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ASA Statutes

1. Name
The name of the society should be the Asian Society of Andrology (ASA). ASA is an association of scientists and clinicians active or interested in andrology. The territorial scope of the Society is worldwide, with a clear emphasis on Asia. The word Society mentioned hereafter will mean the ASA.

2. Definition
Andrology is defined as the branch of science and medicine dealing with the male reproductive physiology and pathology in animals and in men. Included in this definition are all related specialized branches of science.

3. Location
The Society is presently registered as a nonprofit organization in Shanghai, China with its seat in Shanghai. The Executive Council may decide to shift to another Asian country if necessary.

4. Objectives
The objectives of the Society are to advance and promote the knowledge of the male reproductive system and ogy in general by coordinating and organizing conferences and courses, by fostering interdisciplinary communication and collaboration, by publication of meritorious studies, and by any other means which are considered appropriate.
4.1 The Society is a non-profitable organization. No bonus or dividends shall be claimed by any member or organization of the Society. No person shall profit from expenses alien to the purpose of ASA or by inappropriately high remunerations.
4.2 The Society may accept any contribution, donation fees, grants from Government funding agencies, private industry or public for carrying out function in accordance with the objectives and spirit of the Society.
4.3 The Society may acquire any property either by gift, purchase, loan or lease or hire, movable or immovable property required for the purpose of the smooth functioning of the Society. The property or money so acquired by the Society will be dealt in by the authorized Executive Council of the Society.
4.4 Profits can only be used for purposes in agreement with the statutes. The Society may appoint people on payment of remuneration to carry out functions entrusted to him/her. Such employee of the Society may become by the eligible for travel expenses etc. to be determined by the Society.
4.5 The Society will publish a periodical and proceedings of its meetings with a high scientific standard to disseminate information regarding scientific advancement, technical information and other allied information for the benefit of its members and the scientific community.The Asian Journal of Andrology, undertaken by the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Society, has been registered in Shanghai, China.
4.6 The Society may constitute special lectures/oration to promote the cause of the Society.

5. Membership
The members of the Society will comprise andrologists who are interested in the teaching, research and developmental activities of all aspects of andrology. The Executive Council decides on the application and nomination of members and shall be guided exclusively by academic and scientific criteria. The Society will have the following categories of membership.
5.1 Founder Members. Founder members will include distinguished scientists and medical practitioners decided and invited by the Executive Council. They will principally include those persons who have participated in he Society from the very beginning.
5.2 Honorary Members. Honorary Member shall be limited to a small number of distinguished colleagues who have made major contributions to either the study of andrology or directly to the Society. The Executive Council will decide about proposals for honorary membership.
5.3 Regular Members. Regular membership is open to all scientists and clinicians with an international/national reputation in andrology. The application for membership must be supported by two members. The application must be accompanied by a curriculum vitae and a list of publications.
5.4 Life Members. Any person who has shown interest in the activities of the Society and who has sufficient professional competence in the field of Andrology can apply for the Life Membership.
5.5 Member-Societies. National Societies of Andrology are welcome to apply for membership. When there is more than one andrological society in a particular country, they may both apply for membership. In countries where there is no andrological society, a related national scientific organization may also apply for membership.
5.6 Supporting Members. Organizations such as pharmaceutical companies and foundations may apply for supporting members of the Society.
5.7 Termination of Membership. Membership shall be terminated by withdrawal, expulsion or death of the member. If a member fails to pay his/her dues for 2 years, the Executive Council has the right to terminate membership. Member may be expelled from the Society by a two-third vote of the Executive Council after conviction for a felony or working against the interests of the Society. Before action is taken, the member must be permitted to present his/her case to the Executive Council in writing or in person.
5.8 Readimission to the Society. Any member who resigns and again seeks admission should apply to the Executive Council. He/she has to pay the arrears and due, if any. The readmission will be subjected to the approval of the Executive Council.
5.9 Membership fees. Membership fees are fixed by the Executive Council. The membership fee will include subscription to the Asian Journal of Andrology at a reduced rate. Life members can subscribe to the journal at the same reduced rate.

6. General Assembly
6.1 Meetings. The Assembly shall, as a rule, be held in connection with an Asian/international congress or meeting of andrology and shall normally take place every 4 years (corresponding to the term of office) with the presence of more than 30% of the ASA members. The assembly shall be summoned in writing at least three months in advance. The invitation shall contain the agenda. The decisions will be documented in the minutes, which shall be signed by the President and the Secretary. The chairman of the assembly is the President or another person who has been elected by the assembly by simple majority. The rapporteur is the Secretary or another person who has been elected by the assembly by simple majority vote. Members of the affiliated national societies may also attend the assembly, but will not have the right to vote.
6.2 Representatives of Member-Societies & Supporting Members. Each member-society or supporting member is entitled to delegate one representative for the General Assembly.
6.3 Representative of International Society of Andrology (ISA). Nomination of a representative from ISA will lie with the Executive Council of the ISA.
6.4 Tasks. The General Assembly is presided over by the President of the Society. Minutes are taken by the Secretary. The General Assembly shall at its meetings:
6.4.1 Receive a report from the President concerning the activities of the Society since the last General Assembly.
6.4.2 Receive a statement from the Secretary.
6.4.3 Receive a statement of the Society's accounts from the Treasurer for adoption.
6.4.4 Consider the dates and places for the future congresses.
6.4.5 Other matters to be discussed at the Assembly. Members should ensure that any matter they wish to place on the agenda should be sent to the Secretary at the earliest possible date and, in any event, not later than eight weeks prior to the General Assembly.

7. Executive Council
7.1 Formation. The Executive Council shall include the five Officers of the Society (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer), 7-9 Council members and the immediate Past President. The Officers and other 7-9 members of the Executive Council are elected at the General Assembly by simple majority. If candidates do not receive a majority of votes, the candidates receiving the highest number of votes in the subsequent balloting shall be elected. Nominations for the officers and council members must have been received both by the President and Secretary at least eight weeks before the General Assembly. All members of ASA can nominate or be nominated with the recommendation of 5 members. The President may nominate a person to be the candidate of his/her successor. The terms of Officers and other members shall last for four years, but they can be re-appointed if re-elected.
7.2 Duties: The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Council between meetings of the General Assembly, including:
7.2.1 To accept or reject membership applications.
7.2.2 To determine the activities of the Society in accordance with the stated objectives.
7.2.3 To coordinate activities for the future congresses. It shall, in close consultation with the Local Organizing Committee, nominate a Scientific Program Committee and a Chairman thereof.
7.2.4 To coordinate with the activities of the International Society of Andrology and other societies involved in the advancement of Andrology.
7.3 Voting. Each member of the Executive Council except the President shall have the right to one vote. Decisions of the Council shall be taken by a majority vote. In cases of tie votes, the President shall cast a vote to break the tie.
7.4 Meeting:
7.4.1 The Executive Council shall be free to hold its meetings wherever and whenever it wishes. A meeting may be summoned at the request of the President or three members of the Council.
7.4.2 The Secretary shall notify each of the members of the Executive Council of a meeting at least three months in advance. The agenda shall be circulated to the Council members in advance of the meeting.
7.4.3 A member of the Executive Council may represent another member absent from the meeting and may vote on his behalf as long as such delegation has been notified in writing to the Secretary.
7.4.4 Decisions made shall be noted by the Secretary in the minutes. The minutes approved by the President and the Secretary shall be sent to all the members of the Society so that they may have a permanent record.
7.5 Alternative Decision Making. If Executive Council cannot meet, decision may be taken in writing. Six weeks shall be allowed to pass between the sending out of ballots and the counting of the votes.
7.6 Replacement of Council Members. If a member cannot serve, he/she will be replaced by one nominated by the same national society or by the Council.

8. Officers
8.1 President, Vice Present, Secretary and Treasurer are the officers of ASA. Two officers jointly are entitled to represent ASA.
8.2 In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over Executive Council and General Assembly meetings.
8.3 Should the President leave office before the end of the official term, the Vice President shall become temporary President until the Executive Council can appoint a successor to finish the current term. This appointed President remains eligible to be elected authorization.
8.4 Contracts, documents or any written material requiring the signature of the Society shall be signed by the President and one other officer and all contracts, documents and instruments in writing so signed shall be binding upon the Society without further authorization.

9. Trustees
The property of the Society shall be vested in four trustees, who shall hold the same on behalf of the Society. The Treasure should be a trustee, together with the President and two other members.

10. Fees
10.1 Members shall pay an annual membership fee fixed by the Executive Council. The fees shall be payable on the 1st day of January of each year. In the event of failure to pay the fee by the 1st of May in any one year, voting rights will automatically be suspended in the General Assembly as well as in the Executive Council until the fee is received, unless specifically waived.
10.2 In special circumstances, the Executive Council may waive the annual membership fee of an individual member.

11. Modification of the Statutes
11.1 The Executive Council may propose changes to the Statutes of the Society. The suggested modifications must be submitted to all members at least thirty days prior to the voting. The vote may be taken by mail ballot or voted on at the General Meeting of the Society. Changes in the Statutes shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those members responding by written ballot or present at the General Meeting of the Society.
11.2 The members or Member-societies can also propose changes in the statutes to the Council at least one year before the next General meeting.

12. Auditing of Income and Expenditure
The account of the Society shall be audited once in each year by an auditor and authenticated by the Secretary, Treasurer and the President.

13. Responsibility of Legal Action by or for the Society
Any Legal action by the Society or for the Society shall be handled by the Executive Council, which shall be responsible for such action.

14. Dissolution of the Society
14.1 Any member not less than 2/3 of the total number on record of the Society, present at such meeting convened for the purpose may determine that ASA shall be dissolved whether forthwith or any future times that is agreed upon as provided in section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
14.2 In case of dissolution of ASA, the leftover funds shall be used for tax-privileged purposes. Decisions concerning the future use of the funds require approval of the Tax office.

* ASA was founded on 8 November 1992 at the First Asian and Oceanic Congress of Andrology, Nanjing, China. The statutes were modified at the Ad Hoc Executive Council Meeting on 4 March 2001, during the First Asian ISSAM Meeting on the Aging Male, 1-4 March 2001, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with the affirmative vote of 75% of ASA members responding by written ballot. The modified Statues were then signed by Prof Shao-Zhen QIAN, Prof FX Arif Adimoelja and Dr M Ismail M Tambi.

Asian Journal of Andrology CN 31-1795/R ISSN 1008-682X  Copyright © 2023  Shanghai Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  All rights reserved.