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Reproductive characteristics of transgenic (TG) chickens carrying an exogenous gene

Fumio Ebara, Noboru Fujihara

Animal Resource Science Section, Division of Bioresoure and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Graduate School of Kyushu University, Fukuoka  812-8581, Japan

Asian J Androl  1999 Sep; 1: 139-144

Keywords: exogenous genes; chicken; MiwZ; germinal crescent; primordial germ cells; spermatozoa; transgenic animals
An exogenous gene (lacZ/MiwZ) introduced into the germinal crescent region (GCR) of avian embryos was confirmed to be successfully transferred to the gonads via the primordial germ cells (PGCs). Following hatching, the chicks were raised until the stage of sexual maturation. The incorporation of MiwZ DNA was detected in male and female transgenic chickens, respectively. The normal male and female transgenic birds were subjected to artificial insemination according to routine methods. Fertilized eggs obtained from female transgenic chickens were incubated for 72 h and the embryos removed from the yolk were examined by X-gal staining to detect the introduction of MiwZ in the offspring. As a result, the expression of MiwZ was detected in the offspring. Furthermore, the presence of MiwZ in the extracts from embryos was also detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. In male transgenic chickens, the presence of injected MiwZ in the extracts from sperm was also confirmed. The exogenous gene introduced into the GCR migrated successfully to the gonad resulting in its incorporation into the offspring and spermatozoa of transgenic chickens.

1 Introduction

In the nineteen-eighties, since transgenic chickens have been produced successfully using retroviruses as a vector[1-4], various trials have been done to produce transgenic chickens[5-8]. However, the retrovirus method has disadvantages such as limitation in size of the inserted gene and the method has been considered to be dangerous. Thus, non-retroviral methods, such as  direct DNA transfer into chicken embryos have been succeeded by microinjection of the gene into the germinal disc of the fertilized ovum[9,10], microinjection into the blastoderm (stage X)[11] in ovo[12] and the transfection of blastodermal cells[13,14].

Because the production of germline chimera was a powerful method to produce transgenic chickens, germ cells were useful tools for this purpose. The germ cells are located far from the gonad at the  early developmental stage, existing as primordial germ cells (PGCs).

In avian species, the PGCs circulate temporarily in the bloodstream before migrating into the germinal ridge[15-18]. Thus, the technique for collecting PGCs from blood vessels has been established[19]. Since the PGCs are progenitor cells of ova or spermatozoa, an attempt has been made to introduce exogenous genes into chicken embryos via PGCs[20,21].

In our previous studies, the injection of a foreign gene into the GCR was successful for transferring the gene into the gonads[22] and the transferred gene remained a long time after hatching[23]. However, in our experiments, the incorporation of the exogenous gene into the next generation after sexual maturation has not yet been confirmed. In this study, therefore, we tried to detect the incorporation of foreign genes into offspring obtained from female transgenic chickens and into spermatozoa obtained from male transgenic chickens.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Preparation of fertilized eggs

Fertilized eggs of Rhode Island Red Chickens were obtained by artificial insemination and collected daily. Fertility was more than 80% in this study.

2.2 Preparation of the DNA solution

Figure 1 showed the structure of the constructed plasmid MiwZ maker gene, which contains the E. coli.--galactosidase gene (lacZ) under the control of RSV enhancer and the chicken -actin gene promoter/enhancer[24]. MiwZ DNA (5 L) was mixed with 22.5 L of transfection reagent (DOTAP/l781995; Boehringer Mannheim, Germany), and then diluted up to 50 L with Hepes-buffered saline (HBS; 20 mmol/L Hepes containing l50 mmol/L NaCl, pH7.4) in a polystyrene tube/ The DNA mixture was incubated for 10-15 min at room temperature (22-25). A micropipette (G-1, Narishige, Tokyo, Japan), whose tip had an outside diameter of about 40 m, was filled with the DNA solution prior to microinjection.

Figure 1. Structure of the recombinant plasmid, MiwZ. -actin (-act) and -crystallin (-cry) sequences are shown by the wavy line and their exon sequences by the solid boxes. Bacterial sequences (-gal) are indicated by the open box, HSV-tk sequences by the vertically striped box, SV40 sequence by the horizontally striped box, the RSV LTR sequences by the open arrow and plasmid vector sequence by the solid horizontal line. Promoters and terminaiton signals (tk ter and SV ter) are also indicated. the restriction sites are indicated by B, BamHI; E, EcoRI; K, KpnI; Ps, PstI; Sc, ScaI; SI, Sall; Sm, SmaI; Sp, SphI; and Xb, XbaI.

2.3 Microinjection of the DNA solution

Fertilized eggs were incubated at 38.5 under a relative humidity at 60%-70%. A window of 10-15 mm diameter was opened at the shape end of egg shell when embryos reached the stage 3-5 (trial 1) or 9-11 (trial 2) of development. For trial 1, DNA solution was injected into the site near the GCR with an approximately 1.0 L in total volume, and for trial 2, the solution was introduced into the GCR with the same amount of DNA. After the injection, the window was closed by adhesive tape and the incubation was continued until hatching. Hatched chicks were raised until the stage of sexual maturation.

2.4 Detection of lacZ gene expression in offspring

The expression of DNA (lacZ/MiwZ) was detected by a histochemical staining method (X-gal staining). Fertilized eggs obtained from female transgenic chickens were incubated at 37.8 under a relative humidity of 60%-70% for 72 h (stage 19-20). The embryos were removed from the yolk and washed with DPBS(-)(DULBECCOS PBS TABLETS without Ca2+ and Mg2+, 8l726-001; Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Laboratory Products Division). The embryos were fixed with 0.25 % glutaraldehyde in DPBS(-) for 20 min at 4 and then washed three times with DPBS(-). The embryos were stained for 3-6 h or over night at room temperature (22-25) with a staining solution containing 5 mmol/L potassium ferricyanide, 5 mmol/L potassium ferricyanide, 0.2 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.1% TritonX-100 and 0.1% 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactopyranoside (X-gal, Sigma, USA) in DPBS(-) (pH7.8).

2.5 Detection of lacZ gene by PCR analysis

After X-gal staining, DNA was extracted from the embryonic cells using a DNA Extraction kit (Micro DNA Extraction kit, 20060l, STRATAGENE). In male transgenic chickens, DNA was extracted from the sperm using the same kit as mentioned above. The extracted DNA was dissolved in 10 L TE buffer (10 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 0.25 mmol/L EDTA, pH 8.0) and PCR analysis was performed on 1 L DNA sample to detect the lacZ gene. The sequence of primer for detecting the lacZ gene was: 5-GCGTTACCCAACTTAATCG-3, 5-TGTGAGCGAGTAACAACC-3. After initial denaturation at 94 for 2.5 min, 27 cycles of amplification were performed; DNA was denatured at 94 for l min, annealed at 55 for 2 min and extended at 72 for 2 min. The reactions were then incubated at 72 for 5 min. PCR products were separated on a 2% agarose gel and the bands were visualized under UV light after ethidium bromide staining.

3 Results

3.1 Fertility of offspring

In the fertilized eggs obtained from four female transgenic chickens, fertility of only one chicken (transgenic chicken 18) was lower 20%-30% than that of the others (Table 1).

Table 1. Fertility of eggs obtained from the chimeric chickens.

Chimeric chicken

Number of embryos manipulated

Fertility (%)



34/36 (94.4)



44/47 (93.6)



30/48 (62.5)



42/49 (85.7)

3.2 Expression of lacZ gene in offspring

Expression of lacZ gene was detected in the embryos of offspring (Figure 2). In this study, the expression of DNA was detected in the offspring of all transgenic chickens (Table 2). The expression of lacZ gene decreased gradually as the time proceeded in this experiment. Finally, no expression was detected in the late embryos.

Figure 2. Expression sites of MiwZ DNA in embryos from offsprings by X-gal staining (arrows). (A) and (B): stage 19-20. Bar=250 m.

Table 2. Expression of MiwZ-DNA in the embryos from offspring determined by X-gal staining method.

Chimeric chicken

Number of embryos manipulated

Rate of MiwZ-DNAexpression



4/34 (11.8)



2/40 (5.0)



3/30 (10.0)



2/42 (4.8)

3.3 Presence of lacZ gene by PCR analysis

In female transgenic chickens, the lacZ gene was detected in the embryos of offspring (Table 3, Figure 3).

Table 3. Detection of MiwZ-DNA in the embryos from offspring by PCR analysis.

Chimeric chicken

Number of embryos manipulated

Present rate of lacZ band/%



7/34 (20.6)



7/44 (15.9)



5/30 (16.7)



7/42 (16.7)

Figure 3. Detection of lacZ gene in embryos from offsprings by PCR analysis. M: marker, P: positive control, N: negative control, 1-7: samples.

In this experiment, the DNA band was also detected in the extracts from the embryos which did not express by X-gal staining. In male transgenic chickens, the lacZ gene was also detected in sperm cells by PCR analysis (Table 4, Figure 4).

Table 4. Detection of MiwZ-DNA in spermatozoa from chimeric chickens by PCR analysis

Chimeric chicken

Number of spermatozoa/mL

Expression rate/%



3/6 (50)



1/7 (14.3)

Figure 4. Detection of lacZ gene in spermatozoa from male chimeric chickens by PCR analysis. M: marker, P: positive control, N: negative control, 1-10: samples.

4 Discussion

Transgenic chickens obtained from exogenously DNA-injected embryos showed a normal appearance, giving a regular laying performance, although the rate of egg production was low. In the case of male chickens, semen production also normal, appeared to be  showing a natural appearance of semen characteristics (data not shown).

In the present study, the expression of exogenous gene (lacZ/MiwZ) was detected by the methods of X-gal staining in the embryos obtained from the offspring, although the most remarkably detected DNA was by the method of PCR analysis. Judging from these findings, it was clearly shown that exogenous DNA injected into avian GCR was successfully introduced into the gonads and remained until sexual maturation. The introduced DNA was obviously incorporated into the offspring of transgenic chickens, resulting in the detection of the gene in spermatozoa.

In the present experiments, percentages of offspring showing a positive reaction of lacZ gene were approximately 10% for the first two months and no positive reaction for the chickens after four months. In this study, as mentioned above, the DNA expression was decreased as the time of the experiments elapsed. It has been reported that the expression of exogenous DNA in chicken embryos was gradually decreased and was not transmitted to the next generation[21]. In the present results, the same tendency was observed, through introduced exogenous DNA being clearly expressed in the offspring (Figure 2, Table 2).

On the one hand, some of the embryos having no positive reaction to X-gal staining showed the presence of introduced DNA by the method of PCR analysis, suggesting that in some of the successfully transmitted offspring, the expression of lacZ gene might be suppressed through generative transmission.

With regard to transgenic male chickens, spermatozoa obtained from the offspring showed the presence of exogenous gene. It is not clear whether or not the spermatozoa might retain physiological function when used for artificial insemination. This uncertainty arises because the introduced gene might not be integrated into genome DNA. On the other hand, an advantage of our method for introducing foreign genes into chicken embryos was that no sacrifice of laying hens was needed to obtain the ova from the oviducts. In the previous methods, fertilized ova (single-cell stage) were obtained from the magnum of the oviducts by a surgical operation[9,10].

On the contrary, a possibility has been reported to introduce an exogenous gene into the embryonic tissue using incubated fertilized eggs without sacrificing hens[12]. Another useful method was that the injection of foreign DNA into GCR was also successful for transferring a foreign gene into the gonads[22].

The transferred gene was detected in gonadal tissue from one and two-month-old chickens[23]. The results from this study showed that the chicken carrying transferred foreign gene was successfully transmitted to the offspring and spermatozoa from transgenic chickens.

Since PGCs are progenitor cells of ova or spermatozoa and ensure the transmission to the next generation, many trials, have been done to develop some techniques for gene transfer to chicken embryos via PGCs[15,25,21]. However, most of the previous reports showed that expression of the introduced DNA has not been detected in the next generation of chickens. The present method described here, therefore, suggests the possibility of the successful production of transgenic chickens in the future.

5 Acknowledgments

This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Heiwa Nakajima Foundation, Yasuda International Foudation and Toyota Foudation. The authors thank Dr. T. Kuwana, National Institute for Minamata Disease, for providing us his skillful techniques to obtain avian PGCs. The authors are also very grateful to Mr. N. Yoshihiro for managing experimental chickens throughout these experiments.


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Correspondence to Noboru Fujihara, Ph.D.
Tel & Fax: +81-92-642 2938 
E-mail: nfujiha@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Received 1999-05-18     Accepted 1999-08-22