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Histologic changes in the mouse testis after bilateral vasectomy

Shio Kumar Singh, Sumana Chakravarty

Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

Asian J Androl  2000 Jun; 2: 115-120

Keywords: vasectomy; testis; mouse; contraception
Aim: To study the effect of vasectomy on histological appearance of the testis. Methods: Parkes strain mice were used as the animal model; they were bilaterally vasectomized (Vx) or sham-operated (So) and killed at intervals of 4, 6, 9, and 12 months after the operation. Testes were excised from 5 Vx and 5 So mice at each interval and processed for histological examination. Results: Testes of So mice showed normal histological features. By contrast, marked alterations were observed in the seminiferous tubules in testes of Vx mice, except in those killed 4 months after the operation. The seminiferous epithelium in the tubules was only 2-3 layers thick and showed much depletion of germ cells; in severe cases, the epithelium consisted of only a thin layer of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and a few spermatocytes. Exfoliation of germ cells, occurrence of multinucleated giant cells and vacuolated appearance of the epithelium were of common features in the tubules. Furthermore, lumen of the retetestis in Vx mice was greatly dilated and showed accumulation of spermatozoa with immature germ cells; in mice vasectomized for 6-12 months, several macrophages ingesting spermatozoa were often observed in the lumen of the rete testis. Spermatic granuloma was also sometimes noticed in corpus or in cauda regions of the epididymis in mice vasectomized for 6-12 months. Conclusion: We suggest that consequences of vasectomy should be thoroughly understood in order to make this method rather more popular as a reversible method of male contraception.

1 Introduction

Vasectomy is a simple, effective and one of the most widely used methods of male contraception. The operation causes interruption in the luminal continuity of the vas deferens and, thus, interferes with transport of spermatozoa from the testis and epididymis into the ejaculatory duct.  However, there is no unanimity in opinion among authors on the effect of vasectomy on the testis. On one hand, several authors have reported marked alterations in the histoarchitecture of the testis after vasectomy (rat : Flickinger et al[1]; Sarrat et al[2]; guinea pig: Alexander[3]; Tung and Alexander[4]; monkey: Lohiya et al[5]). On the other hand, there are authors who did not find alterations in the testis after the operation (rat : Flickinger[6]; Heller and Rothchild[7]; McDonald and Scothorne[8]; rabbit: Paufler and Foote[9]; monkey: Alexander[10]; Chapman et al[11]; Hadley and Dym[12]). However, there has been an increasing demand in recent years for reversal of vasectomy, so the findings of the effect of vasectomy on the testis are important because lesions induced in the organ by the operation have potential influence on fertility after reversal of the operation. Therefore, there is a need to examine the effect of vasectomy on the testis. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of bilateral vasectomy on the testis of the Parkes strain mouse, which we have been using as the animal model in our laboratory[13].

2 Materials and methods

Forty adult (age: 12-14 weeks) male mice belonging to the Parkes (P) strain, weighing 30-40 g, were used in the investigations.  The animals were housed under standard laboratory conditions and maintained on pelleted food (Lipton India Ltd) and water ad libitum.  After recording initial body weights, they were divided into 4 groups of 10 each and operated upon and killed at intervals of 4 (Group I), 6 (Group II), 9 (Group III) and 12 (Group IV) months.  Within each group, 5 animals were bilaterally vasectomized, and 5 were sham-operated  as controls. 

The operations were performed under sodium pentobarbital (60 mg/kg body weight, ip) anesthesia via a lower mid-abdominal incision. The vas deferens on each side was exposed without causing injury to the adherent blood vessels and a double ligature, about 1 cm apart, was applied using silk thread. The portion of the vas between the two ligatures was removed and the ligated ends were replaced in the abdominal cavity; the incision was then closed in two layers. The scrotal sacs were checked on alternate days for two weeks and then at weekly intervals to ascertain that the animals did not become cryptorchid after the operation. For sham operation, the same procedure was applied except that the vas deferens was neither ligated nor divided. All operations were carried out under sterile conditions as described by Heller and Rothchild[7].

After recording final body weights, animals were sacrificed by dislocation of the cervical vertebrae, and the testes and epididymes were dissected out and weighed. The testes were then fixed for histological studies in freshly prepared Bouin's fluid, dehydrated in graded ethanol series, cleared in benzene and embedded in paraffin wax.  Tissues were sectioned longitudinally at 6 m and serial sections were obtained, which were stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and counterstained with Harris haematoxylin. 

Data were analysed for statistical difference by Student's t-test. Values were considered significant at P<0.05.

3 Results

All animals maintained a healthy appearance throughout the period of study and no significant differences were found between the initial and final body weights of the vasectomized animals and controls. However, a significant reduction was noted in the weight of the testis in vasectomized mice as compared with controls. The epididymal weight, on the other hand, showed a significant increase in vasectomized mice in comparison to controls (Table 1). 

Table 1.  Effect of vasectomy on body weight and weight of the testis and epididymis in the laboratory mouse. So: Sham-operated; Vx: Vasectomized. aValues are meanSEM (n=5) and refer to the weight of the single organ. Significantly different from controls: bP<0.05; cP<0.02; dP<0.01; eP<0.001.

Group and duration
of experiment


Body weight (g)

Sex organs weighta
(mg/100 g body weight)





I Four months











II Six months











III Nine months











IV Twelve months











The testes of controls (Figure 1) exhibited normal histological features; the seminiferous tubules showed spermatogenic activity with successive stages of transformation of spermatogonia into spermatozoa. By contrast, marked histologic changes were observed in the semini-ferous tubules in testes of vasectomized mice, except   those killed 4 months after the operation. However, individual differences were noticed in response of the testis to the operation, and some animals showed more alterations in the seminiferous tubules than others. Four months after vasectomy, almost normal histological features were observed in the seminiferous tubules in the testis, except that small separations were sometimes noticed between cells in the seminiferous epithelium.  However, at six months post-vasectomy (Figure 2), marked regressive changes were noticed in the seminiferous tubules; the seminiferous epithelium was only 2-3 layers thick and showed much depletion of germ cells and was lined by Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and few spermatids; the lumen of the tubules was wide and devoid of spermatozoa. Nine months after vasectomy, regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules were further pronounced and the seminiferous epithelium presented a vacuolated appearance. By 12 months of vasectomy, maximal regressive changes were observed in the seminiferous tubules in the testis (Figures 3-5). The seminiferous epithelium was disorganized and showed much depletion of germ cells. In severe cases, the tubules were lined with only a thin layer of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and a few spermatocytes. The nuclei of the Sertoli cells were sometimes dislocated from the basal portion towards the luminal portion. The changes in the tubules included exfoliation of germ cells, occurrence of giant cells, and presence of vacuoles in the epithelium. Giant cells containing 2-9 round nuclei of early spermatids were seen in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules; occasionally, giant cells containing flattened nuclei of late spermatids were also seen (Figure 4). Sometimes, macrophages ingesting spermatozoa were also noticed in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules in testes of mice vasectomized for nine and twelve months (Figure 5). The appearance of the Leydig cells in vasectomized mice at each interval was considered normal.

Figure 1.   Testis of a sham-operated mouse. Note the normal appearance of the organ.  160. 
Figure 2.   Testis of a mouse six months after vasectomy. Note marked depletion of germ cells in the seminiferous tubules; the germinal epithelium is lined by mainly Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and few spermatids. The lumen of the tubules is wide.  160. 
Figure 3.   Testis of a mouse twelve months after vasectomy. Note marked regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules; the tubules are showing  intraepithelial  vacuoles  and  exfoliation of germ cells. 200.
Figure 4.   Portion of seminiferous tubule from the testis of a mouse twelve months after vasectomy to show occurrence of giant cells. Giant cells (arrow head) with flattened nuclei of late spermatids and those (arrows) with round nuclei of early spermatids are seen in the lumen of the tubule.  510. 
Figure 5.   Testis of a mouse twelve months after vasectomy to show maximal regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules.  Lumen of a tubule (centre) shows macrophages containing sperm debris and PAS-positive material.  250.

In controls, the lumen of the rete testis was narrow and for the most part empty or contained only a few spermatozoa and immature germ cells (Figure 6). By contrast, in general, in vasectomized animals the lumen of the rete testis was greatly dilated and showed accumulation of spermatozoa, with immature germ cells. However, in mice vasectomized for 6-12 months, several macrophages ingesting spermatozoa were often encountered in the lumen of the rete testis (Figures 7 and 8). In vasectomized mice, there was always distension of epididymis and so an increase in the size of the organ than in controls. However, in 7 (in 3 mice at each interval of six and nine months and in 1 at twelve months) of the 20 vasectomized mice, spermatic granuloma was observed either in the corpus or in cauda regions of the epididymis; histologically, such granuloma consisted of spermatozoa, PAS-positive material and macrophages containing sperm debris and PAS-positive material.

Figure 6.   Region of rete testis from a sham-operated mouse. Note that the rete (R) is lined by cuboidal epithelium and the lumen is almost empty or contains only a few spermatozoa  and immature germ cells.  Portions of normal seminiferous tubules are also seen.  200. 
Figure 7.   Rete testis of a mouse twelve months after vasectomy. Note marked dilation of the rete and the lumen contains exfoliated germ cells, sperm debris and macrophages (arrows). 200. 
Figure 8.   A portion of Figure 7 enlarged to show macrophages containing sperm debris.  510.

4 Discussion

In the present study in P mouse, vasectomy for 4 months did not cause appreciable changes in the seminiferous tubules, but by 6, 9, and 12 months of the operation, marked alterations were noticed in the tubules in the testis.  Regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules have also been observed following vasectomy in several species including rat[1,2], guinea pig[3,4], rabbit[14], dog[2] and monkey[5]. In general, the regressive changes observed in the seminiferous tubules in testes of vasectomized mice in the present study included occurrence of multinucleated giant cells, exfoliation of germ cells, appearance of intraepithelial vacuoles, and depletion of germ cells in the epithelium. Similar changes have also been noticed in mouse testis after treatment with several antispermatogenic agents[15] or after ligation of the efferent duct[16,17]. The occurrence of giant cells in the testis is considered to be an expression of germ cell degeneration. The present results showed that giant cells were formed by round nuclei of early spermatids or sometimes by flattened nuclei of late spermatids. It has been suggested that giant cells are formed as a result of fusion of spermatids due to alterations in the intercellular bridges[17]. Furthermore, as in guinea pig[3], dog[18] and musk shrew[19], individual differences in response of the testis to vasectomy were also noticed in P mouse.  Spermatic granuloma as observed in the present study is also reported in several other species after vasectomy[20].  

In the present study, macrophages  in vasectomized mice ingesting spermatozoa were often observed in the lumen of the rete testis and sometimes in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. This suggests that macrophages may play a role in the elimination of degenerated spermatozoa from the testis after the operation. Ingestion of spermatozoa by macrophages has also been noticed in the efferent ducts of monkey[10] and in the epididymis of mouse[21] after vasectomy; these authors have postulated that macrophages play a role in the removal of degenerated spermatozoa from the tract after the operation.

Vasectomy is shown to cause regressive changes in the seminiferous tubules in testes of several mammalian species[13]. However, it is still not clear as to how the operation induces such effects, though several explanations have been put forth. According to Oslund[22], vasectomy does not cause regressive changes in the testes of experimental animals viz. rat and guinea pig and the changes noticed in some cases are mainly due to the side effects such as post-operative cryptorchidism. However, in vasectomized mice in the present study, testes were found in scrotal position as confirmed by regular palpation and also during autopsy. Thus, vasectomy-induced changes in the testes of P mouse do not seem to be caused by cryptorchidism.  Furthermore, Heller and Rothchild[7] reported that in rat vasectomy performed under sterile surgical conditions has no adverse effect on the testis, while the same performed under nonsterile conditions has the opposite effect. On the other hand, Plaut[23] has shown that bilateral vasectomy with ligation and resection of the deferential blood vessels causes a significant decrease in the weight of the left testis only; he attributed the observed atrophic changes in the left testis to circulatory disturbances. Thus, Heller and Rothchild[7] and Plaut[23] suggested that vasectomy has no deleterious effect on the testis and that the testicular alterations seen after vasectomy are caused by procedural artefacts such as infection and circulatory disturbances. In the present study, operation was performed under sterile conditions with adequate care to avoid any injury to the adherent blood vessels. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that the regressive changes noticed in the seminiferous tubules in testes of vasectomized mice in the present study are not caused by procedural artefacts, but are the results of the operation per se. It has also been suggested that blockade of the vas deferens induces an increase in the hydrostatic pressure in the testis and epididymis, and this, in turn, causes alterations in the testis[24-26].

Spermatic granulomas have been observed after vasectomy in several species including P mouse in the present study. It is believed that formation of spermatic granuloma after vasectomy has a protective effect on the testis as this causes relief in the pressure build-up in the tract[27,28]. In the present study, however, regressive changes were noticed in the seminiferous tubules in testes of all the 15 mice vasectomized for 6 to 12 months, though spermatic granulomas were seen only in 7 of the 15 vasectomized mice. Thus, in P mouse formation of spermatic granuloma could not prevent regressive changes from occurring in the seminiferous tubules in testes of vasectomized individuals, and this also suggests that perhaps hydrostatic pressure may not be the causative factor in inducing testicular alterations in P mouse. Testicular changes noticed after vasectomy have also been described as a consequence of immunological response[3,4]. In P mouse, however, it is not clear from the present study as to whether the alterations induced in the seminiferous tubules after vasectomy are caused by immunological response, but such a possibility can not be ruled out altogether. It is relevant to mention here that phagocytosis of spermatozoa by macrophages was seen in the rete testis and sometimes in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules in testes of the vasectomized mice in the present study, and such a phenomenon is believed to offer an important mechanism for processing sperm to elicit an immunological response after vasectomy[29]. However, further studies would be needed to ascertain the involvement of immunological mechanism(s) in causing regressive changes in the testis of P mouse after vasectomy.

In conclusion, we suggest that consequences of vasectomy should be thoroughly understood, so this method becomes rather more popular as a reversible method of contraception after successful vasovasostomy. 

5 Acknowledgements

This work was supported by funds from the University Grants Commission through CAS in Zoology, Banaras Hindu University.  Sumana Chakravarty was recipient of a Junior Research Fellowship in the Reproductive Biology Merged Scheme of the University Grants Commission to the Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University.


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Correspondence to Dr. Shio Kumar Singh, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India.
Fax : +91-542-317 074
Received 1999-12-24     Accepted 2000-03-13