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KAI1/CD82 gene expression in benign prostatic hyperplasia and  late-stage prostate cancer in Chinese

Wei-Lie HU, Ying-Qiu LI1, Hui-Xu HE, Qing-Rong LI, Ye TIAN, Ri-Quan LAI, Hua MEI2

Department of Urology, the General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Area, Chinese People's Liberation Army, Guangzhou, China
1Life Science College, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China 
2First Af
filiated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, China

Asian J Androl  2000 Sep; 2: 221-224

Keywords: KAI1/CD82; metastasis suppressor gene expression; benign  prostatic  hyperplasia;   prostatic neoplasms; immunohistochemistry
Aim: To evaluate KAI1/CD82 expression in Chinese patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and late-stage carcinoma of prostate (CaP). Methods: Thirty Chinese patients with benign  prostatic  hyperplasia   and 34 with CaP (adenocarcinoma clinical stage C and D) were analyzed by means of immunohistochemical methods. Results: The KAI1/CD82 expression in BPH tissue was all positive, which was uniformly located on the glandular cell membrane at the cell-to-cell borders, but KAI1/CD82 expression in metastasis CaP tissues was either significantly lower than that of BPH or negative, and the immunostaining pattern was not continuous. In late-stage CaP KAI1/CD82 expression was correlated inversely to the pathological grade (P<0.05), but not to clinical stage (P>0.05). Conclusion: The authors believe that decreased and negative KAI1/CD82 expression in late-stage CaP may be related to tumor progression and metastasis, and appears to be a prognostic marker.

1 Introduction

The development of metastasis is the main cause of death for prostate cancer patients and thus is a major obstacle to the successful treatment of these patients. However, the molecular aspect of  metastatic development is as yet poorly understood, mainly because metastasis is a highly complex process and involves a  variety of positive and negative factors[1]. The KAI1 gene located in the p11.2 region of human chromosome 11 was first isolated by Dong et al in 1995[2] as a prostate-specific tumor metastasis suppressor gene. CD82 was primarily identified by cDNA cloning as the R2 antigen in mitogen-activated human T cells and was subsequently cloned as IA4 and C33 antigens[3-6]. The KAI1 gene product is identical to CD82 and is designated as KAI1/CD82, which has four hydrophobic and presumably transmembrane domains and one large extracellular N-glycosylated domain[1]. It appears to function in cell-cell adhesion and cell-extracellular matrix interaction, thereby potentially influencing the ability of cancer cells to invade tissues and to metastasize. Down-regulation of KAI1/CD82 expression has been shown to be associated with metastasis or tumor progression in prostate[7-9], lung[10,11], breast[12,13], bladder[14], liver[15,16] and pancreas cancer[17].

The purpose of our study was to evaluate KAI1/CD82 expression in Chinese patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and late-stage carcinoma of prostate (CaP) by means of immunohistochemical analysis.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Tissue samples

Prostatic tissue samples from 30 patients with  BPH, 55-87 years of age (mean: 67.5)  were obtained by suprapubic or transurethral prostatectomy.  Tissues from 34 patients with CaP, aged 32 to 89 years (mean: 68.1) were obtained from needle biopsy before anti-cancer treatment. The patients were recruited into the two hospitals between October 1996 and December 1998.

Tissues were stored at -80 before dealing with.  Sections (6 m) were cut on a cryostat, mounted on aminopropyl-triethoxysilane-coated slides, and air-dried. Slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and observed under the microscope. According to Gleason[18] and the Prout GR[19], the tumors of 11 patients were well differentiated (Gleason  Grades 2 to 4),  8 moderately differentiated (Grades 5 to 7), and 15 poorly differentiated (Grades 8 to 10). Fifteen patients were at stage C and nineteen at  stage D .

2.2  Immunohistochemistry

Immunohistochemical staining was performed as described by Ueda et al[9] with minor modifications. The sections were fixed with acetone for 10 min at 4, and air-dried. All subsequent steps were performed at room temperature. They were incubated with methanol containing 0.3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 min to block endogenous peroxidase activity. After treatment with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 5% normal rabbit serum for 30 min, the sections were incubated with mouse monoclonal anti-human KAI1/CD82 antibody at a dilution of 1:200 in PBS for 2 h in a moist chamber. After  treatment with biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Dako) diluted 1:400 in PBS for 30 min, the sections were incubated with biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase complex (Dako) for 30 min, followed by a 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride and hydrogen peroxide mixture. The sections were counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated in graded ethanol, cleared in xylene, and then mounted. As the negative control, non-immunized purified rat IgG2a  was used instead of the anti-human KAI1/CD82 antibody.

2.3 Specimen classification

Staining intensity in the cancer cells was estimated as positive when it appeared to be similar to that of glandular cells of BPH. In all specimen, adjacent noncancerous cells were used as internal positive controls for KAI1/CD82 exfpression. When the relationship between KAI1/CD82 expression and the Gleason grade were examined, the percentage of positively stained cells was calculated in 500 cells showing the same Gleason grade. When the relationship between the KAI1/CD82 expression and the clinical stage was estimated, the presence of 50% or more KAI1/CD82 positive cancer cells within the tumor tissue were classified as KAI1/CD82 positive, 5% to <50% as KAI1/CD82 reduced, and 0% to <5% as KAI1/CD82 negative. These judgements were counterchecked by three observers.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed by the chi square test and P<0.05 was considered significant.

3 Results

3.1 Distribution and trait of KAI1/CD82 expression

In BPH tissues, KAI1/CD82 expression was all positive, and was located uniformly in the cellular membrane of glandular epithelial cells, especially at areas of cell-to-cell borders. KAI1/CD82 expression was not detected in the nucleus or cytoplasm (Figure 1). In late-stage CaP  tissues, KAI1/CD82 expression was either decreased or negative, which was also observed on the membrane at cell-to-cell borders,  but the immunostaining pattern along cell-to-cell borders was not continuous (Figure 2,3).

Figure 1. Immunohistochemical staining of KAI1/CD82 expression in BPH tissue. 300
Figure 2. Immunohistochemical staining of KAI1/CD82 expression in tissue of CaP. (well differentiated). 300
Figure 3. Immunohistochemical staining of KAI1/CD82 expression in tissue of CaP. (poorly   differentiated). 300

3.2 Correlation between KAI1/CD82 expression and pathologic grade and clinical stage

As shown in Table 1, a significant inverse correlation existed between KAI1/CD82 expression and Gleason Grade (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant inverse correlation between KAI1/CD82 expression and the clinical stage (Table 2).

Table 1.  Relationship between KAI1/CD82 expression and pathological grade  in CaP.


KAI1/CD82 expression



P value

Poorly n=15




Moderately n=8




Well  n=11




Table 2. Relationship between KAI1/CD82 expression and clinical stage in CaP.


KAI1/CD82 expression



P value

C n=15




D n=19




4 Discussion

At present, all clinical and pathological parameters fail to predict the actual risk whether a tumor will relapse locally or metastasize. Therefore, there is a need to develop markers defining these risk parameters[20]. KAI1/CD82 gene is a new kind of tumor metastasis suppressor gene related to tumor metastasis in a variety of cancers. We all know that the incidence and mortality of CaP is high in Americans and relatively low in Chinese. Some researchers think that race is an important factor[21], but the precise reason is still unclear. Our result indicated that KAI1/CD82 expression was positive in BPH, and reduced or negative in late-stage CaP, which  is in accordance with a previous study in the western countries[9]. It meant that KAI1/CD82 expression in Chinese patients with BPH or late-stage CaP was similar to those of patients in the western countries, or that the KAI1/CD82  expression was similar in different ethnic groups.

Our study further demonstrated that KAI1/CD82 expression was correlated inversely to the Gleason Grade (P<0.05),i.e., KAI1/CD82 expression was low in CaP of higher malignant potential and vice versa. 

The mechanisms by which KAI1/CD82 might influence tumor progression and metastasis are unclear. However, KAI1/CD82 is thought to be a member of transmembrane 4 superfamily (TM4SF),  so it has some properties of TM4SF. Although the biological function of KAI1/CD82 and most members of the TM4 family is practically unknown, their membrane localization and extensive glycosylation suggest that they may regulate cell growth and cell-cell adhesion as well as cell-cell interactions and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, all of which are important in tumor invasion and metastasis[2]. Our result supported the existence of  KAI1/CD82 expression in BPH. We hypothesize  that when KAI1/CD82 expression is decreased, cell-cell adhesion is reduced and easily escape from tissue, resulting in metastasis.

It is known that alterations of two other members of the TM4SF gene family, MRP-1 and ME491, have been correlated with the ability of cancer cells to metastasize. The MRP-1 gene product influences cell penetration and motility, which are important factors for metastasis[22]. In mammary tumors, its expression in cancer cells metastasized to lymph nodes was strikingly lower than that in the corresponding primary tumor, indicating its regulatory function in the metastatic process. Similar findings for MRP-1 were reported in non-small-cell lung cancer[10,11]. Although the exact mechanism of MRP-1 action on tumor cell metastases is not evident, inhibition of its functions by specific monoclonal antibody M31-15 leads to a marked inhibition of the motility of various cancer cells in vitro[23]. The other member of the TM4SF gene family with metastasis influencing potential is ME491. This protein has been indicated to influence metastasis formation in human malignant melanomas[24]. In agreement with a previous report that KAI1/CD82 expression correlated with tumor characteristics in CaP[9], our research also pointed out that reduction of the levels of  KAI1/CD82  expression enhanced the metastatic potential of malignant cells.

We also found that there was no significant correlation between the KAI1/CD82 expression and the clinical stage, which seems to be inconsistent with the study of Ueda et al[9]. The major reason may be due to a difference in the selection of patients. All patients we studied were belong to late-stage (stage C and D), while Ueda et al also included early stage(stage B) patients. Based on our present study, we suggest that KAI1/CD82 expression may be used as a reference marker for the metastatic potential and prognosis of prostate cancer.


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The work was supported by a grant from the Guangdong Scientific and  Technologic Committee (No 970750)

Correspondence to: Dr Wei-Lie HU, Department of Urology, the General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Area, Chinese People's Liberation Army, Guangzhou, China.
e-mail: weiliehu@hotmail.com
Received 2000-04-29     Accepted 2000-07-24