


1. 学历及培训经历

1999年10月-2001年8月   University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

博士后(Research   associate)

1996年10月-1998年4月  Bar-Ilan University, Israel博士后

1994年8月-1996年8月   中国科学院动物研究所生殖生物学国家重点实验室博士后

1991年8月-1994年6月   东北农业大学生物工程系博士研究生

1985年7月-1988年6月   东北农业大学生物工程系硕士研究生

1981年9月-1985年6月   山东农业大学畜牧兽医系本科生


2. 工作经历

2001年12月-现在          中国科学院动物研究所研究员,博士生导师


生殖生物学国家重点实验室常务副主任, 生殖生物学中心主任

2003年3月-2003年4月    日本National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Invited JAPS Fellow

2000年3月-2001年11月   中国科学院动物研究所研究员,博士生导师,受精生物学研究组组长

1998年12月—2000年2月   中国科学院动物研究所研究员硕士生导师,受精生物学研究组组长

1998年5月-1998年11月  中国科学院动物研究所副研究员硕士生导师,受精生物学研究组组长

1996年9月-1998年4月   中国科学院动物研究所副研究员

1996年1月-1996年4月   日本National Institute of Animal Industry, STA Fellow

1988年7月-1991年7月   山东农业大学畜牧兽医系助教


3. 学术兼职










Journal of Reproduction and Development编辑委员会委员




美国Society for the Study of Reproduction会员




MEK/MAPK/p90rsr pathway, PKC pathway, ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, meiotic spindle checkpoints, securing/separase/cohesin

2) 早期胚胎发育和动物克隆的的基因表达

DNA methylation/demethylation,histone acelyation/methylation mitochondrial DNA



Biology of Reproduction;Reproduction;Developmental Dynamics;Reproduction, Fertility and Development;Microscopy Research and Technique;Developmental and Reproductive Biology;中国科学;科学通报;生物化学与生物物理进展;生物物理与生物化学学报;自然科学进展;动物学报;兽类学报;动物学研究;动物学杂志;生物工程学报;生殖医学;生殖与避孕;细胞生物学杂志;遗传学报;遗传


6. 主持过的课题













13)国家自然科学基金面上项目:哺乳动物卵子纺锤体形态与非整倍体胚胎形成的关系 (30170358, 2002-2004),15万元


15) 国家自然科学基金重点项目:哺乳动物卵母细胞减数分裂、受精和早期胚胎发育过程中细胞增殖和分化的分子基础(30430530, 2005-2007),140万元



1.  中国人民解放军总后勤部科技进步三等奖,1998

2.  中国科学院青年科学家奖,1999

3.  国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2002

4.  中国科学院杰出青年,2003

5.  全国留学回国人员先进个人和国家留学回国人员成就奖,2003

6.  中国青年科技奖,2004

7.  新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选, 2004

8.  新疆自治区科技进步一等奖, 2003


8. Invited talks (after 2003)

Workshop: From Egg to Fertilization, Involvement of MAPK cascade during mammalian oocyte maturation and fertilization, 2003, Kobe University, Japan


Invited talk: the regulation of MAPK cascade on oocyte maturation and fertilization, 2003, Tsukuba, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences,Japan


Cross-Strait Symposium on Comparative Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology, The role of MAPK and its regulation during mammalian oocyte maturation and fertilization, Taiwan, China


International Young Scientists Forum on Modern Reproductive biology and Biotechnology, Involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade during oocyte maturation and fertilization in mammals, 2004, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia University, China


International Symposium on Reproductive Medicine, oocyte growth and maturation,2004, Jinan, Shandong University, China


Symposium and Workshop of in vitro Maturatioin (IVM) of Human Oocytes, Oocyte growth and maturation, 2004,Nanjing, Nanjing Medical University, China,


The First Russian-Chinese Symposium of Young Scientists “The Science about Life”, Regulation of oocyte maturation and fertilization by MAPK cascade, 2004,Pushchino, Rusian Academy of Sciences, Russia,


2004 KRIBB conference: oocyte maturation workshop, MAPK cascade regulation on pig oocyte maturation and fertilization, 2004, Daejeon, The Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea


The 4th International Symposium of Developmental Biology, The role of MAPK cascade and its regulation during mammalian oocyte maturation and fertilization, Suwan, 2004,Korea


9. 论著目录 (*通讯作者)

Full Papers Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals (*correspondence)

1.     Zhong ZS, Huo LJ, Liang CG, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2005) Small GTPase RhoA is Required for Ooplasmic Segregation, Spindle Rotation, but not for Spindle Organization and Chromosome Separation during Mouse Oocyte Maturation, Fertilization, and Early Cleavage. Mol Reprod Dev (in press).

2.    Chen T, Zhang YL, Jiang Y, Liu SZ, Schatten H, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2004) DNA methylation pattern The DNA methylation events in normal and cloned rabbit embryos. BEBS letters (In press).

3.    Zheng ZY, Li QZ, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2004) Translocation of Phospho-PKCs Implies Their Roles in Meiotic Spindle Organization, Polar Body Emission and Nuclear Activity in Mouse Eggs. Reproduction (in press)

4.   Zhang D, Li M, Ma W, Hou Y, Li YH, Li SW, Sun QY, Wang WH. Localization of Mitotic Arrest Deficient 1 (MAD1) in Mouse Oocytes During the First Meiosis and Its Functions as a Spindle Checkpoint Protein. Biol Reprod. 2004 Sep 1 [Epub ahead of print]

5.   Wei Ma, Dong Zhang, Yi Hou, Yong-Hai Li, Qing-Yuan Sun, Xiao-Fang Sun, and Wei-Hua Wang (2004)Reduced expression of MAD2, Bcl-2, and MAP kinase activity in pig oocytes after in vitro aging are associated with defects in sister chromatid segregation during meiosis II and embryo fragmentation after activation. Biol Reprod published 6 October 2004; 10.1095/biolreprod.104.030999

6.     Zhang LS,Zhang KY, Yao LJ, Liu SZ,Yang CX, Zhong ZS, Zheng YL, Sun QY, Chen DY (2004)Somatice cell nuclear remodeling in Rassir oocyte cytoplasm. Zygote 12:179-184.

7.     Liu SZ, Zhou ZM, Chen T, Zhang YL, Wen DC, Kou ZH, Li ZD, Sun QY, Chen DY (2004) Blastocysts produced by nuclear transfer between chicken blastodermal cells and rabbit oocytes. Mol Reprod Dev 69:296-302.

8.  Jiang Y, Liu SZ, Zhang YL, Jian MX, Sun QY, Chen DY (2004) The fate of mitochondria in ibex-hirus reconstructed early embryos. 生物物理与生物化学学报 36:371-374.

9. Huo LJ, Fan HY, Zhong ZS, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2004) Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway modulates Modulates Mouse Oocyte Meiotic Maturation and Fertilization via Regulation of MAPK Cascade and Cyclin B1 Degradation. Mechanisms of Development 121:1275-1287.

10. Dong Zhang, Wei Ma, Yong-Hai Li, Yi Hou, Shi-Wen Li, Xiao-Qian Meng, Xiao-Fang Sun, Qing-Yuan Sun, and Wei-Hua Wang (2004)Intraoocyte Localization of MAD2 and its relationship with kinetochores, microtubules, and chromosomes in rat oocytes during meiosis. Biol Reprod 71:740-748.

11. Zheng YL, Jang MX, Zhang YL, Sun QY, Chen DY (2004) Effects of oocyte age, cumulus cells and injection methods on in vitro development of intracytoplasmic sperm injection rabbit embryos. Zygote 12:75-80.

12. Li M, Li YH, Hou Y, Sun XF, Sun QY, Wang WH (2004) Isolation and culture of pluripotent cells from in vitro produced porcine embryos. Zygote 12:43-48.

13.Meng XQ, Fan HY, Zhong ZS, Zhang G,Li YL, Chen DY, Sun QY*.(2004)Loclaization of g-tubulin in mouse eggs during meiotic maturation, fertilization and early embryonic development. J Reprod Dev 50:97-105.

14.Huo LJ, Fan HY, Liang CG,Yu LZ, Zhong ZS,Chen Dy, Sun QY* (2004)Regulation of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway on pig oocyte meiotic maturation and fertilization. Biology of Reproduction 71:835-862.

15.Yao LJ, zhang LS, Kou ZH, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2004) Translocation of g-tubulin during porcine oocyte maturation and activation. Prog. Biochem Biophys 31:339-344.

16.Huo LJ, Fan Hy, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2004).Function and interaction of maturation-promoting factor and mitogen-activated protein kinase during meiotic maturation and fertilization of oocyte. Progress in Natural Science  14:562-567.

17.Li M, Hou Y, Sun XF, Sun QY, Wang WH.(2004) Improved isolation and culture of ES cells from Chinese miniature pigs. J Reprod Dev 50:237-244.

18.Yao LJ, Zhong ZS, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2004). Auroa-A is a critical regulator of microtubule organization and nuclear activity in pig oocytes, fertilized eggs and early embryos. Biology of Reproduction 70(5)1392-1399.

19.Sun QY, Fuchimato D,Nagai T.(2004) Regulatory roles of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in pig oocyte meiotic maturation and fertilization. Theriogenology 62:245-255.

20.Fan HY, huo LJ, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2004)Protein kinase C and mitogen-actuivated protein kinase cascade in mouse cumulus cells:crosstalk and effect on meiotic resumption of oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 70:1178-1187.

21.Fan HY,Huo LJ, Sun QY* (2004)Methodology for Detection of spindle-accociated proteins by confocal microscopy in mammalian oocytes. Prog. Biochem Biophys 31:54-58

22.Fan HY,Sun QY* (2004)Involvement of MAPK cascade during oocyte maturation and fertilization in mammals. Biology of Reproduction* 70:535-547.

23.Quan HM, Meng XQ, Hou Y, Sun QY* (2004) Sperm penetration of immature and maturing oocytes does not affect phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in pigs. Reprod Fertil Dev 15:383-387.

24.Quan HM, Fen HY, Meng XQ, Huo LJ, Chen DY, Scahtten H, Sun QY* (2003) Effect of protein kinase C activation on mouse oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. Zygote 11:329-337.

25.Liu RH, Sun QY, Li YH, Jiao LH, Wang WH (2003) Maturation of porcine oocytes after cooling at the germinal vesicle stage. Zygote 11:299-305.

26.Fan HY Huo LJ, Meng XQ, Zhong ZS, Hou Y, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2003)Involvement of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in meiotic maturation and activation of pig oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 69:1552-1564.

27.Yao LJ, Fan HY, Tong C, Chen DY, Schatten H, and Sun QY* (2003)Polo-like Kinase-1 in Porcine Oocyte Meiotic Maturation, Fertilization and Early Embryonic Mitosis. Cell Mol Biol 49:399-405.

28.Wen DC, Yang CX, Cheng Y, Li JS, Liu ZH, Sun QY, Zhang JX, Lei L, Kou ZH, Chen DY (2003)Compariusion of developmental capacity for intra- and interspecies cloned cat (Felis catus) embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 66:38-45.

29.Wa W,Hou Y, Sun QY, Sun XF, Wang WH (2003)Localization of centrosome proteins and their association with chromosomes and microtubules during meiotic maturation of pig oocytes. Reproduction 126:731-738.

30.Sun QY,Nagai T.2003.Molecular mechanisms underlying pig oocyte maturation and fertilization. J Repro Dev 49:347-359.

31.Li YH, Hou Yi, Ma W, Yuan JX, Zhang D, Sun QY, Wang WH.(2004) Localization of CD9 in pig oocytes and its effects on sperm-egg interaction. Reproduction 127:151-157.


33.Yang CX, Kou ZH, Wang K, Jiang Y, Mao WW, Sun QY, Sheng HZ, Chen DY. (2004) Quantitative analysis of mitochondiral DNAs in macaque embryos reprogrammed by rabbit oocytes. Reproduction 127:201-205.

34.Cai-Xia Yang, Zhi-Ming Han, Duan-Cheng Wen, Qing-Yuan Sun, Ke-Ying Zhang, Li-Sheng Zhang , Yu-Qi Wu, Zhao-Hui Kou, Hui-Zhen Sheng, Da-Yuan Chen (2003)In Vitro Development and Mitochondria Fate of Macaque-Rabbit Cloned Embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 65:396-401.

35.毕春明,李劲松,吴昱琪,张立生,寇朝辉,姜岩,蒋满喜,自力,孙青原,陈大元 (2003)牛卵母细胞不同时间的成熟培养可提高核移植效率。自然科学进展 13:997-1001。

36.Tong C, Fan HY, Li SW, Chen DY, Song XF, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2003) Effect of MEK inhibitor U0126 on meiotic progression in mouse oocytes: microtubule organization, asymmetric division and metaphase II arrest. Cell Research 13:375-383.

37.Fan HY, Huo LJ, Sun QY* (2003) Roles of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in meiotic maturation and fertilization of oocytes. Prog. Biochem Biophys 30:171-174.

38.Zhi-Ming Han, Da-Yuan Chen, Jin-Song Li, Qing-Yuan Sun, Peng-Yan Wang, Jun Du, He-Min Zhang (2003)Flow cytometric cell-cycle analysis of cultured fibroblast cells from the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca L. Cell Biology International 27:349-353.

39.Chen DY, Li JS, Han ZM, Lai L, Liu ZH, Kou ZH, Ma SY, Du QK, Sun QY (2003) somatic cell bovine cloning: Effect of donor cell and recipients. Chinese Science Bulletin 48:549-554.陈大元,李劲松,韩之明,雷蕾,刘忠华,寇朝辉,马世援,杜启科,孙青原.2003)我国首次独立自主的成年牛耳体细胞克隆牛研究 科学通报 48:767-771.

40.Fan HY, Tong C, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2003) Roles of protein kinase C in oocyte meiotic maturation and fertilization. Progress in Natural Science 13:402-406.范衡宇,佟超, 陈大元 孙青原*(2003)蛋白激酶C在卵母细胞减数分裂成熟及受精中的作用。自然科学进展 13:478-484。

41.Cheng Y, Fan HY,Wen DC, tong C, Zhu ZY, Lei L, Sun QY, Chen DY (2003) Asynchronous cytoplast and karyoplast transplantation in mouse oocytes。Molecular Reproduction and Development 65:278-22

42.Fan HY, Tong C, Teng CB, Lian L, Li SW, Yang ZM, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY*. (2003)Characterization of polo-like kinase-1 in rat oocytes and early embryos implies its functional roles in the regulation of meiotic maturation, fertilization and cleavage. Molecular Reproduction and Development 65:318-329.

43.Zhu ZY, Chen DY, Li JS, Lian L, Lei L, Han ZM, Sun QY (2003) Rotation of MII spindle is controlled by microfilaments in mouse oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 68:934-937.

44.Fan HY, Tong C, Lian L, Li SW, Gao WX, Cheng Y, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2003) Characterization of ribosomal protein kinase p90rsk during meiotic maturation and fertilization in pig oocytes: mitogen-activated protein kinase-associated activation and localization. Biology of Reproduction 68:968-977.

45.Liu RU, Sun QY, Li YH, Jiao LH, Wang WH  (2003)Effects of cooling on oocyte maturation, meiotic spindle structure and chromosome alignment in in vitro maturing porcine oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 65:212-218.

46. Cheng Y, Han ZM, Sun QY, Chen DY (2003) Development of mouse embryos derived from oocytes reconstructed by metaphase I spindle transfer. Zygote 11:53-59.

47. Sun QY. (2003) Cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to cortical reaction and polyspermy block in mammalian eggs. Microscopy Research Techniques 61:342-348.

48.Yu HQ, Chen DY, Shorgan B, Sun QY* (2002) Phosphorylation of MAP kinase and p90rsk and its regulation during in vitro maturation of cumulus-enclosed rabbit oocytes. Zygote 10:311-316.

49.Fan HY, Li MY, Tong C, Chen DY, Xiao GL, Sun QY* (2002) Inhibitory effects of cAMP and protein kinase C on meiotic maturation and MAP kinase phosphorylation in porcine oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 63:480-487.

50.Fan HY, Tong C, Li SW, Chen DY, Sun QY* (2002) Microtubule organization during in vitro development of rat oocytes. Prog. Biochem Biophys 29:708-713.

51.范衡宇,佟超, 孙青原* (2002)核糖体S6蛋白激酶p90rsk与卵母细胞减数分裂。生物化学与生物物理进展29:506-509

52.Sun QY, Wu GM, Lai L, Bonk A, Cabot R, Park K, Day BN,Prather RS, Schatten H. (2002) Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, chromatin behavior, microtubule organization, and cell cycle progression by protein phosphatases during pig oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. Biology of Reproduction 66:580-588.

53.Lu Q, Smith G, Chen DY, Han ZM, Sun QY*.(2002) Activation of protein kinse C induces MAP kinase dephosphorylation and pronucleus formation in rat oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 67:64-69.

54.Fan HY, Tong C, Lian L, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY* (2002) Translocation of classical protein kinase C (cPKC) isoforms in porcine oocytes: implications of PKC involvement in the regulation of nuclear activity and cortical granule exocytosis. Experimental Cell Research 277:183-191.

55.Tong C, Fan HY, Lian L, Chen DY, Schatten H, Sun QY*.(2002) Polo-like kinase is a pivotal regulator of microtubule organization during mouse oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryonic mitosis. Biology of Reproduction 67:546-554.

56.Cheong HC, Park KW, Im GS, Lai L, Sun QY, Day BN, Perather RS (2002) Effect of elevated Ca2+ concentration in fusion/activation medium on the fusion and development of porcine fetal fibroblast nuclear transfer embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development 61:488-492.

57.Li JS, Chen DY, Han ZM, Zhu ZY, Wen DC, Sun QY, Liu ZH, Wang MK, Lian L, Du J, Wang PY, Zhang HM (2002) Serial nuclear transfer improves the development of interspecies constructed giant panda embryos. Chinese Science Bulletin 47:467-469.

58. Li MY, Fan Hy, Tong C, Chen Dy, Xia GL, Sun QY* (2002) MAPK regulates cell cycle progression in pig oocytes and fertilized eggs. Chinese Science Bulletin 47:843-847.

李满玉, 范衡宇,佟超, 陈大元,夏国良,孙青原* (2002) MAPK参与调节猪卵母细胞和受精卵的细胞周期转变。科学通报 47:374-378。

59.范衡宇,佟超, 陈大元,孙青原* (2002)蛋白激酶在卵母细胞减数分裂成熟及受精中的作用。生物化学与生物物理学报 34:259-265。

60. Fan HY, Tong C, Chen DY, Sun QY (2002) Roles of MAP kinase signaling pathway in oocyte meiosis. Chinese Sceince Bulletin 47:1157-1162.

范衡宇,佟超, 孙青原* (2002)MAPK信号通路在卵母细胞减数分裂中的作用。科学通报47:650-656

61.Park, K.-W., L. Lai, H.-T. Cheong, R. Cabot, Q.-Y. Sun, G. Wu, E.B. Rucker, D. Durtschi, A. Bonk, M. Samuel, A. Rieke, B.N. Day, C.N. Murphy, D.B.Carter, R.S. Prather. (2002) Mosaic Gene Expression in Nuclear Transfer-Derived embryos and the Production of Cloned Transgenic Pigs from Ear-derived Fibroblasts. Biology of Reproduction. 66:1551-1559.

62.Wu GM, Sun QY, Mao J, Lai L, McCauley TC, Park KW, Prather RS, Didion BA, Day BN. (2002)High developmental competence of pig oocytes after meiotic inhibition with a specific M-phase promoting factor kinase inhibitor, butyrolactone I. Biology of Reproduction 67:170-177.

63.Chen DY, Wen DC, Zhang YP, Sun QY, Han ZM, Shi p. Jingong XY, Chen YC, Wang PY, Zhang HM.(2002)Interspecies implantation and mitochondria fate of panda-rabbit cloned embryos. Biology of Reproduction 67:634-642.

64.Sun QY, Lai L, Park KW, Kuhholzer B, Prather RS and Schatten H. (2001)Dynamic events are differently mediated by microfilaments, microtubules, and mitogen-activated protein kinase during porcine oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. Biology of Reproduction 64: 871-889.

65.Sun QY, Lai L, Bonk A, Prather RS and Schatten H. (2001)Cytoplasmic changes in relation to nuclear maturation and early embryo developmental potential of porcine oocytes: effects of gonadotropins, cumulus cells, folliclular size and protein synthesis inhibition. Molecular Reproduction and Development 59: 131-137.

66.Sun QY, Wu GM, Lai LX, Park KW, Day BN, Prather RS and Schatten H. (2001)Translocation of active mitochondria during pig oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryos development in vitro. Reproduction 122:155-163.

67.Sun QY, Lai LX, Wu GM, Park KW, Day BN Prather RS and Schatten H. (2001) Microtubule assembly after treatment of pig oocytes with taxol: correlation with chromosomes, g-tubulin and MAP kinase. Molecular Reproduction and Development 60:481-490.

68.Wang MK, Chen DY, Liu JL, Li GP and Sun QY. (2001) In vitro fertilization of mouse oocytes reconstructed by transfer of metaphase II chromosomes results in live birth. Zygote 9: 9-14.

69. Tan X, Chen DY, Yang Z, Wang YC, Schatten H and Sun QY*.(2001) Phosphorylation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and pathenogenic activation of rat oocytes: correlation with MAP kinase. Zygote 9:269-276.

70.Lu Q, Smith GD, Chen DY, Yang Z, Han ZM, Schatten H, Sun QY*. (2001) Phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase is regulated by protein kinase C, cyclic 3’,5’-adenosine monophosphate, and protein phosphatase modulators during meiotic resumption in rat oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 64:1444-1450.

71.Li GP, Chen DY, Lian L, Sun QY, Wang MK, Song XF, Meng L and Schatten H. (2001) Mouse-rabbit germinal vesicle transfer reveals that factors regulating oocyte meiotic progression are not species-specific in mammals. Journal of Experimental Zoology 289: 322-329.

72.Li GP, Chen DY, Lian L, Sun QY, Wang MK, Lui JL, Li JS and Han ZM. (2001) Viable rabbits derived from reconstructed oocytes by germinal vesicle transfer after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Molecular Reproduction and Development 58: 180-185.

73.Park K, Kuhholzer B, Lai L, Machaty Z, Sun QY, Day BN, Pather RS. (2001) Development and expression of the green fluorescent protein in porcine embryos derived fro nucleat transfer of transgenic granulose-derived cells. Animal Reproduction Science 68: 111-120.

74.Gobert GN, Hueser CH, Curran EM, Sun QY and Schatten H. (2001) Immunolocalization of NuMA and phosphorylated proteins during the cell cycle in human breast and prostate cancer cells as analysed by immunofluorescence and postembedding immunodetection microscopy. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 115:381-395.

75.Lai LX, Tao T, Machaty Z, Kuhholzer B, Sun QY, Park KW Day BN, Prather RS. (2001) Feasibility of producing porcine nuclear transfer by using G2/M-stage fetal fibroblasts as donors. Biology of Reproduction 65:1558-1564.IF=3.605

76.Liu JL, Wang MK, Sun QY, Zhang XR, Jiang Lk, Chen DY. (2001) Refrigeration of donor cells in preparation for bovine somatic nuclear transfer. Reproduction 122:801-808.

77.Lai L, Sun QY, Wu GM, Murphy CN, Kuhholzer B, Park KW, Day BN, Prather RS. (2001) Development of porcine embryos and offspring after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with liposome transfected or non-transfected sperm into in vitro matured oocytes. Zygote 9:339-346.

78.Park KW, Lai L, Cheong K, Im GS, Sun QY, Day BN, Prather RS. (2001)Developmental potential of procine nuclear transfer embryos derived from transgenic fetal bibroblasts infected with the gene for the green fluorescent protein: comparision of different fusion/activation conditions. Biology of Reproduction 65:1681-1685.

79.Han ZM, Chen DY, Li JS, Sun QY, Wang PY, Huang Y, Du J. (2001) The culture of fibroblass from diaphyram of giant panda. In Vitro Animal 37: 37:644-645.

80.范衡宇,李满玉,佟超, 孙青原*(2001) 用激光共聚焦显微术在小鼠卵母细胞中检测蛋白激酶C。生物化学与生物物理学进展 (Prog. Biochem Biophys)28(6):900-903。

81.Sun QY, Lai LX, Prather RS and Schatten H. (2000) Antioxidants stimulate meiosis resumption, but inhibit MAP kinase phosphorylation and farther cell cycle progression in porcine oocytes. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 12:383-389.

82.Liu JL, Wang MK, Sun QY, Xu Z and Chen DY. (2000) Effect of teleophase enucleation on bovine somatic nuclear transfer. Theriogenology 54: 989-998.

83.Luria A, Tennenbaum T, Sun QY, Rubinstein S and Breitbart H. (2000) Differential localization of conventional protein kinase C isoforms during mouse oocyte development. Biology of Reproduction 62:1564-1570.

84.李劲松, 庄大中, 孙青原,陈大元, (2000)转基因动物技术的新进展。 生物化学与生物物理进展 27:124-126。

85.Sun QY, Breitbart H and Schatten H. (1999) Role of the MAPK cascade in mammalian germ cells. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 11: 443-450.

86.Sun QY, Lu Q, Breitbart H and Chen DY. (1999) cAMP inhibits MAP kinase axtivation and reinitiation of meiosis, but exerts no effects after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in mouse oocytes. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 11: 81-86.

87.Sun QY, Lax Y, Rubinstein S and Breitbart H. (1999) Mitogen-activated protein kinase and cell cycle progression during mouse egg activation induced by various stimuli. Z Naturforsch[C] 54:285-294.

88.Sun QY, Rubinstein S and Breitbart H. (1999) MAP kinase in human eggs. Zygote 7:181-185.

89.Liu JL, Chen YC, Sun QY, Song XF, Chen DY. (1999) Culture of skeletal muscle cells from giant panda. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 35(10):553-4.

90.Zhuang DZ, Song XF, Hu GJ, Sun QY, Chen DY. (1999) Sperm antigen MSH27 participates in sperm-egg membrane fusion. Chinese Science Bulletin 44:1483-1488.

91.Liu JL, Wang MK, Lian L, Gao SR, Sun QY, Song XF, Zhang DM, Li Y, Xu Z, Chen DY. (1999) Nuclear transfer using nonquiesent adult fibroblasts from a bovine ear. Chinese Science Bulletin 44: 1971-1974.

92.Ding B, Shi P, Xianyu J, Zhang YP, Sun QY, Han ZM, Chen DY. (1999) Microsatellite DNA analysis proves that nucleus of interspecies reconstructed blastocyst comes from giant panda donor cells. Chinese Science Bulletin 45:1883-1885.

93.Lu Q, Sun QY, Duan CW, Brietbart H and Chen DY. (1999) Expression and phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase during mouse spermatogenesis and epididymal maturation. Archives of Andrology 43:55-66.

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95.Sun QY, Rubinstein S and Breitbart H. (1999) MAP kinase activity is downregulated by phorbol ester during mouse oocyte maturation and egg fertilization. Molecular Reproduction and Development 52: 380-386.

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106.Feng HL, Liu JM, Wen XH, Sun QY, Qin PC.(1994) Follicular oocyte maturation and sperm penetration in vitro in the silver fox. Animal Reproduction Science 36: 163-170.

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110.霍立军,范衡宇,陈大元, 孙青原*2003)泛素-蛋白水解酶复合体系统在卵母细胞减数分裂和受精中的作用。细胞生物学杂志 25:73-77。

111.徐营,雷蕾,刘中华,文端成,廉莉,朱子玉,韩之明,杨利国,孙青原,陈大元 (2003)应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜FRAP技术研究兔早期胚胎发育中细胞间隙连接介导通讯。细胞生物学杂志24:310-312。

112.范衡宇,佟超,孙青原* (2001)丝裂原激活的蛋白激酶信号通路和受精,生命的化学 21:308-310。

113.范衡宇,佟超,李世文,陈大元,孙青原* (2003)蛋白激酶C在小鼠卵母细胞减数分裂成熟及受精中的作用。实验生物学报 36:37-42。

114.李满玉,孙青原*,夏国良,陈大元 (2002) 猪卵母细胞体外成熟过程中p90rsk未被MAPK激活。中国兽医学报22:84-86。

115.李满玉,孙青原*,夏国良,陈大元 (2002) 信号蛋白RSK的研究进展。国外医学—分子生物学分册23:38-41

116.佟超,范衡宇,李满玉,陈大元,孙青原* (2002) Polo-like 激酶 (PLKs)在细胞分裂中的功能研究进展。生理科学进展 33:45-47。

117.韩之明,李劲松,孙青原,陈大元 (2002)兔早期胚胎发育过程中线粒体的位置变化 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)38:113-116。

118.范衡宇,佟超,孙青原* (2002) MAPK信号通路。动物学杂志 37(5)98-102。

119.Tong C, Fan HY,Chen DY, Sun QY*.(2002) Parthenogenetic activation of mouse eggs induced by cycloheximide is calcium-dependent and can be blocked by okadaic acid. Acta Zoologia Sinica 48:749-753.

120.于海泉,孙青原,陈大元,旭日干(2002)MAPK和p90rsk在大鼠卵泡发育中的表达与活性。动物学杂志 37:27-30。

121.庄大中,李劲松,宋祥芬,孙青原,陈大元(2000)小鼠附睾头精子获得与卵子质膜融合能力的物质基础。动物学报 46:195-201。

122.庄大中,宋祥芬,齐跃敏,孙青原,陈大元(1999)MSH27抗原在小鼠睾丸中的定位。解剖学报 30(4)337-441:。

123.刘冀龙,王敏康,李劲松,孙青原,陈大元(1999) 牛耳成纤维细胞的培养。动物学报仇5:472-473。

124.温占强,郑光美,宋祥芬,孙青原,陈大元(1997)黄腹角雉精子超微结构研究,动物学报 43:127-132。

125.李明文,刘辉,孙青原,焦日庄大中,宋祥芬,陈大元(1997)小鼠卵母细胞成熟和受精过程中Ca2+分布变化的研究,动物学报 43:80-84。

126.Gao SR, Sun QY, Huang ZY and Chen DY. (1997) Effects of protein synthesis on maturation of mouse oocytes in vitro. Developmental and Reproductive Biology 6:1-6.

127.Sun QY, Gao SR and Chen DY. (1997) The mechanism of sperm head transformation during mouse oocyte fertilization in vitro. 动物学报 43:382-389.

128.Sun QY, Liu H, Li MW, Duan CW and Chen DY. (1996) Chronological and morphological progression of the nucleus during oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro in the mouse. Developmental and Reproductive Biology 5: 24-33.

129.孙青原,秦鹏春,刘国艺,杨庆章 (1996) 牛体外受精的程序及超微结构 动物学报 42:304-310。

130.孙青原,秦鹏春,刘国艺,杨庆章(1996) 牛卵丘-卵母细胞复合体体外成熟前后的超微结构研究 东北农业大学学报27:156-164。

131.冯怀亮,孙青原,刘国艺,杨庆章,刘国艺,秦鹏春(1996) 牛体外成熟卵母细胞冷冻保存的研究, 畜牧兽医学报 26:481-486。

132.Sun QY, Gao SR and Chen DY. (1995) 6-Dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) spontaneously induces the transition to interphase in metaphase II mouse oocytes. Developmental and Reproductive Biology 4:14-21.

133.李明文,孙青原,刘辉,段崇文,胡国俊,陈大元(1995) 小鼠和地鼠精子附睾成熟中钙分布变化规律 实验生物学报29:142-149。

134.孙青原,侯艺,杨庆章,刘国艺,秦鹏春(1994) 性成熟前牛卵母细胞的体外成熟及受精 中国畜牧杂志31(2):21-22。

135.冯怀亮,秦鹏春,陈大元,孙青原(1994)貉体外受精的细胞学及X-射线微区分析,中国兽医学报 14:108-113。


137.Sun QY, Feng HL, Yang QZ, Liu GY and Qin PC.(1994)Role of trifluoperazine and verapamil in bovine oocyte maturation and cumulus expansion. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition) 1:59-67.

138.孙青原,谭景和,秦鹏春,杨庆章 (1994) 绵羊8-16细胞胚胎的超微结构 东北农业大学学报 25:304-306。

139.孙青原,刘国艺,杨庆章,秦鹏春,冯怀亮 (1994)牛GV期卵母细胞冷冻保存后发育潜力的研究 中国兽医学报 14(3):60-64。

140.孙青原, 秦鹏春, 刘国艺, 杨庆章,冯怀亮 (1994) 牛GV 期卵母细胞冷冻损伤的研究 中国兽医学报 14(1): 90-96。

141. 孙青原, 秦鹏春 (1994)哺乳动物受精机理 黑龙江动物繁殖2(4):36-39。

142.Yang QZ,XU XJ,Liu GY, Sun QY,Qin PC. 1994. Study on in vitro fertilization in cattle. J Northeast Agric. Univ. 1(1):50-58.

143.孙青原1994)牛卵母细胞冷冻保存的研究进展 国外畜牧科技20(6):8-10。

144.孙青原 谭景和,刘国艺,杨庆章,秦鹏春(1993)绵羊卵母细胞的玻璃化冷冻,黑龙江畜牧兽医杂志8:11。

145.Feng HL, Qin PC, Sun QY, Yang QZ,Wen XH, Liu JM (1993)Studies on ionic changes during in vitro fetilization of porcine ova. Annual Anthology of the University of Veterinary Sciences. P31-38.

146.孙青原,谭景和,秦鹏春 (1993) 牛及山羊卵泡发育的研究 黑龙江动物繁殖2:8-10

147.赖良学,孙青原,秦鹏春 (1993)哺乳动物胚胎干细胞的研究进展 生物技术通报8:1-4。

148.孙青原(1993)哺乳动物性别控制的理论与实践 生物学通报28(4):3-5。

149.孙青原,谭景和,杨增明,秦鹏春(1993)山羊卵母细胞闭锁的超微结构研究 兽医大学学报13(2):129-132。

150.孙青原(1993)促性腺激素分泌调控  草食家畜3:41-43。

151.孙青原,秦鹏春(1993)哺乳动物卵母细胞的冷冻保存方法 生物技术3(1):5-9。

152.谭景和,孙青原,杨增明,秦鹏春(1992)山羊卵母细胞发育的超微结构研究 解剖学报23(1):106-110。

153.孙青原(1991)生物技术在畜牧兽医中的应用 山东畜牧兽医杂志2:16-18。

154.孙青原(1990)家畜胚胎质量的评价方法 黑龙江畜牧兽医杂志2:34-36。

155.孙青原,秦鹏春(1990)牛卵母细胞发育过程中细胞核变化 东北农学院学报21:234-239。

156.孙青原(1989)家畜的天然抗病力 黑龙江畜牧兽医杂志9:34-36。

157. 孙青原,秦鹏春(1989)牛卵母细胞发育的超微结构研究 山东农业大学学报 20:9-191。

158.孙青原(1988)超声诊断在家畜繁殖中的应用 黑龙江畜牧兽医杂志8:32-35。


Book and book chapters


1.陈大元, 孙青原(副主编) 李光鹏(2000)受精生物学(66万字),科学出版社

2.孙青原,李云龙 (2003)发育的分子事件 (李云龙 刘春巧主编:哺乳动物发育生物学),pp496-540,山东科技出版社

3.Sun QY, Fan HY (2004)MAP kinase activity during fertilization. In:Schatten H (eds), Germ Cell Protocols: Sperm and Oocytes, pp293-304,Humana Press, USA

4.Fang HY, Sun QY (2004) In vitro maturation and fertilization of porcine oocytes. In: Schatten H (eds), Germ Cell Protocols: Sperm and Oocytes, pp227-233,Humana Press, USA.


6.孙青原,陈大元 (2004)中国大百科全书-生理学:受精(印刷中)

7.孙青原 (2004)中国大百科全书-胚胎学:精子、卵子、无性生殖(印刷中)