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Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopic and flame photometric analysis of goat epididymal fluid

Meenakshi Gaur, Vikas Pruthi,  Ramasare Prasad, Ben M.J. Pereira

Reproductive Biology Laboratory, Dept. of Bioscience and Biotechnology, University of Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, U.P., India

Asian J Androl  2000 Dec; 2: 288-292

Keywords: goat epididymis; epididymal luminal fluid; elements;  spectroscopy; flame photometry
Aim: The elemental composition of the epididymal luminal fluid (ELF) in adult goat (Capra indica) was investigated. Methods: ELF was collected by micropuncture from twelve sites along the epididymal duct. The elemental contents was analyzed with inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy, a microanalytical technique that can simultaneously measure many elements in minute volumes of sample.  The Na and K concentrations were determined by flame photometry. Results: ICP spectroscopy showed the presence of copper, calcium, nickel, iron, magnesium, chromium, titanium and zinc in ELF, with fluctuating levels at different sites along the length of the epididymis. Cadmium, cobalt, lead and manganese were not found. The Na+/K+ ratio was seen to be higher at the initial segments of the epididymis and lower at the distal. Conclusion: It is proposed that the observed characteristic distribution of elements in ELF may have far reaching implications in sperm maturation and storage known to occur in the epididymis.
1 Introduction

In most species it is generally recognized that the microenvironment provided by the proximal segments of the epididymis promotes sperm maturation while the distal segments preserve the sperm in a quiescent, yet viable state until ejaculation[1-3]. The biochemical and physiological changes that occur in spermatozoa during passage through the epididymis, are to a great extent influenced by the luminal fluid in which they are bathed[1,4]. The composition of this fluid is believed to fluctuate all along the epididymis due to the mixed absorptive and secretory nature of the epithelium lining the duct[5,6]. Information on the composition of fluid collected from various sites of the epididymis would therefore help in understanding the interaction between the epididymal tissue, luminal fluid and sperm.

Due to the minuteness of the epididymal duct, investigators faced technical difficulties in the collection of luminal fluid free from contaminants. A satisfactory micropuncture technique described by Levine and Marsh[7] has helped to circumvent this limitation. Unfortunately, the quantity of sample that could be drawn by this procedure is very small. Initially, the lack of microanalytical techniques necessitated pooling of samples, which complicated the interpretation of data. However, Jenkins et al[8] showed how an ultra micro-electron probe elemental analysis could be carried out on rat testicular and luminal fluids with amazingly small quantities of samples. Such types of microanalytical techniques have not been used for elemental analysis of the epididymal luminal fluid (ELF) from other animal models.

In this paper we report the data on the elemental composition of goat ELF obtained by using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectroscopy. This technique provides for simultaneous analysis of a number of elements with small amounts of goat ELF collected by micropuncture.
2 Materials and methods

2.1 Sample collection

Six adult goats (Capra indica), aged 3-5 years, were used. The ELF was collected by the micropuncture technique described by Levine and Marsh[7]. Based on the demarcation made by Besancon et al[9], samples were drawn from each of the twelve serial segments of the epididymis. The elemental composition of the fluid samples was determined after appropriate dilution with triple distilled deionized water.

2.2 ICP analysis (refer to Table 1 for its sensitivity)

ICP has an edge over other flame spectroscopy methods in that it can generate higher temperatures and provide a chemically inert environment. The best advantage is the provision for simultaneous analysis of a number of elements using small amounts of sample without compromising on sensitivity. In the present study, the polychromatic system of Labtam (Plasma Lab 8440, Australia) was used, which permits simultaneous detection of up to 48 elements at wavelengths ranging 170-820 nm. However, only biologically relevant elements were analyzed.

Initially standard stock solutions of 1 mg/L (or 1000 ppm) were prepared. At the time of analysis, the instrument was calibrated using working standards of 1g/mL and 5 g/mL. The quantity of the elements detected in the luminal fluid samples was directly read as ppm. The dilution was taken into consideration while computing the results. The values obtained as ppm were then converted and expressed as millimolar concentrations.

2.3 Flame photometry (refer to Table 1  for its sensitivity)

The sodium and potassium concentrations were analyzed by flame photometry. The instrument used was produced by the Evans Electroselenium Ltd., England.

2.4 Statistical analysis

Data were represented as means. Statistical analyses were made using Student's t-test.

Table 1. Sensitivity of the analytical methods.



1Co-efficient I

2Co-efficient II






< 4.82

< 13.48




< 5.36

< 12.15




< 4.71

< 13.28




< 3.65

< 10.68




< 5.54

< 12.41




< 3.97

< 13.34




< 4.78

< 12.91




< 3.97

< 13.05




< 4.21

< 10.25




< 3.34

< 11.67

1Percentage co-efficient of variation between duplicate estimations of same sample (chosen at random)
2Percentage co-efficient of variation between samples drawn from same segments of different animals (n=6)

Percentage co-efficient of variation=standard deviation/mean100

3 Results

The concentration profiles of various elements in ELF are shown in Figure 1. Copper, calcium, nickel, iron, magnesium, chromium, titanium and zinc were found to be present with levels fluctuating at different sites along the length of the epididymis. Cadmium, cobalt, lead and manganese were not detected. The sodium and potassium concentrations are depicted in Figure 2. In the proximal segments, the values for sodium were significantly higher as compared to that of potassium and the situation was reversed in the distal segments. It can be seen from Figure 3 that the Na+/K+ ratio was higher in ELF from the proximal segments and lower towards the distal end.

Figure 1. Elemental composition of ELF in male goats. means, n=6.
Figure 2. Concentration profile of sodium and potassium in ELF. means, n=6. 

Figure 3. Na+/K+ ratio in ELF in twelve epididymal segments (n=6).

4 Discussion

The present study is unique in the sense that no previous investigations have analyzed the sequential changes in the elemental composition of goat ELF by ICP. Although many investigators have analyzed the ELF of other species, they have restricted their studies to selected regions of the epididymis[7,8]. This has been mainly due to micro, nano and sometimes pico quantity of luminal fluid available for analysis. This limitation has been overcome in the present study by using ICP analysis; the latter is particularly suitable for the simultaneous determination for many elements in minute volumes of sample.

Calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron have been shown to be present in the ELF of several animal species[4,8,10]. Some of these elements are so important that deficiencies are associated with fertility disorders[11,12] that could be rectified by replacement therapy[13]. Various roles have been ascribed to these elements in the epididymal environment, including the initiation of sperm motility[14], the acquisition of fertilizing ability[1], the stabilization of sperm structure[15,16], and the regulation of metabolism[17].

To the best of our knowledge, the present study is perhaps the first that reports the presence of nickel, chromium and titanium in the ELF of goat under normal physiological conditions. Heavy metals have been shown to be present in male reproductive tissues and bring about profound changes both in laboratory animals[18-20] and in humans in occupational exposure[21]. It may be relevant to point out that the pastures used for grazing our goats are located at the foothills of the Himalayas rich in mineral deposits. It is therefore likely that these elements were acquired through dietary sources and eventually found a berth in the male reproductive tract. Further investigations would be needed to establish if these elements in any way affect epididymal function.

It is noteworthy that the Na+/K+ ratio in the luminal fluid decreased from the proximal to the distal segments of the epididymis. Similar observations have been made in other animal species[1,8]. The secretory and absorptive nature of the epididymal epithelium is perhaps responsible for the change in the ionic composition, which may ultimately be of functional significance[6]. Eearlier reports also underlined the importance of sodium and potassium concentrations in the male reproductive tract[12] and abnormality would lead to epididymal dysfunction. Moreover, in separate experiments, it has been convincingly shown that the levels of sodium and potassium delicately control the sperm motility, and quiescence and viability[1,12]. The importance of K on the quiescent phenomenal was elaborated as early as 1986[1]. We are of the opinion that the influence of a single ion is quite different from that of ions when present together. Thus, it is concluded that the unique pattern in Na+/K+ ratio observed in the luminal fluid may be related to sperm maturation in the proximal segments of the epididymis and sperm storage in the distal segments.


This work was financially supported by grant #4444 of the University Grants Commission. We thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India for the award of a senior research fellowship (to MG) during the time of the present research.


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Correspondence to: Dr. Ben M.J. Pereira,  Reproductive Biology Laboratory, Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology,University of Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, U.P., India.
Tel: +91-133-285 216, Fax: +91-133-273 560

e-mail: benmjfbs@rurkiu.ernet.in
Received 2000-07-10     Accepted 2000-11-07