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Urinary follicle stimulating hormone can be used as a biomarker to assess male reproductive function

Xin-Ru WANG1, James W Overstreet2, Heather Todd2, Qing QIU1, Jiang-Hua YANG3, Shu-Yi WANG1, Xi-Ping XU4, Bill L Lasley2

1School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
2Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA
3Anhui Meizhong Institute for Biomedical Science and Environmental Health, Anhui, China
4School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA

Asian J Androl  1999 Jun; 1: 67-72

Keywords: follicle stimulating hormone; sperm count; reproduction; testis; spermatozoa; urine; urinalysis
Aim: To develop an algorithm for use in population-based studies to assess testicular function by measurements of total urinary follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Methods: Total concentrations of urinary FSH were measured in a group of 44 men at the University of California, Davis (UCD) and were compared to FSH measurements in serum. On the basis of these and other published data, a urinary FSH value of >2 ng/mg creatinine (Cr) was selected as the cutoff point to identify men with elevated serum FSH (>12 IU/L) or low sperm counts (<20 million/mL). Results: The sensitivity and specificity of this algorithm for detecting elevated serum FSH in a group of 58 agricultural workers in the People's Republic of China were 100% and 50%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of this algorithm for detecting low sperm counts in a population of 105 infertility patients at UCD were 58% and 76%, respectively. Conclusion: This test may have particular value in identifying populations with no evidence of testicular toxicity, and in which labor-intensive semen studies may not be feasible.

1 Introduction

There is growing concern that physical and chemical hazards in the environment may be responsible for a general decline in male reproductive potential during the past fifty years[1]. Although this interpretation is controversial[2], there is no doubt that specific chemical and physical agents can produce testicular injury and infertility in human males[3].

The laboratory evaluation of male fertility relies primarily on analysis of semen[4], and a number of contemporary epidemiologic studies have taken this approach for identifying reproductive hazards to male fertility in the workplace or other environments[5]. Nevertheless, the use of semen tests to provide biomarkers for epidemiologic studies presents substantial challenges for field workers. Many men will not participate in such studies for cultural or personal reasons. An individual who donates semen for a field study may be ambivalent about his participation and may not be motivated to follow instructions. Even when thoroughly instructed, such men may fail to understand the importance of the procedures they must follow in obtaining the specimen, and they may not appreciate the consequences of noncompliance with the instructions given. For example, failure to observe the prescribed period of sexual abstinence may affect the semen volume and sperm concentration, as may the technique of semen collection (ie, there may be partial loss of the specimen)[6].

Endocrine biomarkers have not been used exclusively in epidemiologic field studies of male fertility although they have been used in some studies to provide adjunctive data[7]. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations may be elevated in cases of testicular damage because of adverse effects on the Sertoli cell and its production of inhibin, which provides the primary negative feedback for FSH secretion[8]. Nevertheless, clinical studies have demonstrated that relatively normal serum gonadal and pituitary hormone profies can be found in association with significant defects in sperm production and infertility[9].

Almost all existing clinical data on endocrine profiles in men with testicular dysfunction have been obtained from measurements of circulating hormones. Because FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) secretion patterns are pulsatile, the ranges of normal and abnormal serum values are broad and overlapping[8]. Urinary assays of reproductive hormone metabolites have been employed successfully in large-scale epidemiologic studies of exposed women in order to detect early spontaneous abortion[10]. Because this approach to collection of reproductive biomarkers is minimally invasive, urine collection is particularly well suited to field studies in which subject recruitment and compliance are major concerns. The function of the kidney to concentrate the urinary metabolites of reproductive hormones provides an additional advantage in that pulsatile secretion patterns may be integrated, and thus some biological variability may be reduced. Monitoring of urinary hormones has not been reported for exposed males because reliable assays for pituitary gonadotropin metabolites which can be applied to population-based studies have not been readily available. Recently, we have developed and validated a practical, sensitive and economical assay for total urinary FSH which can be used for analysis of urine samples collected without preservatives[11]. We have demonstrated the potential utility of this assay for determining the day of ovulation and the early endocrine signals of pregnancy[12]. In this manuscript we report our initial observations on the application of this assay for identifying men in a non-clinic population with elevated levels of serum FSH. We also applied the assay to a group of infertility patients in order to assess the utility of the assay for recognizing men with low sperm numbers in their semen and for identifying men who had no evidence of low sperm counts.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Subjects

In order to identify the concentration of urinary FSH metabolites which corresponds to an elevated level of serum FSH, forty four male volunteers were recruited at the University of California, Davis (UCD) to provide both serum and urine samples. Ten of these subjects were fertile men who were semen donors for a therapeutic artificial insemination program. All of these subjects had normal serum levels of FSH. Thirty four subjects were infertility patients who were selected on the basis of previous clinical evaluations to provide a wide range of serum FSH values. The serum and urinary FSH values from the 10 fertile men and 10 of the infertile men have been reported previously[11]. Blood samples were collected at the clinic by venipuncture, the samples were allowed to clot and the serum was removed and stored frozen until analyzed. The subjects provided five consecutive weekly urine samples, beginning in the week in which serum was obtained. Early morning urine samples were collected at home and were stored immediately without preservatives in the subject's refrigerator freezer (-10). The samples were returned to the laboratory at the end of the five week collection and were stored at -20. The samples were thawed and refrozen approximately five times over an eight year period.

The sensitivity of the urinary FSH assay for detecting men with abnormal serum FSH values was tested in a population of 58 men recruited in the People's Republic of China (PRC). These subjects were agricultural workers in Anhui Province, who were not selected on the basis of previous medical history or endocrine evaluations. These men are participants in an ongoing study of the effects of environmental chemicals on male reproductive function. Blood and urine samples were collected from the subjects in the PRC according to the same basic protocol as used for the subjects at UCD, except that three weekly blood and urine samples were collected from each man. The samples were shipped frozen to the laboratory at UCD for analysis.

The sensitivity of the urinary FSH assay for detecting men with abnormal sperm numbers in semen was tested in a population of 105 men who were recruited at UCD. These subjects were referred to the clinical andrology laboratory for semen evaluation because they were members of infertile couples. They were not selected on the basis of their medical history or any previous laboratory evaluations. If they agreed to participate in the study, they were asked to provide a single urine sample on the same day that they collected a semen sample by masturbation for laboratory evaluation. Subjects were instructed to abstain from ejaculation for forty eight hours prior to semen collection.

2.2 Assays

Serum FSH concentrations were measured using a commercial kit (Diagnostic Products Corp, Los Angeles, CA). The assay for total urinary FSH, which is based on measurement of the FSH beta subunit, was performed as previously described[11]. Briefly, microtiter plates (Nunc-Immuno Plate, Maxisorptm) were coated with 200 L of 10 g/mL monoclonal anti-beta hFSH antibody (FS2-4A10-G10, Scantibodies Lab Santee, CA) in 0.2 mol/L sodium bicarbonate buffer, pH 9.6, and incubated for 6 h or overnight at room temperature (RT, 27). Unbound sites in the wells were then blocked by overnight incubation with 250 L of 1% casein, 0.05% Tween 20 and 0.1% sodium azide in 10 mmol/L PBS, pH 7.5. On the next day, 100 L of 0.5 mol/L phosphate-buffer saline (PBS) buffer containing 1% BSA and 0.05% sodium azide, pH 7.5, were added to every well. Urine samples or internal controls were transferred to polypropylene minitubes and placed into boiling water for 2 min to dissociate the FSH subunits. Then, 100 L of treated urine samples, internal controls or FSH beta subunit standard (provided by the National Hormone and Pituitary Program) were added to each assigned well and incubated overnight at RT. Two hundred microliters of polyclonal rabbit anti hFSH- antisera were diluted 1:5000 in buffer B (0.1% beta gamma globulin, 1% polyethylene glycol 8000, 0.05% Tween 20 and 10 mmol/L ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) in 10 mmol/L PBS) and added to each well before overnight incubation at RT. The next day, 200 L of biotinylated goat anti rabbit IgG (Bio-Rad 170-6401) diluted 1:64 K in buffer B were added and incubated for 2 h at RT, followed by incubation with 200 L of alkaline phosphatase streptavidin diluted 1:2000 in APS buffer (1.0 mol/L NaCl, 0.1% Tween 20 in 10 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH 7.5) for 1 h at RT. Finally, 200 L of 1 mg/mL p-Nitrophenyl Phosphate (pNPP) in substrate buffer (1.0 mmol/L MgCl2, 1.0 mol/L Diethanoamine-HCl, pH 9.0) were added to each well. The plates were emptied and thoroughly washed with ELISA wash (0.15 mol/L NaCl plus 0.05% Tween 20) between each step. Color development was expected within 1 h, and each plate was read on a microtiterplate reader (Dynatec Microplate Reader model MR600; Dynatech Laboratory Inc, Alexandria, VA) using the dual wavelength mode, 405 nm minus reference 650 nm. The absorbances were automatically transferred to an enzyme immunoassay data reduction program for curve fitting and data analysis. Urinary concentrations of FSH were indexed by the creatinine (Cr) concentration in the urine sample[10]. The intra-assay reliability was 2.9% and the inter-assay coefficient of variation was 7.4%[11].

Semen evaluations were carried out in accordance with published methods[13]. Briefly, the semen volume was measured to the nearest 0.1 mL using a serological pipette. A -Cell slide (Spectrum Technologies) in combination with a reticle grid was used for determining the sperm concentration in millions per mL. The total number of sperm per ejaculate was calculated by multiplying the semen volume and the sperm concentration. Semen was classified as normal or abnormal according to the criteria of the World Health Organization[14]. Sperm numbers in semen were considered to be abnormal if the sperm concentration was less than 20 million sperm/mL, or the total number of sperm in the ejaculate was less than 40 million.

2.3 Data Analysis

Mean values for serum FSH and urinary FSH were used for analysis when multiple determinations were available. Correlation coefficients were calculated using the regression analysis program provided by the Lotus Corp spreadsheet. Sensitivity, specificity and confidence intervals were calculated using standard statistical methods[15].

3 Results

For the 44 subjects recruited at UCD there was a highly significant correlation between serum FSH and total urinary FSH (r=0.75, P<0.001, Figure 1). The relationship between the FSH values in serum and urine in this group of men was used to establish a cutoff value for urinary FSH which could be tested for its utility in identifying men with low sperm counts. The regression analysis of these data resulted in a first order equation of Y=3.7X+6.44. The serum FSH values of 765 men with sperm concentrations >20 million/mL was reported to range from undetectable to 11.7 mIU/mL[9]. On the basis of the data of Morrow et al, and the regression analysis of the present data, the range of urinary FSH for normal men was calculated to be 0 to 1.42 ng/mg Cr. Taking into account the report from the same previous study[9] that men with normal testicular biopsies had serum FSH levels as high as 15.4 mIU/mL (corresponding to 2.42 ng/mg Cr in urine), we selected a total urinary FSH value of>2.0 ng/mg Cr as the cutoff point for identifying men with abnormal testicular function.

Figure 1. The scattergram of individual serum FSH concentrations and the average values of five total urinary FSH concentrations from 44 men with a range of serum FSH values. The serum samples were collected at the same time that the first urine sample was collected and the remaining urine samples were collected at weekly intervals.

For the 58 subjects recruited in the PRC the correlation between FSH values in serum and in urine also was highly significant (r=0.72, P<0.001). In this group of men 20 had serum FSH values>12 mIU/mL and all of these subjects had a total urinary FSH>2.0 ng/mg Cr. Therefore, the sensitivity of the urinary FSH assay to detect elevated serum FSH in this population was 100% (Table 1). The predictive value of a negative urinary FSH test (ie <2.0 ng/mg Cr) also was 100%. The specificity of the urinary assay to detect elevated serum FSH was 50 % and the predictive value of a positive urinary FSH assay was 51% (Table 1).

Table 1. Sensitivity and specificity of total urinary FSH to detect men with elevated levels of serum FSH.

Total Urinary FSH

Serum FSH


12 mIU/mL

< 12 mIU/mL

2 ng/mg Cr




< 2 ng/mg Cr








Specificity (95% CI)=50% (34-66)
Predictive value of a positive test (95%CI)=51%(35-67)
Predictive value of a negative test=100%

In the group of 105 infertility patients at UCD, 37 men (35 %) had urinary FSH levels that were >2.0 ng/mg Cr. When we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the urinary FSH assay for detecting low sperm concentrations, we found that the assay had a sensitivity of 58 % and a specificity of 76% to detect the thirty eight men with a sperm concentration <20 million sperm/mL (Table 2). The predictive value of a negative test was 76% and the predictive value of a positive test was 59% (Table 2). Similarly, the sensitivity and specificity of the urinary FSH assay to detect the 32 men with total sperm numbers <40 million were 53% and 71%, respectively, and the predictive values of a negative test and a positive test were 78% and 45%, respectively (Table 3).

Table 2. Sensitivity and specificity of total urinary FSH to detect men with low sperm concentrations in semen Total Urinary FSH Sperm Count.

Total Urinary FSH

Sperm Count


< 20 million/mL

20 million/mL

2 ng/mg Cr




< 2 ng/mg Cr








Sensitivity (95% CI)=58% (42-74)
Specificity (95% CI)=76% (66-86)
Predictive value of a positive test (95%CI)=59% (43-75)
Predictive value of a negative test (95%CI)=76% (66-86)

Table 3. Sensitivity and specificity of total urinary FSH to detect men with low numbers of sperm in semen.

Total Urinary FSH

Total Sperm Per Ejaculate


< 40 million

40 million

2 ng/mg Cr




< 2 ng/mg Cr








Sensitivity (95% CI)=53% (36-70)
Specificity (95% CI)=71% (61-81)
Predictive value of a positive test (95% CI)=45% (29-51)
Predictive value of a negative test (95% CI)=78% (62-88)

4 Discussion

Measurements of serum gonadotropins are considered essential for the clinical evaluation of men with suspected infertility[8,16]. Although some studies have demonstrated a relationship between serum gonadotropin levels and sperm concentration in semen[17-19], other investigators found that serum FSH levels were consistently increased only in cases of testicular failure which resulted in azoospermia[20]. In clinical practice, an endocrine evaluation usually is obtained only when the semen parameters are abnormal; and in these cases, elevated gonadotropins usually indicate primary gonadal insufficiency, for which there is no medical therapy[16]. Thus, the endocrine signals of male reproductive dysfunction have been regarded as relatively late signs of toxicity, and their utility as biomarkers of male reproductive function in population-based studies has been questioned[21].

There are few clinical data on the relationship between urinary FSH values and testicular function. Previous studies utilized murine bioassays of FSH activity, and showed no correlation between the histologic characteristics of the testis and urinary FSH levels[22]. Before contemporary, enzyme-based immunoassays could be applied for measurements of urinary FSH, it was necessary to address the problem of dissociation of the FSH heterodimer in urine samples. Such dissociation results from the freezing and thawing of urine, and causes a decline in the concentration of immunoreactive, intact FSH during storage[23]. As a consequence, subjects must collect urine samples with some type of cyro-preservative such as glycerol. This requires an additional effort in terms of sample kit preparation and may confound the later use of urine samples if biomarkers for exposure are also used. This problem was overcome by the development of an assay procedure which dissociated all urinary FSH into its alpha and beta subunits and then measured the total amount of beta subunit in the sample[11].

In a previous study, we investigated the relationship between urinary concentrations of FSH and serum concentrations of FSH[11]. Weekly urine samples were collected and analyzed from a group of 10 fertile men and 10 infertile men following the collection of paired blood and urine samples. The overall correlation between FSH concentration in the weekly urine sample and FSH concentration the initial blood sample remained strong for four weeks following blood collection (r values ranged from 0.90 to 0.94). However, for unknown reasons, the correlation fell to r=0.76 by the fifth week after blood collection[11]. Our data from normal women, who exhibit dynamic FSH production profiles, demonstrate that daily changes in serum FSH are matched by similar changes in daily urine measurements using this same assay[12]. Thus, it appears that in men FSH production and excretion are closely linked and relatively stable over prolonged periods of time.

The results of the present study demonstrate that this assay for total urinary FSH[11] is highly sensitive for identifying men with elevated serum FSH. The negative predictive value of the test also is very high for assessing elevated serum FSH levels. Those men in our sample who did not have elevated FSH in urine did not have high serum FSH levels. As might be predicted from the clinical literature, the urinary FSH assay lost sensitivity when it was applied for identification of men with low sperm production. This result can be explained because many men with low sperm counts do not have sufficiently advanced testicular failure to cause an elevation of pituitary gonadotropins. An additional complexity arises from the fact that some men can be expected to have low sperm counts for reasons other than gonadal failure, such as blockage of the reproductive tract. The present data also demonstrate that urinary FSH measurements have good negative predictive value for identifying men who do not have low sperm counts. This quality of the test could be expected since there are few situations other than testicular failure in which FSH production is likely to be increased.

Because urine collection is non-invasive, participation of subjects is likely to be enhanced in epidemiologic studies which use urine rather than blood or semen as the material for biological measurements. For this reason alone, urinary gonadotropin measurements may prove to be cost effective for screening populations of men with suspected reproductive impairment. These tests may be particularly valuable for identifying populations with no evidence of testicular toxicity, and in which labor-intensive semen studies may not be feasible.


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Project supported by National Institutes of Health Grants ES04699,ES06198 and ES05707.
Correspondence to Dr James Overstreet, ITEH, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8615 USA. 
Tel: +1-530-752 3012   Fax: +1-530-752 5300
E-mail: jwoverstreet@ucdavis.edu
Received 1999-03-08     Accepted 1999-05-10