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Effect of testicular capsulotomy on fertility of rats

Da-Nian QIN, Mary A. Lung1

Department of Physiology, Shantou University School of Medicine, Shantou 515031, China
1Department of Physiology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Asian J Androl  2001 Mar; 3: 21-25

Keywords: testis; testicular capsulotomy; fertility

Aim: To demonstrate the effect of capsulotomy on the fertility of male rats. Methods: Testicular capsulotomy was carried out in immature (21 days) and adult (60 days) male rats. The fertility of them was assessed by cohabitation with proestrus females overnight and 20 days later, the females were examined for impregnation. Morphological changes at the site of the capsulotomy were observed under light microscope.  Results: In rats capsulotomized at Day 60, the fertility was gradually depressed and all the rats completely lost their fertility 2 months post-operation. At that time, a partial regeneration of the capsule at the site of capsulotomy was observed. Immature rats capsulotomized at Day 21 were found to possess normal fertility at maturity. The capsulotomy site was almost completely recovered 60 days post-operation. Conclusion: In male rats, testicular capsulotomy at the age of Day 60 will damage fertility. However, when capsulotomy is performed at Day 21, fertility is preserve.

1 Introduction

In the rat testicular albuginea, smooth muscle cell is not identifiable before the age of 24 days, during which only myocytes are present at various stages of differentiation. These myocytes reach morphological maturity at Day 30. Full differentiation of smooth muscle cells in tunica albuginea is completed just prior to sexual maturity[1]. It is important to note that the development of smooth muscle cells in the tunica coinside well with the evolution of spermatogenesis and seminiferous tubular secretion. In rats sperm first appear in the seminiferous tubules at about 50 days of age[2,3] and seminiferous fluid secretion begins just after puberty, with a sharp increase at approximately 30 days and reaching adult rate at about 40 days[4-6]. 

It was shown in our previous study that a progressive degeneration of seminiferous tubules was induced by testicular capsulotomy in adult male rats with a progressive reduction in the testosterone concentration in the testicular venous blood and a gradual increase in the LH and FSH levels in the peripheral blood from approximately 30 days post-capsulotomy[7,8].

It seems that the testicular capsule plays an important role in male reproduction and capsulotomy may lead to a disturbance in fertility. The present study wasdesigned to investigate the fertility of male rats after testicular capsulotomy before the development of capsular muscle cells (Day 21) and at maturity (Day 60).
2 Materials and methods

2.1 Animals and testicular capsulotomy

Immature (21 days of age) and mature (60 days) male Sprague-Dawley rats were obtained from the Laboratory Animal Unit, University of Hong Kong and each divided into sham-operated control and capsulotomized groups at random. Both groups were further divided into 6 subgroups with 8 rats each. Surgical intervention was performed in the Minimal Disease Operation Theatre of the University. The animals were anaesthetized intraperitoneally with sodium pentobarbitone (Sigma, USA) at a priming dose of 60 mg/kg and a maintenance dose of 10 mg/kg.h. Testicular capsulotomy was carried out as previously described[1]. Briefly, with the aid of a dissecting microscope (Wild M60, Switzerland), the two outer layers of the capsule, i.e., tunica vaginalis and tunica albuginea, were carefully incised starting half-way down the rostral half of the testis along the two lateral borders to the middle of the caudal half of the testis.

2.2 Postoperative care

After the operation, rats were immediately kept in a section of the animal quarters reserved for postoperative recovery care. The postoperative cage was large enough to accommodate them in a completely outstretched position. They were kept warm by a lamp placed well out of their reach.  Rats were frequently examined during the first 3-5 days post-operation, to see whether there was any abnormality in their activity, and food and water intake.

The positions of the capsulotomized testes and spermatic cords were checked regularly to see whether the testes were located at the normal position and the  spermatid cords not distorted.

2.3 Fertility and sexual activity observation

For rats sham-operated or capsulotomized at Day 60, fertility tests were perfomred at 10-day intervals for a period of 60 days after the operation. For rats sham-operated or capsulotomized at Day 21, fertility test was performed at 10-day intervals from Day 40 to Day 90 post-operation.

Female Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 280-320 g, with a regular 4-day estrous cycle as documented by vaginal smear examination were used for the fertility test. Each male were cohabited with 2 proestroous females overnight and successful mating was confirmed by the presence of copulatory plugs. Twenty days after mating, the females were killed and the numbers of pregnant females recorded.  The fertility of males was assessed either by the percentage of males able to impregnate at least one female or by the percentage of pregnant females.

The sexual activity was assessed by placing each male alone in a Plaxiglas arena for 10-min adaptation period, after which a receptive female (ovariectomized and primed with subcutaneous injection of 10 g estradiol benzoate 3 days prior to testing and 0.5mg progesterone in the morning of the test) was introduced, and observed for 20 min. The number of mounts and the number of mounts with intromissions were recorded.

2.4 Histological examination

Rats were killed and testes were incised, fixed in Helly's fluid[9] overnight, cut into two parts and placed again in the Helly's solution for another 32 hours. Paraffin section were cut in ribbon at a thickness of 4 m and stained with Weigert's stain. Morphological changes at the site of the capsulotomy were observed under light microscope.

2.5 Statistical analysis

Data are expressed as percentages. The Chisquare (2)test was used for fertility data analysis. The sexual activity measures were compared by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences were considered statistically significant at two-tailed P<0.05.

3 Results

3.1 General condition

During the observaton period, The testes were located at the normal position and there was no torsion of spermatid cords. Hence, the surgical intervention did not disturb the testes within the scrota. Moreover, no abnormality in eating and drinking behavior was observed in the postoperation period, indicating that testicular capsulotomy did not induce apparent ill effect on the general health of the animals.

3.2 Sexual activity

None of the sexual activity parameters was significantly different between the sham-operated controls and the capsulotomized rats.

3.3 Fertility-adult males

The fertility of the males, sham-operated or capsulotomized at Day 60, is summarized in Figure 1. The fertility of the sham-operated animals remained relatively steady throughout the post-operative period of 60 days. On the other hand, The capsulotomized males gradually lost their fertility with the elapse of time. During the first 20 days after capsulotomy, no deleterious effect was observed on their fertility. However, it was significantly inhibited on day 30: only 6/8 males were fertile, and the female pregnant rate was 62% (P<0.05, compared with the controls). The numbers of both fertile males and pregnant females were further reduced at day 40 to 3/8 and 31%, respectively. By day 50 post-operation, 2/8 males were fertile and the pregnant rate of females was 18%. At 60 days post-operation, males completely lost their fertility and none of the females was pregnant.

Figure 1. Effect of sham-operation and testicular capsulotomy at Day 60 on fertility of male rats. (A) SM (%), male rats successfully impregnate at least one female (n=8). (B) SF (%), pregnant females (n=16). bP<0.05, compared with corresponding sham-operated control, 2 test.

3.4 Fertility-immature males

The fertility of male rats sham-operated or capsulotomized at Day 21 is summarized in Figure 2. The fertility of the sham-operated controls gradually increased to a steady level by day 40 post-operation and this remained unchanged up to the end of the observation period of 90 days. Similar changes were observed in the capsulotomized group, i.e., there was no significant decline in the percentages of either fertile male or pregnant females throughout the observation period of 90 days post-operation. The males preserve their normal fertility when matured.

Figure 2.  Effect of sham-operation and testicular capsulotomy at Day 21 on fertility of male rats. (A) SM (%), male rats successfully impregnated at least one female (n=8). (B) SF (%), pregnant females (n=16). 2 test.

3.5 Changes in capsule at site of capsulotomy

In rats capsulotomized at Day 21, a partial regeneration of the capsule at the site of capsulotomy was observed 10 days post-operation (Figure 3A) and almost complete recovery by the 60th day (Figure 3B).

For rats capsulotomized at Day 60, an insignificant regeneration of the capsule was observed by 10 days post-operation (Figure 4A) and only partial regeneration by 60 days post-operation. (Figure 4B).

Figure 3. Light micrographs of testis at site of capsuloltomy performed at Day 21. (A) At 10 days post-operation. Seminiferous tubules were well enclosed by tunica vasculosa (big arrow) with a partially regenerated connective tissue layer (small arrow). (B) At 60 days post-operation. Seminiferous tubules were well enclosed by tunica vasculosa (big arrow) with an almost completely regenerated connective tissue layer (small arrow). Weigert's stain 120.

Figure 4. Light micrographs of testis at site of capsuloltomy performed at Day 60. (A) At 10 days post-operation. Seminiferous tubules were well enclosed by tunica vasculosa (big arrow). (B) At 60 days post-operation. Seminiferous tubules were well enclosed by tunica vasculosa (big arrow) with a partially regenerated connective tissue layer (small arrow). Weigert's stain 120.

4 Discussion

The sexual activity of capsulotomized rats was not statistically different from that of sham-operated controls, suggesting that capsulotomy did not influence the sexual activity of male rats. In capsulotomized adult male rats, there was a progressive loss of fertility from 30 days post-operation. This might be related to a disturbance in either spermatogenesis or sperm transport. The duration of spermatogenesis in the rat is about 50 days[10]. The transport of sperm along the epididymis and vas deferens takes about 10 days[11]. Consequently, the time for a type A spermatogonium to yield sperm in the ejaculate is about 60 days.  With this in mind, if the effect of an experimental treatment is evident in the first two weeks, it may be the result of an epididymal action. If the effect becomes evident two weeks after treatment, it is most likely due to a testicular effect. We indicated that in adult rats, testicular capsulotomy had no significant influence on male fertility in the first 20 days post-operation, but the fertility was progressively depressed from 30 days onwards. Therefore, testicular capsulotomy impairs male fertility probably by affecting the testicular function rather than epididymal spermatozoa.

In Day 21 male rats, spermaogenesis and seminiferous tubular function have not been well developed. It is unlikely that testicular capsulotomy at this stage will disturb testicular function that will be fully developed at least 30 days later. Preservation of fertility of the immature rats seen in the present study is in accordance with the conservation of normal seminiferous tubular morphology reported by us previously[7,8].

If the capsule is incised at Day 21, it is capable of restoration as it is not yet fully developed and still at the stage of development and differentiation. The complete restoration of the structural integrity of the capsule may explain the fact that in rats capsulotomized at Day 21, the testicular function and fertility will be normal when they are grown up. Although certain degree of capsular regeneration occurred in rats capsulotomized at Day 60, full functional integrity of the capsule could not be restored, thus leading to seminiferous tubular degeneration and infertility.

To cut open the tunica albuginea will eliminate an important factor for sperm transport from the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis, i.e., the force generated by the contraction of the testicular capsule. As a result, sperm are impeded at the transitional distal segment of the seminiferous tubules and this acts as an obstacle for fluid movement. The continued production of sperm and fluid in region proximal to the site of blockade would cause an increase in intra-seminiferous tubular pressure. The cessation of fluid movement would also cause a local accumulation of metabolites and/or shortage of essential substances for normal spermatogenesis. The pressure increase and an altered milieu may have disturbed the specific microenvironment required for spermatogenesis, with resultant spermatogenic disruption and seminiferous epithelial degeneration.


We wish to thank Mr. K.K. Tsang, (The University of Hong Kong) for his skillful technical assistance.


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Correspondence to: Dr Da-Nian QIN, Shantou University School of Medicine, Shantou 515031, China.  
Tel: +86-754-856 6776    Fax: +86-754-855 7562

e-mail: lqchen@mailserv.stu.edu.cn
Received 2000-12-22     Accepted 2001-02-20