huhtaniemi, I., Farley, T.M.M., Hazelden, C., Peregoudov, A., Waites, G.M.H. and Ping, L.W. Rates of testosterone-induced suppression to severe oligozoospermia or azoospermia in two multinational clinical studies.  Int. J. Androl. 18: 157-165,1995.

115.    Harari, O., Gronow, M., Bourne, H., Johnston, I. and Baker, G. High fertilization rate with intracytoplasmic sperm injection in mosaic Klinefelter's syndrome.  Fertil. Steril. 63: 182-184, 1995.

116.    Johnston, R.C., Clarke, G.N., Liu D,Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Assessment of the sperm quality analyser.  Fertil. Steril. 63: 1071-1076, 1995.

117.    Garrett, C. and Baker, H.W.G. A new fully automated system for the morphometric analysis of human sperm heads.  Fertil. Steril. 63: 1306-1317, 1995.

118.    Harari, O., Bourne, H., McDonald, M., Richings, N., Speirs, A.L., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a major advance in the management of severe male subfertility.  Fertil. Steril. 64: 360-368, 1995.

119.    Liu D.Y., Bourne, H. and Baker, H.W.G. Fertilization and pregnancy with acrosome intact sperm by intracytoplasmic sperm injection in patients with disordered zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction.  Fertil. Steril. 64: 116-121, 1995.

120.    Bourne, H., Liu, D.Y., Clarke,G.N. and Baker, H.W.G. Normal fertilization and embryo development by intracytoplasmic sperm injection of round-headed acrosomeless sperm.  Fertil. Steril. 63: 1329-1332, 1995.

121.    Bourne, H., Watkins, W. Speirs, A. and Baker, H.W.G. Pregnancies after intracytoplasmic injection of sperm collected by fine needle biopsy of the testis.  Fertil. Steril. 64: 433-436, 1995.

122.    Aitken, J., Buckingham, D., Brindle, J., Gomez, E., Baker, G. and Irvine, S.  Analysis of sperm movement in relation to the oxidative stress created by leucocytes in washed sperm preparations and seminal plasma.  Hum. Reprod. 10: 2061-2071, 1995.

123.    Clarke, G.N., Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Immunoinfertility: a case study with implications for immunocontraception.  Arch. Androl. 35: 21-27, 1995.

124.    Baker, H.W.G., Brindle, J., Irvine D.S. and Aitken, R.J.  Protective effect of antioxidants on the impairment of sperm motility by activated polymorphonuclear leukocytes.  Fertil. Steril. 65: 411-419, 1996.

125.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. A simple method for assessment of the human acrosome reaction of spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida: lack of relationship with ionophore A23187 induced acrosome reaction.  Hum. Reprod.. 11: 551-557, 1996.

126.    Aribarg, A., Zhang, G.Y., Cao, J., Li, G.Z., Anderson, R.A., Swerdloff, R.S., Wu, F.C.W., Baker, H.W.G., Wang, X.H., Soufir, J.C., Paulsen, C.A., Ng, S.C., Gottlieb, C., Handelsman, D.J., Conway, A.J., Resch, B. and Szollosi, J. Contraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia and oligozoospermia in normal men.  Fertil. Steril. 65: 821-829, 1996.

127.    Najmabadi, H., Huang, V., Yen, P., Subbarao, M.N., Bhasin, D., Banaag, L., Naseeruddin, S., de Kretser, D.M., Baker, H.W.G., McLachlan, R.I., Loveland, K.A. and Bhasin, S. Substantial prevalence of microdeletions of the Y-chromosome in infertile men with idiopathic azoospermia and oligozoospermia detected using a sequence-tagged site-based mapping strategy.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 81: 1347-1352, 1996.

128.    Nieto, F.S., Watkins, W.B., Lopata, A., Baker, H.W.G. and Edgar, D.H.  The effects of coculture with autologous crypopreserved endometrial cells on human in vitro fertilization and early embryo morphology: a randomized study.  J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 13: 386-389, 1996.

129.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  Relationship between the zona pellucida (ZP) and ionophore A23187-induced acrosome reaction and the ability of sperm to penetrate the ZP in men with normal sperm-ZP binding.  Fertil. Steril. 66: 312-315, 1996.

130.    Watkins, W., Bourne, H., Nieto, F., Gronow, M. and Baker, G. Testicular aspiration of sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a novel treastment for ejaculatory failure on the day of oocyte retrieval.  Fertil. Steril. 66: 660-661, 1996.

131.    Watkins, W., Lim, T., Bourne, H., Baker, H.W.G. and Wutthiphan, B.  Testicular aspiration of sperm for intracytoplasmic sperm injection: an alternative treatment to electro-emission: case report.  Spinal Cord 34: 696-698 1996.

132.    Wu, F.C.W., Farley, T.M.M., Peregoudov, A., Waites, G.M.H., Zhang, G.Y., Li, G.Z., Wallace, E.M., Baker, H.W.G., Wang, X.H., Soufir, J.C., Paulsen, C.A., Gottlieb, C., Handelsman, D.J. and Hutaniemi, I. Effects of testosterone enanthate in normal men - experience from a multicenter contraceptive efficacy study.  Fertil. Steril. 65: 626-636, 1996.

133.    Garrett, C., Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  Selectivity of the human sperm zona pellucida binding process to sperm head morphometry.  Fertil. Steril. 67: 362-371, 1997.

134.    Clarke, G.N., Bourne, H., Hill, P., Johnston, W.I.H., Speirs, A., McBain, J.C. and Baker, H.W.G.  Artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization using donor spermatozoa: a report on 15 years of experience:  Hum. Reprod. 12: 722-726, 1997.

135.    Clarke, G.N., Bourne, H. and Baker, H.W.G. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection for treating infertility associated with sperm autoimmunity.  Fertil. Steril. 68: 112-117, 1997

136.    Imade, G.E., Baker, H.W.G., de Kretser, D.M. and Hedger M.P.  Immunosuppressive activities in the seminal plasma of infertile men: relationship to sperm antibodies and autoimmunity.  Hum. Reprod. 12: 256-262, 1997.

137.    Liu, D.Y., Bourne, H. and Baker, H.W.G. High fertilization and pregnancy rates after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in patients with disordered zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.  Fertil. Steril. 67: 955-958, 1997.

138.    Watkins, W., Nieto, N., Bourne, H., Wutthiphan, B., Speirs A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Testicular and epididymal sperm in a microinjection program: methods of retrieval and results.  Fertil. Steril. 67: 527-535, 1997.

139.    Zhang, Z. and Baker, H.W.G. The effect of 12-myristate 13- acetate phorbol ester on human sperm hyperactivation.  Fertil. Steril. 67: 1140-1145, 1997.

140.    Tadokoro, N., Vollenhoven, B., Clark, S., Baker, G., Kovacs, G., Burger, H. and Healy, D. Cumulative pregnancy rates in couples with anovulatory infertility compared with unexplained infertility in an ovulation induction programme.  Hum. Reprod.. 12: 1939-1944, 1997.

141.    Bourne, H., Stern, C., Clarke, G., Pertile, M., Speirs, A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Delivery of normal twins following the intracytoplasmic injection of sperm from a patient with 47,XXY Klinefelter’s syndrome.  Hum. Reprod. 12: 2447-2450, 1997

142.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  Protein kinase C plays an important role in the human zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.  Mol Hum. Reprod. 3: 1037-1043, 1997

143.    Imade, G.E. Baker, H.W.G. and Otubu, J.A.M.  Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: an advance in in-vitro fertilisation procedure for male infertility.  Trop.J.Obstet.Gynaecol. 14: 15-27, 1997

144.    Pearce, G.D. Tabensky, A. Delmas, P.D. Baker, H.W.G. and Seemen, E.  Corticosteroid -induced bone loss in men.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. .Metab. 83: 801-806, 1998

145.    Liu, D.Y., Baker, H.W.G., Pearse, M.J. and d'Apice A.J.F.  Normal sperm-zona pellucida interaction and fertilisation in vitro in a-1,3-galactosyltransferase gene knockout mice.  Mol. Hum. Reprod. 3: 1015-1016, 1997

146.    Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  Calcium ionophore-induced acrosome reaction correlates with fertilisation rates in vitro in patients with teratozoospermic semen.  Hum. Reprod. 13: 905-910, 1998

147.    Clarke, G.N., Garrett, C. and Baker, H.W.G.  Quantitative sperm mucus penetration: modified formulae for calculating penetration efficiency.  Hum. Reprod. 13: 1255-1259, 1998

148.    Stern, C., Chamley, L., Hale, L., Kloss, M., Speirs, A. and Baker, H.W.G.  Antibodies to b2 glycoprotein I are associated with in vitro fertilization implantation failure as well as recurrent miscarriage: results of a prevalence study.  Fertil.Steril. 70: 938-944 1998

149.    Liu, D.Y., Martic, M., Clarke, G.N., Dunlop, M.E. and Baker, H.W.G. An important role of actin polymerization in the human zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction.  Mol. Hum. Reprod. 5: 941-949, 1999

150.    Liu, P.Y., Turner, L., Rushford, D., McDonald, J., Baker, H.W.G., Conway, A.J. and Handelsman, D.J. Efficacy and safety of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (Gonal-F) with urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin for induction of spermatogenesis and fertility in gonadotrophin-deficient men.  Hum. Reprod. 14: 1540-1545, 1999

151.    Stern, C., Pertile, M., Norris, H., Hale, L. and Baker, H.W.G. Chromosome translocations in couples with in-vitro fertilization implantation failure.  Hum. Reprod. 14: 2097-101, 1999

152.    Tang, S., Garrett, C. and Baker, H.W.G. Comparison of human cervical mucus and artificial sperm penetration media.  Hum. Reprod. 14: 2812-2817, 1999

153.    Liu D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Defective sperm-zona pellucida interaction: a major cause of failure of fertilization in clinical in vitro fertilization.  Hum. Reprod. 15: 702-708, 2000

154.    Kovacs, G.T., Hendricks, J., Summerbell, D. and Baker, H.W.G. A pre-coital pill? A preliminary in vitro study.  Br. J. Fam. Plann. 26: 165-166, 2000

155.    Mallidis, C., Lim, T.C., Hill, S.T., Skinner, D.J., Brown, D.J., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. Necrospermia and chronic spinal cord injury. Fertil. Steril. 74: 221-227, 2000.

156.    Atlas-White, M., Murphy, B.F. and Baker H.W.G. Localisation of clusterin in normal human semen by immunogold electron microscopy. Pathology 32: 258-261, 2000.

157.    McLachlan, R.I., McDonald, J., Rushford, D., Robertson, D.M., Garrett, C. and Baker, H.W.G. Efficacy and acceptability of testosterone implants, alone or in combination with a 5α- reductase inhibitor, for male hormonal contraception. Contraception 62: 73-78, 2000.

158.    Stewart, T.M.; Brown, E.H.; Venn, A.; Mbizvo, M.T.; Farley, T.M.; Garrett, C.; Baker, H.W.G. Feasibility of surveillance of changes in human fertility and semen quality. Hum. Reprod. 16: 177-187, 2001.

159.    Hammarberg, K., Astbury, J and Baker H.W.G. Women's experience of IVF: a follow-up study Hum. Reprod. 16: 374-383, 2001.

160.    Liu D.Y., Clarke, G.N., Martic, M., Garrett, C. and Baker, H.W.G. Frequency of disordered zona pellucida (ZP)-induced acrosome reaction in infertile men with normal semen analysis and normal sperm-ZP binding. Hum. Reprod. 16: 1185-1190, 2001.

161.    Liu, D.Y., Martic, M., Clarke, G.N., Grkovic, I., Garrett, C., Dunlop, M.E. and Baker, H.W.G. An anti-actin monoclonal antibody inhibits the zona pellucida induced acrosome reaction and hyperactivated motility of human sperm. Mol. Hum. Reprod., 8:37-47, 2002.

162.    Liu, D.Y., Martic, M., Grkovic I, Garrett, C., Dunlop, M.E. and Baker, H.W.G. Phorbol myristate acetate induces ruffling of the acrosome of human spermatozoa. Fertil. Steril., 78: 128-136, 2002.

163.    Dunne AL, Mitchell F, Allen KM, Baker HWG, Garland S, Clarke GN, Mijch A, Crowe SM. Analysis of HIV-1 viral load in seminal plasma samples. J Clin Virol 26: 239-45, 2003.

164.    Liu DY, Baker HWG. Disordered zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction and failure of in vitro fertilization in patients with unexplained infertility. Fertil Steril 79: 74-80, 2003.

165.    Fang S, Baker HWG. Male infertility and adult polycystic kidney disease are associated with necrospermia. Fertil Steril 79: 643-644, 2003.

166.    Liu DY, Baker HWG. Frequency of defective sperm-zona pellucida interaction in severely teratozoospermic infertile men. Hum Reprod 18: 802-7, 2003.

167.    Bouloux P-MG, Nieschlag E, Burger HG, Skakkebaek, NE, Wu FCW, Handelsman DJ, Baker HWG, Ochsenkuehn R, Syska A, McLachlan RI, Giwercman A, Conway AJ, Turner L, Van Kuijk JHM, Voortman G Induction of spermatogenesis by recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (Puregon) in hypogonadotropic azoospermic men who failed to respond to human chorionic gonadotropin alone. J Androl. 24: 604-11, 2003.

168.    Garrett C, Liu DY, Clarke GN, Rushford DD, Baker HWG. Automated semen analysis: 'zona pellucida preferred' sperm morphometry and straight-line velocity are related to pregnancy rate in subfertile couples. Hum Reprod 18: 1643-9, 2003.

169.    Liu DY, Stewart T, Baker HWG. Normal range and variation of the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction in fertile men. Fertil Steril 80: 384-9, 2003.

170.    Stern C, Chamley L, Norris H, Hale L, Baker HWG. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of heparin and aspirin for women with in vitro fertilization implantation failure and antiphospholipid or antinuclear antibodies. Fertil Steril 80: 376-83, 2003

171.    Truong BN, Moses EK, Armes JE, Venter DJ, Baker HWG. Searching for candidate genes for male infertility. Asian J Androl 5: 137-47, 2003.

172.    Liu DY, Garrett C, Baker HWG. Low proportions of sperm can bind to the zona pellucida of human oocytes. Hum Reprod 18: 2382-9, 2003.

173.    Clarke GN, Liu DY, Baker HWG. Improved sperm cryopreservation using cold cryoprotectant. Reprod Fertil Dev 15: 377-81, 2003.

174     Liu DY, Baker HWG. High frequency of defective sperm-zona pellucida interaction in oligozoospermic infertile men. Hum Reprod 19: 228-33, 2004.

175.    Martic M, Moses E, Adams T, Liu DY, Gook D, Garrett C, Dunlop ME, Baker HWG. Recombinant human zona pellucida proteins ZP1, ZP2 and ZP3 co-expressed in a human cell line Asian J Androl 6: 3-13, 2004.

176.        Apedaile, A.E., Garrett, C., Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N., Johnston, S.A. and Baker, H.W.G. The flow cytometry and microscopic acridine orange test: Relationship with standard semen analysis. Reprod. Biomed. Online 8: 398-407, 2004

177.         Clarke GN, Stewart T, Baker HWG. Comparison of sperm counts in two groups of men presenting for infertility investigations 20 years apart. Reprod Med Biol 2004; 3: 211-216.

178.         Liu DY, Clarke GN, Baker HWG. Exposure of actin on the surface of the human sperm head during in vitro culture relates to sperm morphology, capacitation and zona binding. Hum Reprod 2005 (In Press).

179.         Petersen K, Baker HWG, Pitts M, Thorpe R, Assisted reproductive technologies: professional and legal restrictions in Australian clinics”  (2005) 12 Journal Law Medicine (in Press).



文本框: THESES, REVIEWS, CHAPTERS AND INVITED PAPERS1.         Burger, H.G., Baker, H.W.G., Hudson, B. and Taft, H.P.  Gonadotropic and gonadal function in the normal adult male.  Proc. Int. Symp. on Gonadotropins, New York, 1971, John P. Wiley & Co., 1972, p.569-592.

2.         Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., Hudson, B. and de Kretser, D.M.  Partial hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism:  Studies of pituitary function and of the pituitary-testicular relationship in two patients. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 50:  861-872, 1972.

3.         Burger, H.G., Baker, H.W.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Franchimont, P. and Pepperell, R.J.  Regulation of gonadal function in the male by gonadotropins.  In Moudgal, N.R. (ed.), Gonadotropins and Gonadal Function, Academic Press, New York, pp. 531-542, 1974.

4.         Baker, H.W.G. and Hudson, B.  Male gonadal dysfunction.  In Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism 3, Bayliss, P.I.S. (ed.), Saunders and Co., pp. 507-531, 1974.

5.         Baker, H.W.G.  Ph.D. Thesis "The Endocrinology of Liver Disease", 1974.

6.         Baker, H.W.G., Santen, R.J., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Hudson, B., Pepperell, R.J. and Bardin, C.W.  Rhythms in the secretion of gonadotropins and gonadal steroids. J. Steroid. Biochem. 6:  793-801, 1975.

7.         Baker, H.W.G., Bardin, C.W., Eichner, G.J., Jefferson, L.S. and Santen, R.J.  Perfusion of the male rat reproductive tract:  a model for the study of androgen secretion and action.   In Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis.  French, F.S. (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, pp. 135-144, 1975.

8.         Baker, H.W.G., Bremner, W.J., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Dulmanis, A., Eddie, L.W., Hudson, B., Keogh, E.J., Lee, V.W.K. and Rennie, G.C.  Testicular control of follicle-stimulating hormone secretion.  Recent Progr. Horm. Res. 32:  429-476, 1976.

9.         Baker, H.W.G., Worgul, T.J., Santen, R.J., Jefferson, L.S. and Bardin, C.W.  Effect of prolactin on nuclear androgens in perfused male accessory sex organs.  In The Testis in Normal and Infertile Men:  Morphology, Physiology and Pathology, Troen, P. and Nankin, H. (eds.), Raven Press, pp. 379-385, 1976.

10.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M. and Hudson, B. Endocrinology of Aging:  Pituitary-testicular axis.  Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 403, Endocrinology 2:  479-483, 1977.

11.      Baker, H.W.G., M.D.  Dissertation "Continuous Blood Sampling for Studies in Endocrinology", 1977.

12.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B. and Lee, V.W.K.  Studies on purification of inhibin from ovine testicular secretions using an in vitro bioassay.  Int. J. Androl. Suppl. 2:  115-124, 1978.

13.      Bardin, C.W., Baker, H.W.G., Jefferson, L.S. and Santen, R.J. Methods for perfusing the male reproductive tract: Models for studying drug and hormone metabolism.  Env. Health Persp. 24:  51-59, 1978.

14.      Baker, H.W.G.  The scientific basis of contraception in the male.  Bull. Postgrad. Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney, 34:  34-41, 1978.

15.      Hudson, B., Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Dobos, M. and Lee, V.W.K.  Bioassays for inhibin:  a critical review.  J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl. 26:  17-29, 1979.

16.      Hudson, B. and Baker, H.W.G.  The infertile man:  is his treatment fact, or fallacy?  14th Singapore Malaysia Congress of Medicine Proceedings.  The Academy of Medicine, Singapore, pp. 90-96, 1979.

17.      Baker, H.W.G., Murray, F.T., Jefferson, L.S., Li, J. and Bardin, C.W.  Perfusion of accessory sex organs and testes.  In Hum. Reprod.uctive Medicine, Vol. 4, Ch. 12, Hafez, E.S.E. (ed.), Male Accessory Sex Glands, Spring-Mills, E. and Hafez, E.S.E. (eds.), Elsevier/North Holland, Biomedical Press, pp. 215-222, 1980.

18.      Hudson, B., Baker, H.W.G., de Kretser, D.M.  The abnormal semen sample, Ch. 4, pp. 70-111.  In The Infertile Couple, R.J. Pepperell, Hudson, B. and Wood, C. (eds.), Churchill Livingstone, 1980.

19.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B. and Niall, H.D.  Testicular inhibin. In Endocrinology 1980, Cumming, I.A., Funder, J.W. and Mendelsohn, F.A.O. (eds.), Australian Academy of Science, pp. 251-254, 1980.

20.      Baker, H.W.G.  Clinical evaluation and management of testicular disorders in the adult. In the Testis, Burger, H.G. and de Kretser, D.M. (eds.) for Comprehensive Endocrinology, Martini, L. (ed.), Raven Press, pp. 356-397, 1981.

21.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B., Keogh, E.J. and Niall, H.D.  Assays of inhibin.  In Intragonadal Regulation of Reproduction, Channing, C.P. and Franchimont, P. (eds.), Academic Press, New York, Ch. 10, pp. 193-227, 1981.

22.      Hudson, B. and Baker, H.W.G.   Endocrinology of aging:  men in their twilight years.  In The Biology of Aging in Man, Kidson, C. (ed), National Health and Medical Research Council, pp. 115-129, 1981.

23.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B. and Niall, H.D.  Clinical context, neuroendocrine relationships and nature of inhibin in males and females.  In Clinical Neuroendocrinology, Vol. 2, Martini, L. and Besser, G.M. (eds.), Academic Press, Ch. 7, pp. 283-330, 1982.

24.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B. and Niall, H.D.  Studies on the purification of inhibin from ovine rete testis fluid.  In Advances in the Biosciences, vol. 34, Nonsteroidal Regulators in Reproductive Biology and Medicine, Fujii, T. and Channing, C.P. (eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 123-130, 1982.

25.      Baker, H.W.G., Eddie, L.W., Higginson, R.E., Hudson, B. and Niall, H.D.  Studies on the purification of ovine inhibin.  Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 383:  329-342, 1982.

26.      Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G.  Treatment of sperm antibodies in infertile men:  sperm antibody coating and mucus penetration.  In Immunology of Reproduction.  Bratanov, K. (ed.), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, pp. 337-340, 1982.

27.      Baker, H.W.G. and Hudson, B.  Changes in the pituitary-testicular axis with age.  In:  The Pituitary and Testes, Clinical and Experimental Studies, de Kretser, D.M., Burger, H.G. and Hudson, B. (eds.),  Monographs in Endocrinology Vol.25, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Ch.4, pp. 71-83, 1983.

28.      Baker, H.W.G.  Male infertility of undetermined etiology.  In Current Therapy in Endocrinology, Krieger, D.T. and Bardin, C.W. (eds.), B.C. Decker Inc., Philadelphia, pp. 366-371, 1983.

29.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M., Findlay, J.K., Hudson, B., Lee, V.W.K. and Tsonis, C.G.  Present status of research on inhibin:  an appraisal.  Clin. Reprod. Fert. 2:  161-174, 1983.

30.      Baker, H.W.G., Beirne, J., Eddie, L.W., Hudson, B., Niall, H.D. and Southwell, C.  Inhibin and its receptors.  Serono Symposia Publications, Vol. 9, Hormone Receptors in Growth and Reproduction, Saxena, B.B., Catt, K.J., Birnbaumer, L. and Martini, L. (eds.), Raven Press, New york, pp. 249-256, 1984.

31.      Wood, C., Baker, G. and Trounson, A.  Current status and future prospects, Ch.2.  In Clinical In Vitro Fertilization, wood, C. and Trounson, A. (eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11-26, 1984.

32.      Mahadevan, M. and Baker, G.  Assessment and preparation of semen for in vitro fertilization.  In Clinical In Vitro Fertilization, Wood, C. and Trounson, A. (eds.), Springer Verlag, pp. 83-97, 1984.

33.      Baker, H.W.G.  Is there a male menopause?  Aust. Fam. Phys. 13:  726-728, 1984.

34.      Burger, H.G. and Baker, H.W.G.  Therapeutic considerations and results of gonadotropin treatment in male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.  Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 438:  447-453, 1984.

35.      Baker, H.W.G., Burger, H.G., de Kretser, D.M. and Hudson, B.  Relative incidence of etiologic disorders in male infertility.  In Male Reproductive Dysfunction:  Diagnosis and Management of Hypogonadism, Infertility and Impotence.  Santen, R.J. and Swerdloff, R.S. (eds.), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 341-372, 1986.

36.      Baker, H.W.G.  Male infertility of undetermined etiology.  In Current Therapy in Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kreiger, D.T. and Bardin, C.W. (eds), B.C. Decker Inc., Philadelphia, pp. 165-169, 1985.

37.      Baker, H.W.G. and Burger, H.G.  Male infertility.  In Reproductive Medicine, Serono Symposia Publications, E. Steinberger, G. Frajese and A. Steinberger (eds.), Raven Press, New York, pp. 187-197, 1985.

38.      Baker, H.W.G.  Requirements for controlled therapeutic trials in male infertility.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4:  13-25, 1986.

39.      Hudson, B., Baker, H.W.G. and de Kretser, D.M.  The abnormal semen sample.  In the Infertile Couple, Second Edition, R.J. Pepperell, B. Hudson, and C. Wood (eds), Churchill Livingstone, London. pp. 91-141, 1987.

40.      Henderson, J., Baker, H.W.G. and Hanna, P.J.  Occupationally related male infertility: a review.  Clin. Reprod. Fertil. 4:  87-106, 1986.

41.      Burger, H.G. and Baker, H.W.G.  The treatment of infertility.  Ann. Rev. Med. 38:  29-40, 1987.

42.      Baker, H.W.G.  The World Health Organization Testosterone Enanthate trial for male contraception. Proceedings of the Combined Congress of the Australian Society for the Psychosomatic Aspects of Reproductive Medicine and the Biological Sciences Committee of the Australian Federation of Family Planning Associations. Psychosomatic Aspects of Reproductive Medicine and Family Planning.  Eds. Burrows, G.D., Pettrucco, O.M. and Llewellyn-Jones, D. pp.135-139, 1987.

43.      Morrow, A.F., Baker, H.W.G. and Burger H.G.  Hypothalamic - pituitary regulation during the fertile age in the male. In Neuro-endocrinology of reproduction Rolland R., Heineman M.J., Naaktgeboren N., Schoemaker J., Vermer H., and Willemsen W.N.P. (Eds) Exerpta Medica Intr Congr ser 751:139-160 Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1987 

44.      Burger, H.G., Baker, H.W.G., Buckler, H.M., Healy, D.L. and Kovacs, G.T.  Advances in reproductive medicine: Australian contributions.  Aust. NZ. J. Med. 18: 263-277, 1988.

45.      Clarke, G.N. and Baker, H.W.G. Detection of sperm antibodies using the immunobead test (IBT)  Aust. J. Med. Sci. 9: 66-70, 1988.

46.      Baker, H.W.G. and Morrow, A.F. Male Hypogonadism. In Progress in Endocrinology 1988. Imura H., Shizume K. and Yoshida S. (Eds) Exerpta  Medica Intr. Congr. Ser. 799: 1489-1492 Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1988.

47.      Lam, S.Y., Baker, H.W.G., Seeman, E. and Pepperell, R.J. Gynaeclogical disorders and risk factors in premenopausal women predisposing to osteoporosis.  Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 95: 963-072, 1988.

48.      Baker, H.W.G. and Liu, D.Y. New tests of human sperm function and fertilization in vitro.  Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 1: 179-182, 1989.

49.      Baker, H.W.G. Management of male infertility. In Recent Advances in Andrology. Serio, M. and Waites, G. (Eds) Serono Symposia Review 20: 81-91, 1989.

50.      Baker, H.W.G. Clinical trials in male infertility research. In Recent Perspectives in Andrology. Serio, M. (Ed) Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press 53: 367-373, 1989.

51.      Baker, H.W.G. Clinical evaluation and management of testicular disorders in the adult. In The Testis (2nd edition) Burger, H. and de Kretser, D. (eds) Raven Press New York pp. 419-440, 1989.

52.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Hypoosmotic swelling test as a sperm function test. (letter to editor) Fertil. Steril. 51: 365-366,1989.

53.      Johnston, I., McBain, J., Liu, D.Y., Odawara.,Y., Lopata, A., du Plessis, Y. Jones, G., Clarke, G.N., Hill, P. and Baker, H.W.G. Male factor infertility, selection and results for assisted procreation. Proc 13Th IFFS World Congress on Fertility and Sterility. 1-6 October 1989.  Marrakesh, Morocco.

54.      Keogh, E.J. and Baker, H.W.G. Male infertility. Part I. Drugs causing it. Current Therapeutics 31: 3, 77-85 1990.

55.      Baker, H.W.G. Male infertility. Part II. Drugs used to treat it. Current Therapeutics 31: 4, 45-49, 1990.

56.      Baker, H.W.G. The use of IVF to assess sperm function tests. In Management of Male Infertility, Review of a Colloquium on Male Infertility held in Canberra, Australia, November 1989. Exerpta Medica pp 13-14, 1990.

57.      Baker, H.W.G.  Testicular dysfunction in systemic disease.  Ch. 120. In Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Becker, K.L. (Chief Ed.), Endocrinology of Man, Bremner, W.J. (ed), J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia pp. 971-975, 1990.

58.      Baker, H.W.G. Management of the male with an abnormal semen analysis. RACOG Continuing Education Resorce Unit 62 1-6, 1990.

59.      Johnston, J., McBain, J., Baker, G., Du Plessis, Y. and Odawara, Y. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. In Gamete Physiology. Asch, R.H., Balmaceda, J.P. and Johnston, I. Serono Symposia Norwell, Ma. pp.273-285, 1990.

60.      Baker, G. Editorial Comment: The use of the semen analysis in predicting fertility outcome. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 32: 154-155, 1992.

61.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G.  Tests of human sperm function and fertilization in vitro. Fertil.Steril. 58: 465-483, 1992.

62.      Baker, H.W.G., Ng, F.L.H. and Liu, D.Y. Preparation and analysis of semen for IVF/GIFT. In Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization. Trounson, A. and Gardner, D. (Eds) CRC Press, Boca Raton Florida. pp. 33-56. 1993.

63.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Tests of sperm function. Fertil. Steril. (Letter to Editor and reply) 59:698-699, 1993.

64.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Morphology of spermatozoa bound to the zona pellucida of human oocytes that failed to fertilize in vitro. Fertility Digest 3: 3-5, 1993.

65.      Baker, H.W.G.  Have modern reproductive technologies altered the natural history of male factor infertility?  American Society of Andrology Post Graduate Assembly, Syllabus, 1993.

66.      Baker, H.W.G.  Management of oligospermia in IVF. In Current Topics in Andrology, 1993. Oshima, H.and Burger, H.G., (eds.)  Japan Society of Andrology and Toyo Shobou Co., Tokyo, Japan.  p 287-292. 1993.

67.      Baker, H.W.G.  Management of immunological infertility. In An Approach to Clinical Andrology. Burger, H.G.and Oshima, H. (eds).  Serono Symposia Reviews, 29: 105-110, 1993.

68.      Baker, H.W.G.  Diagnostic approach and management of male infertility.  Satellite Symposium on Andrology to 5th International Congress of Andrology, 8-10th May, Bejing, China. Zhang, G.Y. (ed). p 68-70, 1993.

69.      Baker, H.W.G. and Liu, D.Y., Bourne, H. and Lopata, A. Diagnosis of sperm defects in selecting patients for assisted fertilization. Hum. Reprod. 8: 1779-1780, 1993.

70.      Baker, H.W.G. Idiopathic oligospermic infertility. In Current Therapy in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Fifth Edition. Bardin, C. W. (Ed.) B. C. Dekker Inc. Philadelphia pp 314-318, 1993.

71.      Baker, G., Brinsden, P., Jouannet, P., Loumaye, E., Van Steirteghem, A, and Winston, R. Treatment of severe male infertility with pure follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - the need for a properly controlled multicentre trial. Hum. Reprod.  8: 500-501, 1993.

72.      Baker, H.W.G. Treatment of male infertility - what does the future hold?  Int. J. Androl. 16: 343-348, 1993.

73.      Baker, H.W.G. Male Infertility. Ch.134. In Endocrinology, 3rd edition, DeGroot L.J. (Chief Ed.),  W.B. Saunders Co. Orlando Fl., pp. 2404-2433, 1994.

74.      Baker, H.W.G. and Keogh, E.J. Male Infertility. In Bonnar, J. (Ed.) Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Number 18. Churchill Livingstone, London, pp. 109-125, 1994.

75.      Baker H.W.G. Male infertility - the clinical scene, critical evaluation and the prospects for therapy.  Reprod. Fert. Dev. 6: 9-12, 1994.

76.      Bhasin, S., de Kretser, D.M. and Baker, H.W.G. Pathophysiology and natural history of male factor infertility.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 79: 1525-1529, 1994.

77.      Liu, D.Y. and Baker, H.W.G. Tests for human sperm-zona pellucida binding and penetration. In Male factor in human infertility. (ed) Tesarik, J., Ares-Serono Symposia Publications, Frontiers in Endocrinology, volume 8. Rome, Italy, pp. 169-185, 1994.

78.      Aitken, R.J., Baker, H.W.G. and Irvine, D.S.  On the nature of semen quality and infertility.  Hum. Reprod. 10: 248-249, 1995.

79.      Bourne, H., Richings, N., Liu, D.Y., Clarke, G.N., Harari, O. and Baker, H.W.G. Sperm preparation for intracytoplasmic injection: methods and relationship to fertilization results.  Reprod. Fert. Dev. 7: 177-183, 1995.

80.      Bourne, H., Richings, N., Harari, O., Jones, G.M., Speirs, A.L., Johnston, W.I.H. and Baker, H.W.G. The use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection for the treatment of severe and extreme male infertilty.  Reprod. Fert. Dev. 7: 237-245, 1995.

81.      Baker, H.W.G. Testicular function in systemic disease.  Ch. 115. In Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Second Edition, Becker, K.L. (Chief Ed.), Endocrinology of Man, Bremner, W.J. (ed), J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia pp 1083-1089, 1995.

82.      Aitken, J.A. and Baker H.W.G. Seminal leukocytes: passengers, terrorists or good Samaritans? Hum. Reprod. 10: 1736-1739, 1995.

83.      Liu D.Y., Johnston, R, and Baker, H.W.G. Ability of sperm to bind to the zona pellucida during oligozoospermia induced with testosterone during a male contraceptive trial.  Int J Androl 18, Suppl. 1: 39-44, 1995.

84.      Baker, H.W.G. and Liu, D.Y. Assessment of nuclear maturity. In Human spermatozoa in assisted reproduction. 2nd edition. Acosta, A.A. (Ed) Parthenon Publishing. pp 193-203, 1995.

85.      Pantke, P., Hyland, J., Galloway, D.B., Liu, D.Y. and Baker H.W.G. Development of a zona pellucida sperm binding assay for the assessment of stallion fertility.  Equine Reproduction VI Biol. Reprod. Mono. 1: 681-687, 1995.

86.      de Kretser, D.M. and Baker, H.W.G. Human Infertility: The Male Factor. Chapter 108. In Adashi, E.Y., Rock, J.A. and Rosenwaks, Z. (Eds) Reproductive Endocrinology Surgery and Technology. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia and New York, pp2031-2061, 1996.

87.      Baker, H.W.G. Prospects for fertility in men with disorders of sexual differentiation or maturation. Frontiers in Endocrinology 17: 119-128, 1996.

88.      Griffin, P. D., Aribarg, A., Gui-yuan, Z., Jian, C., Guo-zhu, L., Anderson, R.A., Swerdloff, R.S., Wu, F.C.W., Baker, H.W.G., Xing-hai, W., Soufir, J. -C., Paulsen, C.A., Ng, S.C., Gottlieb, C., Handelsman, D.J., Conway, A.J., Resch, B., Szollosi, J. and Farley, T. M. M. Contraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia and oligozoospermia in normal men.  Int. J. Gynecol. Obstet. 55: 83, 1996.

89.       Speirs, A.L., Baker, H.W.G. and Abdullah N. Analysis of factors affecting embryo implantation.  Hum. Reprod. 11: 187-191, 1996.

90.      Baker, H.W.G. Male infertility of undetermined etiology. In Current Therapy in Endocrinology & Metabolism, Sixth Edition. Bardin, C. W. (Ed.) B. C. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Philadelphia pp 359-363, 1997.

91.      Waites, G.M.H., Frick, J. and Baker H.W.G. Current advances in andrology. Monduzzi Editore, Bolonga Italy, pp1-420. 1997.

92.      Baker, H.W.G. and de Kretser, D.M. Treatment options for male subfertility.  In Kovacs, G.T. (ed) Handbook of Infertility Cambridge University Press 5: 50-69, 1997

93.       Baker, H.W.G. Medical treatment for idiopathic male infertility: is it curative or palliative? In Van Steirteghem, A., Tournaye, H. and Devroey, P. Male Infertility, Bailliere's Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 11: 673-689, 1997

94.      Baker, H.W.G. Marvellous ICSI: the viewpoint of a clinician. Int. J. Androl. 21: 249-252, 1998.

95.       Baker, H.W.G. Reproductive effects of nontesticular illness. In Burger, H.G. and McLachlan, R.I. (Eds) Gonadal Disorders, Endocrinol. Metab. Clin. N. Am. 27: 831-850, 1998.

96.      Baker, H.W.G. Liu, D.Y. and Bourne, H. Assessment of the male and preparation of sperm for ARTs. In CRC Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization Second Edition, (Eds) A Trounson and D K Gardner  CRC Press Boca Raton Fl. pp 99-127, 1999.

97.       Baker, H.W.G. Modern management of male infertility. In Wang, C. (Ed)  Male Reproductive Function Endocrine Update Series 5 Kluwer Academic Publishers Boston. Pp 263-278 1999.

98.       de Kretser, D.M. and Baker, H.W.G. Infertility in men: recent advances and continuing controversies.  J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 84: 3443-3450, 1999.

99.       Stern, C., Baker, H.W.G., Chamley, L. Human reproductive failure is not a clinical feature associated with beta (2) glycoprotein- 1 antibodies in anticardiolipin and lupus anticoagulant seronegative patients (letter). Hum. Reprod. 15: 976- 978, 2000.

100.    Baker, H.W.G., Garrett, C., Clarke, G.N., Stewart, T.M., Brown, E.H., Venn, A., Mbizvo, M.T. and Farley, T.M.M. Feasibility of surveillance of changes in human fertility and semen quality.  Int. J. Androl. 23: suppl. 2: 47-49, 2000.

101.    Baker, H.W.G., Saunders, D.M., Tyler, J.P.P., Lamont, B., Burge, D., Fiske, L., Oke, K. and Johnston, W.I.H. Difficulties associated with comparison of results between ART clinics: an attempt to standardize reporting methods. Reproductive Technologies 10: 103-111, 2000.

102.    Baker, H.W.G Management of male infertility. Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 14: 409-422, 2000.

103.    Baker, H.W.G., Liu, D.Y. Garrett, C. and Martic, M. The human acrosome reaction. Asian .J Androl. 2: 172-178, 2000.

104.    Baker, G., Bourne, H. and Edgar, D. Sperm preparation techniques. In Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques Laboratory and Clinical Perspectives. Gardner D. K., Weissman A., Howles C. M. and Shoham Z. (Eds) Martin Dunitz Publishers London pp 78-87, 2001.

105.    Baker, H.W.G., Male Infertility. Chapter 171 In Endocrinology, 4th edition, DeGroot L.J. and Jameson J. L. (Chief Eds.),  W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia PA. pp 2308-2328, 2001.

106.    Baker, H.W.G. Testicular function in systemic disease.  Ch. 116. In Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 3rd Edition, Becker, K.L. (Chief Ed.), Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia PA pp 1150-1158 2001.

107.    Baker, H.W.G. Is ICSI a safe therapeutic approach for severe male factor infertility In Robaire, B. Chemes, H. and Morales C.R. (eds) Andrology in the 21st century. Medimond Englewood NJ pp 311-315, 2001.

108.    Baker, H.W.G. Clinical approach to molecular genetic diagnosis in andrology. In Robaire, B. Chemes, H. and Morales C.R. (eds) Andrology in the 21st century. Medimond Englewood NJ pp 373-382, 2001.

109.    Baker, H.W.G., Congenital anorchia, acquired anorchia, testicular maldescent, varicocele. In Oxford Textbook of Clinical Endocrinology Wass J. A. H. and Shalet S. M. (Chief Eds.). Oxford University Press pp.1279-1288, 2002

110.    Baker, H.W.G.. Problems with the regulation of assisted reproductive technology: a clinician's perspective. J Law Med 9: 457-69, 2002.

111.    Baker, G., Clinical management of male infertility in WWW.ENDOTEXT.ORG version (August 26 2002).

112.    Perreault, S.D., Aitken, R.J., Baker, H.W.G., Evenson, D.P., Huszar, G., Irvine, D.S., Morris, I.D., Morris, R.A., Robbins, W.A., Sakkas, D., Spano, M., Wyrobek, A.J. Integrating new tests of sperm genetic integrity into semen analysis: breakout group discussion. Adv Exp Med Biol 518: 253-68, 2003.

113.    Liu DY, Baker, H.W.G. Evaluation and assessment of semen for IVF/ICSI. Asian J Androl 4: 281-5, 2002.

114.    McLachlan RI, Baker HWG, Clarke GN, Harrison KL, Matson PL, Holden CA, de Kretser DM. Semen analysis: its place in modern reproductive medical practice. Pathology 35: 25-33, 2003

115.    Baker, H.W.G., Mijch, A., Garland, S., Crowe, S., Dunne, M., Edgar, D., Clarke, G., Foster, P. and Blood, J. Use of assisted reproductive technology to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV in discordant couples wishing to have their own children where the male is sero-positive with undetectable viral load. J Med Ethics 29: 315-320, 2003


116.    Liu DY, Zhu WJ and HWG Baker Important role of assessment of sperm function in clinical management in IVF/ICSI. Reproduction and Contraception 24:193-9, 2004.

117.         Liu DY, Garrett C, Baker, H.W.G. Clinical application of sperm-oocyte interaction tests in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertil Steril (Recent Trends) 82: 1251-63, 2004

118.         Bourne, H. Edgar, D.H., and Baker, H.W.G. Sperm preparation techniques. In Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Techniques Laboratory and Clinical Perspectives. 2nd Edition, Gardner D.K., Weissman A., Howles C.M. and Shoham Z. Taylor and Francis, London, pp 79-92, 2004.

119.         Baker, H.W.G., Male Infertility. Chapter 171 In Endocrinology, 5th edition, DeGroot L.J. and Jameson J. L. (Chief Eds.),  W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia PA. in press 2004.

120.         Clarke GN, Baker HWG. Immunological evaluation. In: “Pathophysiology and treatment of male sexual and reproductive dysfunction”, Ed. Kandeel F, 2005 Marcel Dekker, U.S.A. (Invited chapter, In Press).

121.         Baker HWG, Clarke GN. Management of immunological factors in male infertility. In: “Pathophysiology and treatment of male sexual and reproductive dysfunction”, Ed. Kandeel F, 2005 Marcel Dekker, U.S.A. (Invited chapter, In Press).