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Studies on  relationship between testicular capsule and sperm transport in  rat testis

Da-Nian QIN1, Mary A. Lung2

1Department of Physiology, Shantou University School of Medicine, Shantou 515031, China 
2Department of Physiology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Asian J Androl  2000 Sep; 2: 191-198

Keywords: testis; testicular capsule; capsulotomy; sperm transport
Aim: In SD rats, histological changes in the testis were observed after bilateral capsulotomy (of the tunica albuginea) in order to investigate the physiological role of the testicular capsule on sperm transport. Methods: Bilateral longitudinal capsulotomy was devised to disrupt the capsular contractile function. With this technique, only the tunica vaginalis and tunica albuginea were slit open, leaving the tunica vasculosa intact to embrace the underlying testicular parenchyma. After capsulotomy, the structural changes in the seminiferous tubules, the transitional distal seminiferous segment, and the rete testis  were observed. Results: In the capsulotomized testis, there was sperm  retention at the transitional seminiferous segment and progressive degenerative changes in seminiferous tubules. Conclusion: The results clearly indicated that an intact testicular capsule was required for normal sperm transport from the seminiferous tubules into the rete testis. This is the first attempt to study the physiological role of the testicular capsule in intact animals.

1 Introduction

It is well known that sperm produced in the seminiferous tubules are immotile and they attain their motility while passing through the epididymis[1]. Hence, it seems to be indisputable that the sperm produced in the seminiferous tubules are passively transported from the testis into the epididymis. But the mean pressure in the caput epididymidis is significantly greater than that in the seminiferous tubules[2]. A force must thereby be exerted onto the luminal contents to propel them from the seminiferous tubules into the caput epididymidis. It is generally believed that three factors may be involved: the active secretion of fluid by the Sertoli cells (and its absorption in the efferent ducts), the contractility of the lamina propria of the seminiferous tubules, and the contractile activity of the testicular capsule.

It was found that acetylcholine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline can produce marked contraction whereas isoproterenol causes relaxation of the testicular capsule, and the response induced by each agent is dose-dependent[3,4]. In rats, the response to norepinephrine is increased markedly after 45 days of age, which corresponds to the end of puberty. Histamine has also been found to cause contraction of isolated testicular capsules; this stimulatory effect is believed to be mediated via H1 receptors in the capsule[5]. Specific receptors for oxytocin have been suggested to be present in the tunica albuginea and oxytocin has been found to produce contraction of the rat testicular capsule in a dose-dependent manner[6]. It has been found that prostaglandins, such as PGE2 and PGF2, are present in the isolated rat testicular capsule[7] and both prostaglandin synthetase and dehydrogenase activities have also been demonstrated in the capsule[8]. PGE1 has been shown to inhibit capsular contraction[9] whereas PGF2, stimulates capsular contraction in vitro. In isolated rat capsules, a sudden increase in the contractile response to PGA2 occurs at 50 days of age[10].

Many experimental studies have been performed with regard to testicular sperm production, particularly on the hormonal and paracrine control of spermatogenesis, but  only a limited number of studies have been devoted to  sperm transport.  To date, the mechanism of sperm transport in the testis  remains obscure. There have been quite a few in vitro studies on the contractile responses of the capsule to various pharmacological and experimental interventions, but no in vivo studies have ever been attempted to reveal the role of the capsule in sperm transport and its relationship to male fertility. In the present study, bilateral capsulotomy was employed as an approach to investigate the role of the testicular capsule on male reproduction.
2 Materials and methods

2.1 Testicular capsulotomy

Mature (60 days of age) male Sprague-Dawley rats were obtained from the laboratory animal unit of The University of Hong Kong and divided into sham-operated group and capsulotomized group. Five to eight rats were used in each of the groups. Surgical intervention was performed in the Minimal Disease Operation Theatre of the University. The animals were anaesthetized intraperitoneally with sodium pentobarbitone (Sigma USA) at a priming dose of 60 mg/kg and thereafter a maintenance dose of 10 mg per kg per h was given. Testicular capsulotomy was done on both testes via a mid-abdominal incision.

Capsolutomy was performed with the aid of  a dissecting microscope (Wild M60, Switzerland), starting half-way down the rostral half of the testis along the two lateral borders down to the middle of the caudal half of the testis. Only the two outer layers of the capsule, i.e., tunica vaginalis and tunica albuginea, were carefully incised as illustrated in Figure 1. The cutting size was about 1 centimeter in length. Since in the rat the tunica vasculosa and the tunica albuginea are separated by very loose connective tissue, when the outer two layers of the capsule were longitudinally cut open, the seminiferous tubules were still well protected and enclosed by the tunica vasculosa. Hence, bilateral capsulotomy will cause minimal disturbances to the blood vessels, lymphatic drainage and innervations, and the rete testis.

After capsulotomy, the testes were placed back into the scrotum. This was done simply by holding the animal in a vertical position and allowing gravity to cause the testes to descend from the abdomen to the scrotum via the inguinal canal. The muscle and skin layers of the abdomen were closed separately with interrupted silk sutures.  Dressing (Opsite spray, Smith & Nephew Co., Ltd, UK) was sprayed thinly over the site of operation. Sham operations were performed in control rats.

Figure 1. Light micrograph of testes on day 20 of sham-operated (left) and capsulotomized rat (right). The distribution of the testicular artery (broad arrows) and testicular vein (narrow arrows) in the capsulotomized testis was the same as in the control. The surface of the testes was smooth, without apparent changes in their appearance. Degenerated seminiferous tubules (arrowhead) can be seen under the tunica vasculosa at the capsulotomized area (asterisk).

2.2 Gross examination

With the rats under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia (Sigma, USA, at a dose of 60 mg/kg), the testes and the epididymides were exposed via a scrotal incision. The appearance and colour of both organs were examined with the naked eye and the arrangement and distribution of the seminiferous tubules and blood vessels in the testis were observed with a dissecting microscope (Wild M60, Switzerland).

2.3 Histological preparation

With the rats under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia (Sigma, USA, at a dose of 60 mg/kg), the testes were exposed through a scrotal incision and the spermatic blood vessels were ligated close to the surface of the testis. The testes and epididymides were then removed by cutting off their connections with the spermatic cords, pampiniform plexuses and vasa deferentia.

The testes were fixed in Helly's fluid[11] overnight, then cut into two parts and placed again in the Helly's solution for another 32 hours.

Paraffin sections were cut in ribbons at a thickness of 4 m. Staining methods used included haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) method[12], and periodic acid-Schiff-haematoxylin (PAS-H) method[11]. The stained sections were observed under a microscope (Aristoplan, Leitz, Wtzlar, Germany).

3 Results

3.1 Gross examination

In both the experimental and control groups, the testes were located normally in the scrota without any adhesion. Under the dissecting microscope, it was seen that the general arrangement of the seminiferous tubules and the distribution of the blood vessels in the capsulotomized testis were the same as those of the controls. The surface of the capsulotomized testes was smooth, without any notable change in its appearance. In the capsulotomized area, degenerated seminiferous tubules could be seen underneath the tunica vasculosa (Figure 1).

3.2 Changes in transitional distal seminiferous segment

On day 10 post-operation, light micrographs showed a normal appearance in the controls (Figure 2A). However, in the experimental animals, a large number of sperm were seen aggregated in the lumen of this segment close to the rete testis. The luminal diameter of these tubules was progressively increased as more and more sperm were accumulated (Figure 2B). The epithelial cells of these tubules were highly compressed by the packed sperm and non-cellular debris. The nuclei of the epithelial cells were deeply stained and spindle-shaped (Figure 3A and 3B). The direction of sperm within the transitional distal segment was completely disordered, and their distribution was highly irregular.

Figure 2. Light micrographs of the testis on day 10 post-operation from (A): a sham-operated rat. The rete testis (big arrow) and the transitional distal seminiferous segments (small arrows) close to the rete testis shows normal structural appearance; (B): a capsulotomized rat. Aggregated spermatozoa (large arrows) are accumulated at the transitional distal seminiferous segments close to the rete testis (small arrows). H & E staining  156.  
Figure 3. Light micrographs of the testis on day 10 post-operation from a capsulotomized rat. (A): As more and more spermatozoa are detained at the transitional distal seminiferous segment (large arrows), the epithelial cells of these tubules are heavily compressed by the packed spermatozoa and matrix (small arrow). PAS staining  350. (B): The epithelial cells of these tubules are heavily compressed by the packed spermatozoa and non-cellular debris (small arrow). PAS staining 800.

3.3 Changes in seminiferous tubules

On day 10 after capsulotomy, the seminiferous tubules showed focal degenerative changes in areas close to the rete testis (Figure 4A). About 25% of the tubules in a section presented signs of degeneration. The major features of the degenerative changes included the following: a) Some spermatids and spermatocytes lost their contact to the  Sertoli cells with sloughing of spermatids (Figures 5A and 6A); b) vacuolation of variable configuration and size appeared in the basal aspect of the epithelium. The vacuoles were located in both the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells and in the intercellular spaces between Sertoli cells and neighbouring germ cells (Figure 6A). The severity of these changes was different in different seminiferous tubules.

On day 20 after capsulotomy, degeneration of the seminiferous tubules became somewhat diffuse. Epithelial alterations reached 50 to 60% of the tubules, but to different degrees. In addition to those changes that occurred at day 10, the nuclei of many round spermatids underwent ring-like chromatin condensation, i.e., with vacuolation of the nucleus, in which the chromatin was pushed to the periphery. Binucleated or even multinucleated cells could sometimes be seen in some tubules. Retention of step 19 spermatids in the basal region of the epithelium was also be observed (Figure 7A).

By day 30, considerable disorganization of the germinal epithelium was noted in about 60 to 70% of the tubules close to the rete. Many affected tubules had further degeneration. More and more multinucleated cells, which contained quite a number of spermatids with ring-like chromatin condensation, were observed. Many tubular lumina were markedly distended. Retention of step 19 spermatids could also be observed (Figure 7B).

On day 40 after capsulotomy, the degenerative changes had progressed to most tubules. The majority of germ cells appeared to have been shed, leaving only Sertoli cells, some spermatogonia, a few spermatocytes and spermatids with ring-like chromatin condensation. The cytoplasmic extensions of the Sertoli cells were seen protruding into the tubular lumen (Figure 7C).

On day 60 following capsulotomy, almost all seminiferous tubules were atrophied, containing only degenerated Sertoli cells surrounded by a thickened basement membrane. The tubular lumina were seen fully occupied by the protruded cytoplasmic extensions of the Sertoli cells. The contour of the tubules became irregular (Figure 7D).

Figure 4. Light micrographs of the testis on day 10 post-operation from (A): a capsulotomized rat. More rapid degenerative changes of the seminiferous tubules (large arrows) occurred in areas close to rete testis (small arrow). H & E staining, 28; (B): a sham-operated rat.  Normal structure of the seminiferous tubules (large arrows) was observed in areas close to rete testis (small arrows). H & E staining, 56.
Figure 5. Light micrographs of testes on day 10 post-operation from (A): capsulotomized rats. The spermatids in the capsulotomized testis have lost their contact to the cytoplasm of the Sertoli cell and they are sloughed (large arrows); (B): sham-operated rats. Showed normal cellular contact between the spermatids and Sertoli cells (small arrows). PAS staining  330.  
Figure 6. Light micrographs of testes on day 10 post-operation from (A): a capsulotomized rat. Vacuoles (large arrow) were seen at the basal aspect of the seminiferous epithelium; (B): a sham-operated  rat. No vacuoles were seen at the basal aspect of the seminiferous epithelium. PAS staining 330.
Figure 7. Light micrographs of the testis on day 20 post-operation from capsulotomized rats. (A): The nuclei of many round spermatids have undergone ring-like chromatin condensation (arrowhead). Binucleated or multinucleated cells (large arrows) are present and the lumina are distended (asterisk). PAS staining  330. (B): More mutinucleated cells (large arrows) containing a number of spermatids with ring-like chromatin condensation (arrowhead). Tubular lumina were distended (asterisk). Retention of step 19 spermatids is occasionally observed (small arrow). PAS staining  370. (C): Most germ cells have been shed, leaving only Sertoli cells (large arrows). The cytoplasmic extensions of the Sertoli cell (asterisk) were obviously protruded into the tubular lumen. PAS staining 240. (D): Almost all seminiferous tubules contained only degenerated Sertoli cells (large arrow) and a few spermatogonia (arrowhead), and are surrounded by a thickened basement membrane (small arrow). The tubular lumen is almost fully occupied by the protruded cytoplasmic extensions of Sertoli cells (asterisk). The shape of the degenerated tubule is highly irregular (empty arrow). PAS staining  240.

3.4 Changes in the rete testis

Light micrographs of the testis on day 40 post-operation from a capsulotomized  rat showed that the the lumen of the rete testis was  compressed by the dilated transitional distal seminiferous segment (Figure 8A); the compression became more severe as the transitional distal seminiferous segment was increasingly packed with sperm. On day 40 after capsulotomy, the epithelium of the rete testis began to show glandular-like and occasionally papillary-like proliferations plunging into the lumen (Figure 8A). The lining of the proliferations was of low columnar or cuboidal epithelium.

Figure 8. Light micrographs of the testis on day 40 post-operation from (A): a capsulotomized rat. The lumen of rete testis is compressed by the dilated transitional distal seminferous segment (big arrow).  The epithelium of the rete testis shows  glandular-like proliferations plunging into the lumen (small arrows); (B):  a sham-operated rat. The lumen of rete testis (big arrow) and the epithelium of the rete testis (small arrows) showed normal structural appearance. H & E staining 156.

4 Discussion

The testicular capsule surrounding the parenchymal tissue of the testis is the strongest and thickest capsule in the body[13] composed of three layers: the tunica vaginalis, tunica albuginea, and tunica vasculosa.

In the rat testicular albuginea, smooth muscle cells are not identifiable from birth to 24 days after birth, during which time only myocytes are observed in various stages of differentiation. These myocytes reach morphological maturity at 30 days; thereafter, smooth muscle cells of adult form and number can be identified. Full differentiation of smooth muscle in the testicular albuginea is completed prior to sexual maturity[14]. It is important to note that the development of smooth muscle cells within the testicular capsule is well correlated in time with the secretion of the tubular fluid and the production of the sperm in the seminiferous tubules.

We have adopted, for the first time, a surgical approach, i.e., bilateral testicular capsulotomy, to disrupt the function of the testicular capsule. The manipulation is straightforward. More importantly, the testicular function after the treatment can be followed quantitatively. This approach is feasible because of the unique structural organization of the testicular capsule. Although the testicular capsule consists of three anatomical layers, contractile elements are localized only in the middle tunica albuginea which is loosely attached to the inner vasculosa layer. If  the tunica albuginea is slit open, the contractile activities of the capsule are abolished, but the seminiferous tubules are still well embraced by the tunica vasculosa and the anatomical arrangements of testicular blood supply[15], venous return[16], lymphatic drainage[17], and the innervation[18] will not be disturbed.

It was found that after capsulotomy the testes were located at their normal position, and there was no torsion of spermatid cords. Hence, the surgical manoeuvre did not cause any disorientation of the testes.

Microscopic examination of sections of the capsulotomized testis revealed that a large number of sperm were accumulated in the transitional distal segment of the seminiferous tubules, causing remarkable distension of the tubular lumen and compression of the epithelium. These results indicate that the sperm were transported along but not out of the seminiferous tubules and were detained at the transitional distal segment of the tubules.

In the sham-operated controls, we found that the sperm were not always present in the rete testis; sometimes there were many sperm in the rete testis, but sometimes not even a single spermatozoon could be found. Such an observation suggests that under normal situations, sperm produced in the seminiferous tubules are intermittently released into the rete testis in a pulsatile manner. In the capsulotomized testis on day 10 post-operation, the chance of finding sperm in the rete testis was  decreased and on day 40 to day 60 post-operation, sperm could only  occasionally be identified in the rete testis and at the same time some macrophages were found surrounding them. It seems that in the capsulotomized testis the pulsatile release of sperm into the rete testis was somehow affected. This is supported by the finding that sperm were detained at the distal segment of the seminiferous tubules. Macrophage infiltration into the rete testis may be induced by degenerated sperm as the bloodtestis barrier in the rete testis is less complete[19].

Sperm detention at the transitional distal segment of the seminiferous tubules may be caused by several factors: (1) the force which delivers the sperm into the rete testis is either diminished or abolished; (2) the passage for sperm transport into the rete testis is obstructed or closed; (3) the pressure in the rete testis is higher than that in the distal segment of the seminiferous tubules.

According to our observations, the lumen of the rete testis was found to be compressed by the dilated transitional distal segment of the seminiferous tubules. Thus, it seems unlikely that sperm detention in the transitional zone is related to a higher pressure in the rete testis.

In both control and experimental animals, the passages from the seminiferous tubules to the tubuli recti and rete testis were often seen nearly closed, and only occasionally was a patent lumen  observed. Apart from this, no structural changes which may cause a block to passage  could be found. In normal rats, a very narrow channel at the transitional zone of the seminiferous tubules has  been reported[20]. The Sertoli cells, which line the transitional zone, appear to form a plug or a valve, occluding the lumen almost completely when there is little or no sperm and fluid movement from the tubules to the rete testis. It is believed that when a vigorous current is present, which is most likely the result of intermittent elevation in the intraseminiferous pressure, the Sertoli cells are compressed and a distinct passageway results[21].

Based on previous studies, three potential factors are assumed to contribute to the force required to drive the sperm from the seminiferous tubules into the rete testis. They are: (1) contraction of the seminiferous tubules; (2) fluid secretion by the seminiferous tubules and (3) contraction of the testicular capsule. However, up to now it is not yet clear whether the three factors act synergistically or independently, or which one plays the major role. Our data clearly indicate that an intact testicular capsule is required for normal sperm transport from the seminiferous tubules into the rete testis. Since the sperm were found only detained at the transitional distal segment and not throughout the entire length of the seminiferous tubule, sperm movement along the seminiferous tubule is unlikely to be affected by capsulotomy. Hence, it is reasonable to postulate that sperm movement at different times of their passage may be controlled by different mechanisms. The force driving the sperm along the seminiferous tubule may come from the pressure created by the fluid secreted  and the sperm volume as well as by the contraction of the myoid cells lining the tubule, whereas sperm movement from the transitional distal segment into the rete testis requires an intact capsule.      


I am grateful to Mr. K.K Tsang (University of Hong Kong) for his skillful technical assistance.


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Correspondence to: Dr Da-Nian QIN, Shantou University School of Medicine, Shantou 515031, China. 
Tel: +86-754-856 6776  Fax: +86-754-855 7562  
e-mail: lqchen@mailserv.stu.edu.cn
Received 2000-05-15     Accepted 2000-06-19