As an English journal we considered some time ago to provide our authors and readers, for whom English is not their first language, a space dedicated to improving their scientific English writing skills.
In this endeavor we have obtained the generous help from Dr Trevor G Cooper, who has written a comprehensive English style and grammar Glossary that should be helpful for those writing English articles as a non-native English speaker.
Our English Corner is updated now!
The updated AJA English Corner is enlarging to four parts: (1) a lengthier Introduction; (2) the main Glossary (including more examples of poor English); (3) a new section on English grammar (which explains the reasons for the changes suggested in the Glossary); and (4) a section on technical aspects that may be of interest to readers (decimal and binary numbers, statistics, measurement scales, accuracy, precision, etc.).
Again, we should like to express out great gratitude to Dr Cooper for his time, energy and enthusiasm.
Please enjoy it!
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