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Probability to retrieve testicular spermatozoa in azoospermic patients

H.-J. Glander1 , L.-C. Horn2, W. Dorschner3, U. Paasch1, J. Kratzsch4

1Department of Dermatology/Andrology Unit, 2Department of Pathology, 3Department of Urology 4Department of Clinical Chemistry and Pathological Biochemistry, University of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany

Asian J Androl  2000 Sep; 2: 199-205

Keywords: sperm extraction;  testicular histology;  azoospermia;  male infertility; follicle stimulating hormone
Aim: The degree of probability to retrieve spermatozoa from testicular tissue for intracytoplasmic sperm injection into oocytes is of interest for counselling of infertility patients. We investigated the relation of sperm retrieval to clinical data and histological pattern in testicular biopsies from azoospermic patients. Methods: In 264 testicular biopsies from 142 azoospermic patients, the testicular tissue was shredded to separate the spermatozoa, histological semi-thin sections of which were then evaluated using Johnsen score. Results: The retrieval of spermatozoa correlated significantly (P<0.001) with the testicular volume (r=0.49), the FSH concentration (r=-0.66), the maximum score (r=0.85) and the mean Johnsen score (r=0.81). In the multivariate regression analysis the successful testicular sperm extraction showed the closest relationship to the maximum score. The testicular volume correlated significantly with the mean Johnsen score (r=0.64, P<0.001), and the basal serum FSH concentration mainly with the maximum score (r=-0.77; P<0.001). Patients with a history cryptorchidism  showed a significantly lower Johnsen score compared to the patients who did not have  any testicular disease in the past (3.72.4 vs. 5.92.5; P<0.01). Conclusion: In a limited range, the testicular volume and the FSH concentration in serum were related to the Johnsen score which correlated significantly with the sperm retrieval. The successful sperm retrieval can be expected in all azoospermic patients irrespective of the results of clinical examination. However, the probability of retrieval of spermatozoa decreased significantly in patients with a FSH level >18 U/L, testicular volume <5 mL, mean Johnsen score <5, and maximum Johnsen score <7.

1 Introduction

Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) can provide spermatozoa for intracytoplasmic sperm injection into oocytes (ICSI) to achieve a pregnancy. TESE has been used to overcome infertility of azoospermic patients who could not be successfully treated by other methods[1,2]. Every azoospermic patient is entitled to surgical sperm search, but during counselling patients often ask for the probability to retrieve spermatozoa from testicular biopsy. The examination of prognostic indicators achieving this aim is therefore needed[3,4]. Mostly, the testicular volume, the serum FSH level and the histological pattern of testicular biopsy are used for prediction, but several studies on TESE applying various laboratory methods and clinical design lead to different opinions[3-11]. We investigated the probability to retrieve testicular spermatozoa dependent on the testicular volume, the serum FSH concentration, and the testicular histology evaluated by the Johnsen score[12-14] after processing by semithin cutting technique[15]. The examination was based on 264 testicular biopsies from 142 azoospermic patients. Carcinoma in situ(CIS) were screened by a monoclonal antibody to placental-alkaline phosphatase[16].
2 Materials and methods

2.1 Patient group

The patient group consisted of 142 azoospermic men, aged 24-62 (mean 33.1) years (Table 1), attending an ICSI programme using testicular spermatozoa. All patients suffered from primary infertility for 1 and 9 years and failed to respond to routine infertility treatment. Men with congenital bilateral absence of vas deference (CBAVD) or patients who had undergone previous vasectomy were excluded from the study. Thirty two (22.5%) of the patients had a history of cryptorchidism, 13 patients of testicular trauma, 8 of an inflammation of testis or/and epididymis, and 24 on mumps virus infection. Karyotyping of the patients revealed no chromosomal abnormalities except three patients: two with Klinefelter's syndromes (47,XXY) and one with Robertsonian translocation (13q14q).  The testicular volume was estimated with Prader's orchidometer[17]. One hundred and twenty two patients were biopsied bilaterally. Unilateral testicular biopsy was performed in 20 cases with atrophy of a testis, ablatio testis or if the patient refused a bilateral biopsy. The open biopsy technique was performed under general anaesthesia after detailed explanation to the patient and obtaining a written and informed consent. The biopsy included a scrotal exploration after a median raphe incision and examination of the testis and epididymis with microscopic assistance using a 10 magnification. An avascular region near the mid portion of the testis was chosen for puncture to prevent injury to the testicular blood supply. Measurements of serum concentrations of testosterone, LH and FSH were performed by immunofluorescence assays from Delfia assay system (Pharmacia, Freiburg, Germany). Azoospermia was confirmed in at least two ejaculates by examination of a semen pellet at 1000 magnification after centrifugation at 2300g.

Table 1. Patient group, 142 patients, 264 biopsies, means (range).

Age (years)


Testicular volume (mL)




LH (U/L)


Testosterone (nmol/L)


2.2 Handling of testis biopsies

Testicular specimen of about 200-300 mg was placed in a Petri-dish containing about 2 mL Ham's F-10 medium with  2% bovine serum albumin[18]. Dividing the specimen into 2 parts one part was shredded with microscopic glass slide and the supernatant was checked for the presence of spermatozoa. The sperm extraction was regarded as positive if at least a single vital spermatozoa could be seen in 5 l of the culture medium of bioptates (five tries). The vitality of the cells was evaluated by mixing one droplet of the cell suspension with one droplet of eosin-Y solution. Spermatozoa stained with the dye were considered dead. The other part of the specimen was used for histological and immunohistological evaluations, i.e. for semithin and paraffin sections, respectively. The specimens were fixed in 5.5% glutaraldehyde and then postfixed in 1% OsO4 . After dehydration the tissue was embedded in Epon 812[15]. Semithin sections with a thickness of 1 m were stained with Toluidine as well as with hematoxylin/eosin and evaluated under light microscope at 400 and 1000 magnification. The germinal epithelium of at least 50 tubules was assessed according to a modified Johnsen score[12-14] (Table 2). Moreover, the tubular diameter, the structure of lamina propria, the interstitial tissue, especially the Leydig cells were evaluated. Carcinoma in situ (CIS) were screened by enhanced polymer one-step staining[19,20] using a monoclonal antibody to placental-alkaline phosphatase (16; DAKO, Hamburg, Germany; antibody code no. M 7191, clone 8A9) and the DAKO EnVisionTM detection system (code-no. K4016) after deparaffinization. Isotype controls were performed using mouse IgG1 antibodies besides the controls substituting the primary antibody by buffer. The positive controls were based on sections of human placenta and testis with known CIS, which is shown in Figure 1.

Table 2. Johnsen score (12-14).


full spermatogenesis


many late spermatids, disorganized tubular epithelium


few late spermatids


no late spermatids, many early spermatids


no late spermatids, few early spermatids, arrest of spermatogenesis at the spermatid stage, disturbance of spermatid differentiation


no spermatids, many spermatocytes


no spermatids, few spermatocytes, arrest of spermatogenesis at the primary spermatocyte stage


spermatogonia only


no germ cells, Sertoli cells only


no seminiferous epithelial cells, tubular sclerosis

Figure 1. Positive control of immunohistochemistry. Labelling of a carcinoma in situ using monoclonal antibody to placental-alkaline phosphatase (Dako, Hamburg, Germany; antibody code no. M 7191, clone 8A9) as primary antibody and the Dako EnVisionTM detection system (code-no. K4016).
Figure 2. Focal spermatogenesis in a Sertoli cell-only pattern.

2.3 Statistical analysis

Results are expressed as meanstandard deviation (SD). Data analyses were performed by unpaired Mann-Whitney U-test for evaluation of differences as appropriate for data type and distribution. The correlation coefficient (r) between various parameters was determined by analysing for Spearman's rank correlation test and multivariate regression test using the statistical computer program STATISTICA for Windows from StatSoft, Inc. (Tulsa, OK 74104, USA). P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

3 Results

Retrieval of spermatozoa was successful in 52.3% of the biopsies, which showed a correlation with the serum FSH, the testicular volume and the histological pattern of testis. With FSH concentrations above the upper normal limit, the retrieval probability was usually low. Sperm retrieval was successful in about 80% of patients with a normal concentration of FSH, decreased to about 30% at FSH concentration 2 times the normal value, and to about 10% with the FSH level 3 times or more (Figure 3A). Retrieval of spermatozoa also correlated with the testicular volume (Figure 3B). A few spermatozoa could be retrieved even when the testicular volume was less than 2.0 mL. However the number of spermatozoa retrieved increased significantly if the volume exceeded 5 mL and reached a maximum of about 70% at a volume of more than 8 mL (Figure 3B).



Figure 3. The frequency (%) of bioptates with retrieval of spermatozoa (A) within the FSH concentration group, (B) the testicular volume group, (C) the group of a defined mean Johnsen score, and (D) in dependence on the maximum Johnsen score; the numbers in the figure mean positive samples per total within the group.

Furthermore, the basal FSH concentration and the testicular volume correlated significantly with the mean as well as the maximum Johnsen score ( P<0.001; Figure 4 and 5, Table 3). The mean Johnsen score decreased from 6.91.9 to 1.90.7 if the FSH concentration increased from normal to 3 times normal (Figure 4). The mean Johnsen-Score of the biopsies of 139 right testicles amounted to 5.12.6, and of the 125 left testicles, 5.22.6. Twenty six (21.3%) of the 122 patients biopsied bilaterally showed a difference of more than 1 score between the 2 testicles (range 1-7). Within the biopsies a wide intertubular variation of the Johnsen scores was obvious (Table 4) including focal spermatogenesis in Sertoli cell-only patterns (Figure 3). About half of the specimen showed more than 20% of the mean as standard deviation. Testes after a mal-descensus were characterised by a significantly lower score than patients who had no testicular disease in the past (3.72.4 vs. 5.92.5, P<0.01).

Table 3. Correlation coefficients of the mean and maximum score with the basal concentration of FSH, testicular volume and sperm retrieval (P<0.001; Spearman's rank correlation test).




retrieval of
spermatozoa (yes/no)





Testicular volume (mL)




Retrieval of
spermatozoa? (Yes/no)




Table 4. Intertubular variations of the Johnsen score (14) within a specimen.

Standard deviation, expressed
as percent of the mean

n (%)


39 (14.8)


99 (37. 5)

>20 40



32 (12.1)


264 (100)

Figure 4. Correlation of mean Johnsen score with FSH level in serum (Spearman's test).  
Figure 5. Correlation of mean Johnsen score with testicular volume (Spearman's test).

The maximum (r=0.85; P<0.001) as well as the mean Johnsen's score correlated significantly with the retrieval of spermatozoa (r=0.81, P<0.001; Table 3).Spermatozoa could be prepared in all biopsies with a mean score above 7 or with a maximum score of 9 and 10. The probability of retrieval of spermatozoa decreased significantly in patients with a FSH level >18 U/L, testicular volume <5 mL, mean Johnsen score <5, and maximum Johnsen score <7. However, in this low probability group spermatozoa were also retrieved: in 8 patients with a FSH level >18U/L, in 9 patients with a testicular volume <5 mL, in 13 patients with a mean Johnsen score <5, and in 17 patients with a maximum Johnsen score <7 (Figures 3 A- D) as well. In a multivariate regression analysis, the successful TESE showed the closest relationship to the maximum score (r=0.85; P<0.001). A conformity of 76% between spermatozoa in sections and in tissue preparations were found. No cases of carcinoma in situ were identified by the PLAP-EnVisionTM-system in any of the 142 patients. 

4 Discussion

On examining 264 testicular biopsies from 142 azoospermic men, we estimated the degree of probability for spermatozoa retrieval to be dependent on the serum FSH level, the testicular volume, and the mean as well as the maximum spermatogenic score. In a principle, successful sperm retrieval can be expected in all azoospermic patients irrespective of the results of clinical examination. However, the probability of sperm retrieval depended on the parameters examined. In two patients sperm retrieval was also successful where the FSH concentration was more than three times the normal value and the testicular volume less than 2 mL. Thus, only the probability or rate of successful sperm retrieval could be predicted but not the sperm retrieval result of an individual subject. Our results do not represent a standard for the selection of the azoospermic patients to do testicular sperm extraction (TESE) for the ICSI procedures, but they may be helpful for the pre-operative counselling to the couples.

The values of the FSH concentration, testicular volume and morphology to predict the result of TESE are controversial[21,22] and uncertainties exist concerning the probability in a group with defined parameters. The inverse correlation between spermatogenesis and serum FSH level is a well-known phenomenon[23]. However, with the serum FSH in a given individual, it may not be reliable to predict the presence of functional spermatozoa in the testis[24] or the sperm retrieval succesfulness[4,25]. In men with complete maturation arrest[13,26] or focal Sertoli cell only syndrome[24],  normal FSH levels may be found. On the other hand, testicular spermatozoa could be retrieved in men with 3 times elevated FSH level[9]. Therefore, the serum inhibin B level in combination with the FSH concentration was considered to be a more sensitive marker for impaired spermatogenesis than FSH alone[4]. However, even this combination could not reliably predict the presence of sperm in testicular samples. Several studies have shown that the FSH is not always a reliable criterion for identifying patients with unsuccessful sperm extraction from testicular sample[4,5,7]. Ostad et al[26]  were not able to determine a statistically significant difference for serum FSH levels between cases with sperm retrieval success and failure. In contrast, a statistically significant trend occurred with the increase in plasma FSH and failed attempts in sperm retrieval[5,22]. We confirmed this relationship by finding a decreased probability of sperm retrieval with increased FSH levels but a precise prediction of TESE result for an individual patient was not possible.

Testicular volume was shown to be closely related to testicular sperm production and sperm retrieval[5,22], but there are papers denying this relationship[3,9]. Our findings support the former results: the probability of retrieving spermatozoa in testes increased significantly with testicular volume >5 mL.

Contrary results were also presented concerning the correlation between testicular biopsy evaluations and the success rate of sperm retrieval. The results of Tournaye et al[10].  Who found high sperm retrieval rates for all histological categories, could not be confirmed by others[5,7]. A significantly decreased success of sperm retrieval were described from hypospermatogenesis to pure Sertoli-cell-only pattern[5]. Moreover, the spermatogenesis classified by Johnsen score was positively correlated to sperm retrieval[7]. The visualization of spermatids on testicular histology showed a strong association with successful TESE[5]. In our patient group the identification of spermatozoa in the semi-thin sections and in the wet\|preparations of biopsies showed a conformity of 76% similar to the result of Schulze et al[21]. In our multivariate regression analysis the maximum Johnsen score showed the closest relationship to sperm retrieval. Thus, the most advanced score of spermatogenesis rather than the predominant pattern determines the outcome of TESE, because the retrieval of spermatozoa depends on the existence of sperm in only one area[3].

Multiple biopsies have been recommended[6,25] since spermatogenesis may be focal in non-obstructive azoospermia[3]. We preferred single testicle biopsies to have comparable amounts of tissue samples independent of testicular volume. Furthermore, small testicular volumes are inadequate for multiple biopsies and even multiple biopsies may be unable to find focal spermatogenesis. We performed open biopsies which enables the identification of spermatogenically active regions of the testicle by direct examination of the individual seminiferous tubules [27]. Frequently, bilateral biopsies may reveal different histological results[7,25]. More than a fifth of our patients biopsied bilaterally differed between the two testicles by more than 1 score. Other authors indicated a difference between the left and right testes in more than 30% of the patients[21].

Patients with a cryptorchidism in the history showed a significantly lower Johnsen-score compared with the patients who did not have any testicular disease in the past (3.72.4 vs 5.92.5; P<0.01). Furthermore, it is noteworthy that in our patient group there was a prevalence of cryptorchidism (23.1%), which was significantly higher than that of 1-3% as reported for the general population[28]. These facts underline the negative effects of cryptorchidism on subsequent fertility, probably, by germ cell loss through apoptotic pathways[29].

In principle, every azoospermic patient, independent of classification[30], is entitled to surgical sperm search, but the probability of successful testicular sperm retrieval may relate to the testicular volume, the FSH level in serum, and the mean as well as the maximum Johnsen score of testicular biopsy.  In counselling, a rough likelihood for a successful TESE can be estimated but a sure identification of patients with failing testicular sperm extraction is very unlikely due to a considerable overlap in values of the variables.


The authors gratefully acknowledge  Mrs. G. Kersten for her excellent technical assistance and Dr. J. Kleine-Tebbe for editorial assistance.


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Correspondence to: Dr. H.-J. Glander, Department of Dermatology/Andrology Unit, University of Leipzig, Liebigstrasse 21, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Tel: +49-341-9718 640, Fax: +49-341-9718 649  
e-mail: glah@server3.medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Received 2000-05-31     Accepted 2000-07-21