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Polymorphism of gonadotropin action: clinical implications

Ilpo T. Huhtaniemi

Department of Physiology, University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu  10, 20520 Turku, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB 24 2ZD, Scotland, UK

Asian J Androl  2000 Dec; 2:  241-246

Keywords: LH; FSH; bioassay; immunometric assay; mutation; polymorphism; glycosylation

It has recently became apparent that the structural heterogeneity of gonadotropin molecules can contribute to variations of their action in different physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  One reason for the structural variations of circulating gonadotropin molecules is the microheterogeneity caused by the variability of glycosylation of individual gonadotropin molecules.  The carbohydrate moieties of gonadotropins are important for their intrinsic bioactivity, as reflected by measurement of their bioactivity to immunoreactivity (B/I) ratios. We have reassessed this phenomenon by improved in vitro bioassay and immunoassay methods, and it appears that the intrinsic bioactivity of gonadotropins, in particular of LH, is more constant than previously assumed. Many of the previously documented differences, some even considered diagnostic for certain clinical conditions, have turned out to be methodological artifacts. The first part of this review summarizes our recent findings on the B/I ratios of LH, with special reference to the male. 

The second part of this review describes a common polymorphism that was recently discovered in the gene of the LH -subunit.  The variant LH allele contains two point mutations, which introduce to LH two amino acid changes and an extra glycosylation site. The LH variant is common world-wide, with carrier frequency varying from 0 to 52% in various ethnic groups.  The LH variant differs functionally from wild-type LH, and it seems to predispose its carriers, both men and women, to mild aberrations of reproductive function. It is important for the clinician to be aware of this variant LH form, not detected by all immunoassays, because it may explain some aberrant results of LH measurements in patient samples.

1 Introduction

The two pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), together with chorionic gonadotropin (CG), belong to the family of glycoprotein hormones.  The fourth member of this family of hormones is thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).  They all are composed of the common -subunit (C) and a hormone-specific -subunit, which are coupled by noncovalent interactions[1].  In addition, there are N-linked carbohydrate side chains in the gonadotropin subunits, two in C, one in LH, two in FSH, and two in GC, and there are four O-linked carbohydrate side chains in the 24-amino acid C-terminal extension of the CG chain.  Each gonadotropin dimer has a molecular weight of about 30,000. 

While the -subunits determine the functional specificity of gonadotropins, their intrinsic bioactivity is to a great extent determined by their degree of glycosylation. Weakly glycosylated forms of the hormones have short circulatory half-time, and although totally deglycosylated gonadotropins are able to interact with their cognate receptor, they are unable to evoke generation of the second messenger signal[2].  Since gonadotropins are secreted from the pituitary as a mixture of differently glycosylated isoforms, with composition varying according to the physiological state, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the intrinsic bioactivity of gonadotropins is one variable determining their overall function.

The physiologic functions of gonadotropins are relatively well-known today. FSH stimulates in the ovary follicular maturation and granulosa cell estrogen production, whereas in the testis it plays a role in stimulating Sertoli cell functions, thereby furthering indirectly spermatogenesis. LH stimulates in the ovary theca cell androgen production, triggers ovulation, and maintains progesterone production of corpus luteum. In the testis, LH stimulates Leydig cell androgen production.  Hence, the two gonadotropins are essential for normal gonadal function and fertility. It is therefore understandable that mutations in gonadotropin genes are extremely rare, since they severely affect fertility.  However, sporadic cases of mutations have been detected in all gonadotropin subunit genes[3].  Despite their rarity, these cases have appeared very elucidating, by demonstrating the specific functions of the two gonadotropins in conditions where one of them is selectively eliminated.

Besides clear disease-causing mutations the genome of all individuals is full of minor variations, called polymorphisms. They are often located in non-coding regions of the genome, or represent point mutation not changing the encoded protein. They may also be point mutations causing single amino acid changes that are so mild that no overt change occurs at the protein level. However, subtle changes in protein function are possible, and interesting phenotypic connections of polymorphisms have started to emerge, also as regards gonadotropins. One polymorphism of the LH subunit is of particular interest, due to its ubiquitous though greatly variable occurrence in various populations. The second part of this review describes recent findings on the common LH variant.
2 Novel findings on bioactivity to immunoreactivity (B/I) ratios of LH

Besides immunoassays (RIA, IRMA, ELISA etc.), in vitro bioassays, also sensitive and specific, can be used for measurement of gonadotropins in clinical serum samples[4-8]. The newest forms of these assays use cell lines expressing recombinant human gonadotropin receptors, providing greatly improved interassay variability. The immunoassays mainly monitor the amount of immunoreactive hormone molecules in the sample, without taking into account the biological activity of the hormone measured.  The bioassays measure this very feature of the hormone, but do not always correlate with the number of hormone molecules.  This discrepancy has been attributed to the microheterogeneity of gonadotropin molecules, in particular to variations in their glycosylation. The differently glycosylated gonadotropin molecules have variable intrinsic bioactivities. Therefore, the concentrations of gonadotropins measured by the two principally different assay systems do not always agree. The bioactive (B) to immunoreactive (I) ratio of LH and FSH in a serum sample, i.e., the bio/immuno (B/I) ratio, has been widely used as an indicator of the quality of gonadotropins. It reflects the average bioactivity of a gonadotropin molecule in the sample, and it has been shown to vary in predictable manner in various physiological and pathophysiological conditions.

The current in vitro bioassay methods for LH are technically easier and more reliable than those for FSH, and still the majority of information on the B/I ratio measurements of gonadotropins are on LH[4-8].  The B/I ratios of LH have been documented to increase in males during endogenous and GnRH-stimulated LH pulses[9], during pubertal maturation[10-12] and after orchidectomy[13].  Low or decreased  B/I ratios of LH have been measured in men in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism[14], during treatment with GnRH agonists[15], estrogen[16] and androgen[17], during renal failure[18], in idiopathic infertility[19] and in impotence[20].  However, although alterations in the degree of glycosylation of the circulating LH molecules have been discovered, the biochemical basis of the altered B/I ratio changes has so far remained elusive in this large number of studies.

With the advent of more sensitive and specific immunometric assay methods for gonadotropins, e.g. the immunofluorometric assay, IFMA[21], it has become apparent that many, though not all, of the previously detected changes in the B/I ratio of LH are due to biased immunoreactivity measurements by conventional radioimmunoassays (RIA), which often overestimate low hormone concentrations[22-25]. The B/I ratios are therefore low at low hormone concentrations and systematically increase when the hormone levels increase. A higher fold-increase occurs in B-LH resulting in artifactual elevation of the B/I ratio.  We have previously demonstrated this bias during pulsatile LH secretion[25] and after GnRH stimulation[24] in healthy men, after gonadotropin suppression during GnRH agonist treatment of prostatic cancer patients[24], and in boys with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism[23].

One widely cited finding on increased B/I ratios of LH is that during pubertal maturation[10-12].  This information, also cited in textbooks of endocrinology, states that a crucial event during puberty is, besides reactivation of gonadotropin secretion, an increase in the intrinsic bioactivity of LH.  Since the earlier studies reporting this finding used conventional RIA for I-LH measurement, we found it important to reassess this finding by eliminating the bias of RIA with a novel sensitive and specific IFMA[26].  Since also the B-LH levels are low in peripubertal serum samples, we sensitized the in vitro bioassay, as originally described by Debertin & Pomerantz[27], for measurement on these samples.  On the average, a 10-fold increase in the sensitivity of the bioassay was achieved, down to 0.05 IU/L.

Figure 1 shows the levels of B-LH, I-LH and the B/I ratios at different stages of puberty in healthy boys. I-LH increased between pubertal stages I and IV (according to Tanner) from 0.420.13 to 2.240.34 IU/L (P<0.01), and B-LH from 1.350.49 to 5.040.78 IU/L (P<0.01).  In contrast, no significant change was observed during the same period in the B/I ratios of LH which varied between 2.58-2.84.  In conclusion, if sensitive IFMA and in vitro bioassay methods are used, no alteration can be demonstrated in the intrinsic bioactivity of LH, as reflected by the B/I ratio, during the pubertal maturation of healthy boys.  

Figure 1. The mean (meanSEM) level of B-LH (top panel), I-LH (middle panel), and the B/I ratio (bottom panel) in 14 perimenopausal boys studied according to their stage of puberty (I-IV).  The number of subjects analyzed at each pubertal stage is presented in brackets in the bottom panel. When different letters are above the bars these results differ significantly from each other (A vs B, P<0.01)[26].

The above study showed yet another physiological condition where a previously demonstrated changes in the quality of LH could not be confirmed with more sensitive and specific assay methods. It is therefore apparent that the clinical value of in vitro bioassays of LH is not as great as previously assumed.  The improved immunoassays monitor reliably the LH levels and correlate well with the bioactivity of the hormone. The clinical use of in vitro bioassays of LH may therefore be limited to cases where a discrepancy is found between the I-LH level of the patient and the clinical picture. There may be conditions where the immunoassays using monoclonal antibodies are too specific and do not detect all LH isoforms, or the hormone of the patient may represent a structural variant. An example of such a condition is described in the next paragraph.

3 A common genetic variant of luteinizing hormone

When we tested the suitability of various monoclonal antibody (Mab) combinations for LH measurement by the immunofluorimetric assay (IFMA), we identified a healthy woman with two children, whose LH was not at all detected by a specific Mab combination[28].  The antibody that did not recognize her LH was directed against an epitope in the intact LH / dimer (assay 1). Interestingly, all other Mab combinations test (, and / specific) measured normal LH concentrations in her serum.  Likewise, her LH bioactivity and the B/I ratio of LH (using a subunit-specific IFMA for I-LH measurement, assay 2) were within the normal range, and in accordance with her normal clinical status, including normal fertility. Since the FSH and TSH levels of the subject were also normal, we concluded that her LH subunit had to be structurally abnormal, probably due to altered gene structure. The LH levels of her family members were also analyzed, and it turned out that her mother had similar nondetectable LH by assay 1, but her father and children displayed LH levels by assay 1 that were about 50% of the levels measured by the reference assay 2, hence the ratio of LH with assay 1/assay 2 was about 0.5. This further strengthened the assumption that the aberrant LH form was due to a mutation with Mendelian fashion of inheritance. The subject and her mother were apparent homozygotes, and the father and children heterozygotes with respect to a putative mutated LH allele.  A scheme of the molecular alteration of the variant LH and its influence on reactivity of the different epitopes with the Mab's test is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2.  Schematic presentation of the reason of aberrant immunoreactivity in individuals with the variant form of LH in two-site immunometric assays.  The changes in the amino acid sequence and/or an extra carbohydrate chain in the LH -chain block or eliminate the antigenic epitope present in the / dimer. Combination of monoclonal antibody (MAB) / and MAB- was used in assay 1, and MAB- and MAB- in assay 2. #=carbohydrate chain.

When a larger number (n=249) of serum samples from healthy Finnish volunteers were analyzed (Figure 3), and the ratio of LH by assay 1/assay 2 was measured, the results fell clearly into three categories: 
(1) 1.0-2.0, i.e., normal ratio individuals, (2)  0.5-0.75, i.e., low ratio individuals, and (3) the ratio near 0, i.e., zero ratio individuals.  The combined frequency of the low (heterozygotes) and zero (homozygotes) ratio LH types in the Finnish population was 28%, and the distribution was in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

Figure 3. The distribution of 249 normal Finnish subjects in the normal (squares), low (circles), and zero (triangles) ratio groups according to the results of the ratios of LH measured by assays 1 and 2. The LH level measured by assay 2 is shown on the abscissa.  As no sex differences were detected, the male and female data are compiled[31].

We then sequenced the LH subunit gene of our original subject with the zero ratio LH[29].  Two point mutations, both resulting in amino acid change, Trp8Arg8 (TGGCGG) and Ile15Thr15 (ATCACC), were detected (Figure 4). The latter mutation introduces a new glycosylation signal (Asn-X-Thr) into the LH chain, which  results in oligosaccharide chain attachment into Asn13[30]. The same tripeptide glycosylation signal is present in the hCG -chain where Asn13  also is glycosylated.  When the structures of the first 20 N-terminal amino acids of wild-type LH, variant LH and hCG are compared (Figure 4), the variant LH differs from hCG by two amino acids, whereas wild-type LH differs by four amino acids. Variant LH may therefore represent a newer form in the evolution of LH, being closer to hCG than wild-type LH.  It is intriguing that the frequency of the LH variant varies widely in different populations, from 52% in aboriginal Australians to 0% in Kotas of South India[29-33]. In most populations, its frequency is about 15%.

Figure 4. Sequences of the first 20 amino terminal amino acids in the the -chains of wild-type LH (LH-), variant LH (LH-VAR-) and hCG (hCG). The nucleotide changes between wild-type LH and the other -chains are marked above amino acids 8 and 13.  In addition, amino acids 3 and 10 in hCG- are surrounded by boxes to indicate their difference from the other two LH -chains.

The homozygote men and women for the LH variant allele that have been detected in Finland are apparently healthy, with no reported infertility. In this respect our findings differ from reports from Japan[34-36], where the same LH variant was related to infertility. We have observed some functional differences between the LH variant as compared to wild-type hormone. Its B/I ratio is higher, but the half-time in circulation shorter[31]. Since the pulse-frequency of the variant LH was normal, the overall action of the variant hormone, although more potent at the receptor site, is shorter in duration in vivo.  Such a change in the half-time of LH may be of physiological importance. We are gradually accumulating data that this is indeed the case. In some cohorts, men heterozygous for the LH variant have slightly but significantly lower serum concentration of testosterone than men with wild-type LH (our unpublished observation). Women with at least one variant LH allele have higher levels of serum testosterone, estradiol and sex hormone-binding globulin, and the frequency of the variant alleleis altered in certain subtypes of polycystic ovarian disease[32,37].  Boys with variant LH have normal age of onset, but slower progression of puberty[38]. During the final stages of puberty their height, testis weight, plasma IGF-1 binding protein-3 concentration and blood hemoglobin are significantly lower than in matched control boys with normal ratio LH. 

The above findings, in particular those on pubertal boys and men, suggest that the overall bioactivity of the LH variant is lower than that of the wild-type hormone. Although the final pathophysiological significance of the LH variant remains open, it is likely related to slight alterations of the pituitary-gonadal function. Further studies are needed to delineate the importance of this in triguing phenomenon. Whatever the outcome will be, it is already now clear that clinicians monitoring LH levels in their patients have to be aware of this common polymorphic form, which behaves aberrantly in several widely applied immunoassay systems and may give rise to erroneous LH levels.


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Correspondence to: Ilpo Huhtaniemi, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Reproductive Biology,  Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,  University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3ZD, Scotland, UK.
Tel: +44-1224-559 483  Fax: +44-1224684 880

e-mail: ilpo.huhtaniemi@utu.fi
Received 2000-07-26     Accepted 2000-08-28