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Male fertility following childhood cancer: current concepts and future therapies

Mark F. H. Brougham1, Christopher J. H. Kelnar1, Richard M. Sharpe2, W. Hamish B. Wallace1

1Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
2MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Asian J Androl 2003 Dec; 5: 325-337

Keywords: infertility; childhood cancer; semen cryopreservation; germ cell transplantation; In vitro germ cell maturation; assisted reproductive techniques

Prepubertal boys treated for cancer may exhibit impaired fertility in later life. A number of chemotherapeutic agents have been identified as being gonadotoxic, and certain treatment regimens, such as that used for Hodgkin's disease, are particularly associated with subsequent infertility. Radiotherapy may also cause gonadal damage, most notably following direct testicular irradiation or total body irradiation. Because of the varied nature of the cytotoxic insult, it can be difficult to predict the likelihood of infertility in later life. Currently it is not possible to detect gonadal damage early due to the lack of a sensitive marker of gonadal function in the prepubertal age group.

Semen cryopreservation is currently the only method of preserving fertility in patients receiving gonadotoxic therapy. This is only applicable to postpubertal patients and can be problematic in the adolescent age group. At present there is no provision for the prepubertal boy, although there are a number of experimental methods currently being investigated. By harvesting testicular tissue prior to gonadotoxic therapy, restoration of fertility could be achieved following treatment, either by germ cell transplantation or by in vitro maturation of the germ cells harvested. Alternatively, rendering the testes quiescent during cytotoxic treatment may protect the germ cells from subsequent damage. In addition to the many scientific and technical issues to be overcome prior to clinical application of these techniques, a number of ethical and legal issues must also be addressed to ensure a safe and realistic prospect for future fertility in these patients.

1 Introduction

Survival from childhood cancer has markedly improved over the past few decades following major advances in available treatments and supportive care, such that now around 75 % ~ 80 % of children with cancer will be alive five years from diagnosis [1]. The number of long term survivors is therefore increasing, and it has been estimated that by the year 2010, about one in 715 of the adult population will have been treated for cancer in childhood (NHS Scotland Information and Statistics Division, unpublished data).

Because of this, the emphasis in the management of childhood cancer has changed from cure at any cost?to one in which quality of life both during and after treatment has become increasingly important. Thus whilst continuing to strive for improved survival, attention must also be directed towards minimising the late effects of treatment.

Adverse late effects of childhood cancer treatment are diverse and include disorders of the endocrine system, cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction, renal and hepatic impairment, secondary malignancies and psychosocial difficulties.

Although problems with fertility do not become apparent until after puberty, it is clear that many treatments for childhood cancer can lead to infertility and sub-fertility in later life [2]. This can have a particularly devastating impact as the patient enters adulthood. Having survived cancer as a child it can be very difficult for many patients to accept that they cannot produce their own children because of the treatment they received earlier in their life. It is therefore imperative to consider, at an early stage, strategies that may protect or restore fertility in later life.

This review article will discuss the aetiology of reduced fertility following treatment for childhood cancer in the male, and the ability to predict future fertility potential after particular treatment regimens. Strategies to protect or restore fertility will then be discussed, including novel experimental options, which are currently generating much interest within the scientific community.

2 Gonadal toxicity following cancer treatment

Gonadal damage in boys treated for cancer can result from either systemic chemotherapy or radiotherapy involving the spinal or pelvic area. This damage may involve both the somatic cells of the testis, the Sertoli and Leydig cells, and the germ cells.

Cytotoxic treatment, in general, targets rapidly dividing cells and it is therefore not surprising that spermatogenesis can be impaired after treatment for cancer. The exact mechanism of this damage is uncertain but appears to involve depletion of the proliferating germ cell pool, by killing cells not only at the stage of differentiating spermatogonia [3] but also stem cells themselves [4]. In addition, stem spermatogonia that do survive fail to differentiate further [5]. Although the prepubertal testis does not complete spermatogenesis and produce mature spermatozoa, cytotoxic treatment given to prepubertal boys may impair future fertility [6, 7], indicating that the testis is susceptible to such damage in this age group. In fact, there is increasing evidence that far from being a quiescent organ, the prepubertal testis demonstrates significant cellular activity including a steady turnover of early germ cells, which undergo spontaneous degeneration before the haploid stage [8]. It is postulated that this activity is essential for normal adult function [9], and thus reduced fertility as a consequence of cytotoxic treatment in childhood is not unexpected.

2.1 Effects of chemotherapy

The nature and extent of damage to the testis from cytotoxic chemotherapy is dependent upon the agent administered, the dose received and the age of the patient [10-13]. Since nitrogen mustard was first linked to azoospermia by Spitz in 1948 [14], a number of chemotherapeutic agents have been identified as causing long-lasting or permanent gonadotoxicity. These include the alkylating agents such as chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide [15] and melphalan, anti-metabolites such as cytarabine, and others including procarbazine and cis-platin [16] (Table 1). Most of these agents are given as part of multi-agent regimens, and thus the relative contribution of each individual drug is difficult to determine.

Table 1. Gonadotoxic chemotherapy agents

Alkylating Agents





Nitrosureas e.g. carmustine, lamustine















Within the testes, the seminiferous epithelium is the area most sensitive to the detrimental effects of chemo-therapy. Therefore, after receiving gonadotoxic agents, patients may be rendered oligospermic or azoospermic but testosterone production by the Leydig cell is usually unaffected, and thus secondary sexual characteristics develop normally [17, 18]. Following higher, cumulative doses of gonadotoxic chemotherapy, Leydig cell dysfunction may also become apparent [19].

The impact of chemotherapy on testicular function has been extensively studied in patients treated for Hodgkin's disease. Treatment of this lymphoma has involved the use of procarbazine and alkylating agents such as chlorambucil, mustine and cyclophosphamide. Whilst this treatment leads to excellent survival rates, the majority of male patients have subsequently developed permanent azoospermia [17]. Mackie et al [10] studied children who had received treatment with 'ChlVPP' a chemotherapy regimen containing chlorambucil and procarbazine. The mean age at diagnosis of the male patients investigated was 12.2 years, and of these 89 % subsequently had evidence of severe damage to the seminiferous epithelium up to ten years following therapy. This study demonstrates both the gonadotoxicity of these agents, and also the susceptibility of the prepubertal testis. Whitehead et al [6] similarly followed up children treated with 'MOPP' chemotherapy, a regimen containing mustine and procarbazine, and also demonstrated subsequent long-term testicular damage in the majority of male patients. In view of these studies, treatment for Hodgkin's disease has been modified in an attempt to reduce the gonadotoxicity, whilst maintaining long-term survival [20].

One such modification is a reduction in the dose of procarbazine and alkylating agents, and the addition of anthracycline agents such as adriamycin which, although potentially cardiotoxic, do not permanently affect sper-matogenesis. This hybrid regimen, known as ChlVPP/EVA and consisting of seven different chemotherapeutic agents, has been compared to a standard regimen similar to 'MOPP' [21]. However, this hybrid regimen was found to be equally gonadotoxic, with azoospermia resulting in 95 % of men following treatment.

Gonadal damage may be lessened by removing alkylating agents and procarbazine altogether, such as with the 'ABVD' regimen (adriamycin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine). This protocol is significantly less gonadotoxic than 'MOPP' chemotherapy, as demonstrated by Viviani et al [22]. In this study cohort, treatment with 'ABVD' resulted in temporary azoospermia in 33 % of patients and oligospermia in 21 %, with recovery of spermatogenesis observed in all patients after 18 months. In contrast, 97 % of patients were azoospermic following 'MOPP' chemotherapy, and in the majority this damage was permanent.

In the United Kingdom at present, treatment of Hodgkin's disease involves combination chemotherapy, with alternating courses of ChlVPP and ABVD. Although this exposes the child to a wide variety of drugs it is hoped that excellent survival rates will be obtained with minimal long-term adverse effects. Indeed, this regimen for Hodgkin's disease results in significantly less gonadotoxicity than does therapy based on alkylating agents and procarbazine alone [23, 24], with approximately half of all male patients preserving their fertility. However, treatment will continue to be modified in order to optimise the long-term future for children with Hodgkin's disease.

2.2 Effects of radiotherapy

The gonads are sensitive to radiotherapy, and the subsequent damage depends on the field of treatment, total dose and fractionation schedule [25-28]. Fractionation usually improves the therapeutic margin, but there is evidence to suggest that the gonads are an exception [29], and that fractionation may be more harmful to testicular function by reducing the time available for repair.

It has been demonstrated that doses as low as 0.1 Gy - 1.2 Gy can have detectable effects on spermatogenesis in adult men [26, 27], with doses over 4 Gy causing a more permanent detrimental effect [25, 26]. As with chemotherapy, somatic cells are more resistant to radiation induced damage than are germ cells. Indeed, Leydig cell dysfunction is not observed until doses of around 20 Gy are administered to the prepubertal boy, and up to 30 Gy in sexually mature males [30, 31]. Testosterone production is therefore relatively preserved below these doses, and thus many patients will develop normal secondary sexual characteristics, despite severe impairment of spermatogenesis.

Within paediatric oncology, radiation induced gonadal damage is most often encountered following direct testicular irradiation, as used for management of testicular relapse of leukaemia, or following total body irradiation (TBI) given prior to bone marrow transplantation (BMT).

Radiation doses of 24 Gy are usually used to treat testicular involvement in leukaemia, and this results in permanent azoospermia [31]. The effects of TBI on gonadal function can be difficult to elucidate as this is usually given with other treatment modalities, including high dose chemotherapy. However, doses of 9 Gy - 10 Gy have been associated with subsequent gonadal failure [32], and gonadal damage is certainly more likely than in patients treated with chemotherapy alone [33].

Tumours of the central nervous system are the commonest solid malignancy seen in the paediatric population. Cranial irradiation is frequently used as a therapeutic modality in these children. Whilst not harming the gonads directly, fertility can be affected by disruption to the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Indeed, patients receiving radiation doses of 35 Gy - 45 Gy have demonstrated subsequent deficiencies in Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinising Hormone (LH) secretion [34]. The clinical sequelae of gonadotrophin deficiency exhibit a broad spectrum of severity, from subclinical abnormalities detectable only by Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) testing, to a significant reduction in circulating sex hormone levels and delayed puberty.

It has been demonstrated, at least in female patients, that the aetiology of hypogonadism following cranial irradiation is hypothalamic GnRH deficiency [35]. Thus exogenous GnRH can be used as replacement therapy in order to restore gonadal function and fertility.

2.3 Effects of disease

Although many aspects of cancer treatment may affect fertility, it is important to note that the disease itself may contribute to male gonadal dysfunction. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that up to 70 % of patients with Hodgkin's disease assessed prior to commencing treatment have impaired semen quality [36]. This has also been shown with other malignancies [37], although perhaps not to the same extent [38]. In addition to the disease itself, other non-specific conditions commonly observed at presentation, such as fever, anorexia and pain, can impair semen quality [39]. These findings on semen quality prior to treatment have only been investigated in adult patients, as similar studies on pre-pubertal boys cannot be performed. However, the results may have implications when options for preserving fertility in this patient group become technically and clinically feasible.

3 Potential for fertility following cancer treatment

Because of the varied nature of the gonadal insult following chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it can often be difficult to predict whether a child undergoing cancer treatment will subsequently have impaired fertility as an adult. The risk of subfertility can be categorised according to the type of malignancy and associated treatment (Table 2). As can be seen, treatment for Hodgkin's disease with alkylating agent-based therapy is profoundly gonadotoxic, as discussed above. Conditioning prior to bone marrow transplantation with high dose chemotherapy and total body irradiation also carries a substantial risk of gonadotoxicity, as do treatment of metastatic sarcoma and testicular irradiation.

Table 2. Best assessment of risk of subfertility following current treatment for childhood cancer by disease.

Risk of subfertility



Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

Wilms' tumour

Soft tissue sarcoma: stage 1

Germ cell tumours (with gonadal preservation and no radiotherapy)


Brain tumour:  Surgery only

                      Cranial irradiation<24 Gy


Acute myeloblastic leukaemia



Ewing's sarcoma

Soft tissue sarcoma


Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Hodgkin's disease: 'alternating therapy'

Brain tumour:  Craniospinal radiotherapy

                      Cranial irradiation>24 Gy


Total body irradiation

Localised radiotherapy: pelvic/testicular

Chemotherapy conditioning for bone marrow transplant

Hodgkin's disease:  alkylating agent based therapy

Soft tissue sarcoma:  metastatic

Low risk is assessed at <20 %, high risk as >80 %. Medium risk is difficult to quantify. Males are more susceptible to subfertility following chemotherapy than females, although females may be at risk of premature menopause.

However, this best assessment of risk only represents an approximate guide, and thus counselling children and their families with regards to future fertility is difficult because of the uncertainties. In addition, there are reports of patients having received sterilising treatment who have subsequently demonstrated recovery of spermatogenesis [40]. This not only has implications for counselling with regards to infertility, but also demonstrates the importance of discussing contraception with adult patients whose fertility status is uncertain.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) is the commonest childhood malignancy, accounting for approximately one third of all cancers in this age group. Treatment of ALL, as with other malignancies, is continually evolving, with protocol modifications aimed at improving survival and reducing unwanted effects. Previous ALL regimens have included high doses of cytarabine and cyclophosphamide, which resulted in a 50 % reduction in the seminiferous tubular fertility index compared with age-matched controls [41]. However, current treatment for ALL involves lower doses of these agents, and correspondingly fertility is less likely to be impaired, although long term follow up is essential.

Determining the impact of cancer treatment on gonadal function currently involves regular clinical assessment of pubertal status, biochemical assessment of plasma gonadotrophins and testosterone, and analysis of semen specimens. However, in prepubertal children, clinical assessment such as this is non-contributory and biochemical assessment is unreliable because the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is relatively quiescent in this age group. Thus it is currently not possible to detect gonadal damage early, due to the lack of a sensitive marker of gonadal function in prepubertal children.

There is currently much interest in plasma inhibin B as a potential marker of gonadotoxicity in this age group. Inhibin B is secreted predominantly from the Sertoli cells and is involved in negative feedback regulation of FSH; it is also a good indicator of the status of spermatogenesis in adulthood [42]. There is some evidence to suggest that gonadotoxic chemotherapy is associated with a reduction in inhibin B levels in adults [43], presumably indicating reduced sperm production [42]. However, this relationship has not been clearly demonstrated in prepubertal boys [44], perhaps because spermatogenesis has not yet been initiated. It remains to be seen if inhibin B will become a useful tool in fertility assessment of these children in the future.

4 Options for fertility preservation

4.1 Semen cryopreservation

Currently the only established option to preserve fertility following gonadotoxic therapy is cryopreservation of spermatozoa prior to commencing treatment. Patients for whom this procedure is suitable must be peri- or post-pubertal and sexually mature. In addition they must be able to give consent for the storage of the specimen.

In the paediatric population, cryopreservation of semen is particularly problematic. Sperm banking is not universally practiced in Paediatric Oncology centres, and there are few suitable 'adolescent-friendly' facilities. In many circumstances treatment of the cancer needs to start as quickly as possible following confirmation of the diagnosis and thus obtaining a semen specimen is required relatively soon. After having received such devastating news regarding the diagnosis, it can often be very difficult for teenagers to then discuss fertility and future children and subsequently go on to produce a semen specimen. On the positive side, however, many patients and their families derive benefit from open discussion regarding fertility, particularly as this places emphasis on looking to the future and provides reassurance that curative treatment is the aim [45].

The semen specimen is usually produced by masturbation but can also be obtained using rectal electrosti-mulation techniques under anaesthetic. Should it not be possible to obtain an ejaculate, epididymal aspiration or testicular biopsy, in sexually mature men, can be used to retrieve sperm.

The specimens produced are often of poor quality, particularly in the adolescent age group [46]. Many of these adolescent patients may have only recently commenced spermarche which may partially explain this, but many other factors are involved including the effects of the disease itself, as discussed above. In addition psychological stress, often observed at this difficult time, can certainly impair semen quality [47]. The sperm can then sustain further damage as a result of the freeze-thawing process used for cryopreservation, which can impair sperm motility [48] and cause damage to chromatin structure and sperm morphology [49].

Following cryopreservation, stored spermatozoa are subsequently used to produce offspring via In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). With advances in assisted reproduction techniques, in particular Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), which involves the injection of a single spermatozoan directly into an oocyte, the problems of low sperm numbers and poor motility may be circumvented [50, 51].

Semen cryopreservation should be offered to all suitable patients prior to commencing treatment but, as discussed, this process can be problematic. In addition this option is obviously not applicable to the pre-pubertal patient and thus other methods of fertility preservation must be considered. These alternative options all remain experimental at the present time.

4.2 Testicular tissue harvesting

As discussed earlier, prepubertal testes do not complete spermatogenesis and thus do not produce mature spermatozoa. However, they do contain the diploid stem germ cells from which haploid spermatozoa will ultimately be derived. Therefore in theory, testicular tissue could be harvested from a biopsy and stored, either as a segment of tissue or as isolated germ cells, prior to sterilizing cancer therapy. Following cure and on entering adulthood this tissue could be thawed and used in one of two ways in order to produce offspring. Firstly, the stored germ cells could be re-implanted into the patients own testes in order to restore natural fertility, a procedure known as Germ Cell Transplantation. Alternatively the stored stem cells could be matured in vitro until they are able to achieve fertilisation using ICSI.

4.2.1 Germ cell transplantation

Germ cell transplantation was pioneered by Brinster and colleagues in 1994 [52]. Following the injection of germ cell suspensions from donor mice into genetically sterile mice, restoration of spermatogenesis was observed from the donor stem cells. Similar results were also demonstrated in recipient mice that had received sterilising treatment with busulfan. Subsequently, in addition to this heterologous transplantation, successful transfer of germ cells between species has been demonstrated, with rat spermatogenesis noted following transplantation of rat germ cells into the seminiferous tubules of the mouse [53]. Germ cell transplantation between phylogenetically more distant species, such as from rabbits and dogs into mice, has not been successful [54], perhaps because the microenvironment is not suitable for the proliferation of donor spermatogonia. However, spermatogenesis has become established following xeno-grafting of testicular tissue from mice, pigs and goats into castrated, immunodeficient mice [55].

Whilst the aforementioned studies have been essential in developing germ cell transplantation, the clinical application of this technique in oncological patients would almost certainly require successful autologous germ cell transplantation. Although there have been promising results in primate models [56], beneficial effects have been difficult to demonstrate because of the inherent difficulty in confirming the origin of spermatogenesis in these experiments [57]. Although this technique has potential benefit to survivors of childhood cancer, a number of problems first need to be overcome, as discussed later.

4.2.2 In vitro maturation

Maturing germ cells in vitro, stimulating their differentiation into spermatozoa, would be particularly useful in patients who have received profoundly gonadotoxic therapy and in whom the supporting Sertoli cells would be unable to support spermatogenesis. Nagano et al. [58] demonstrated that mouse spermatogonial stem cells could survive for up to four months in culture, retaining the ability to commence spermatogenesis following transplantation back into a recipient. In addition, Tesarik et al [59] reported the restoration of fertility following in vitro spermatogenesis. However, this process involved in vitro maturation of the later stages of spermatogenesis rather than development from stem cells. Indeed, it appears unlikely that in vitro maturation of diploid stem cells into haploid spermatozoa will be technically possible in the near future.

4.2.3 Harvesting, storage and future use of stem cells: problems

Whilst these techniques, once fully developed, have enormous potential and offer hope to childhood cancer survivors at risk of infertility, these procedures are associated with a number of problems that must be overcome before application in a clinical setting.

Firstly, obtaining the testicular tissue would require an additional surgical procedure following confirmation of the diagnosis and prior to the commencement of any cytotoxic treatment. This would necessitate a further general anaesthetic, although in practice it should be possible to combine the testicular biopsy with other interventions required at this time. In addition, the procedure itself could result in damage to the testis, for example with bleeding and infection of the biopsy site. The prepubertal testis would be particularly vulnerable due to its small size in this age group.

Secondly, autologous germ cell transplantation requires tissue that was removed from a patient with cancer prior to treatment to be returned to the patient following cure. There is, therefore, a genuine risk of reintroducing malignant cells, with potentially fatal consequences. This is unlikely to occur with malignancies such as Hodgkins Disease, which is often localised at presentation, but the risk would be substantial with haematological malignancies [60], where the testes can act as sanctuary sites for leukaemic cells. Indeed, any theoretical risk of returning cancer cells following treatment, however small, would not be acceptable.

In order to circumvent this problem, it is likely that the germ cells, and in particular the stem cells, from the testicular biopsy would need to be isolated prior to transplantation. This would be safer and more acceptable than the use of semi-purified cell populations of germ cells and somatic cells as used in transplantation in the rodent models discussed above. However, the term stem cell?is a functional description as there are no specific morphological, antigenic or biochemical criteria to identify these cells. Although stem cells do express certain surface antigens, such as a-6 and b-1 integrins [61], which would allow purification using magnetic cell sorting [62], other progenitor cells including haemopoietic cells also express these antigens, and thus these markers will not be specific enough to exclude malignant cells. For purification to be effective, specific antibody probes must be developed in order to distinguish stem cells from other cells.

A further issue to be resolved before clinical application of these techniques is that of the cryopreservation process. Cryopreservation of mature, haploid spermatozoa is well established. However, there are substantial biological differences between these cells and undifferen-tiated, diploid stem cell spermatogonia, and thus the requirements of successful freezing and thawing differ considerably. Glycerol is used as the preservative of choice for ejaculated spermatozoa. However earlier germ cells, with proportionately larger amounts of cytoplasm, are more successfully preserved using dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) as the cryoprotectant [63]. Despite this potential, the safety of DMSO in clinical use requires further evaluation prior to human application. Further studies are therefore needed on the optimal cryopreservation process for human testicular stem cells.

For germ cell transplantation to be successful, sufficient numbers of stem cells must be injected into the testes. It has been estimated that 104 germ cells isolated from an adult rodent testis contain as few as 2 stem cells [64]. Experiments using murine models have demonstrated that the seminiferous tubules of recipient mice testes have a volume of approximately 10 mL. Since cell concentrations of (1-2) ?108 cells per mL can be injected, the recipient mouse will only receive approximately 200~400 stem cells in a transplant [65]. There is thus a need to develop an in vitro enrichment system that will safely augment stem cell numbers following harvesting and isolation, thus improving the cell yield returned to the patient. Nagano et al [58] have demonstrated successful in vitro culture of mouse stem germ cells, and thus enrichment is likely to be feasible. However, because of the low numbers of stem cells that are likely to be returned, it may be that patients in whom germ cell transplantation is successful will still only be oligospermic rather than having normal sperm counts. They will therefore still require assisted reproduction in order to produce offspring.

Following harvest, stem cell isolation, cryopreser-vation and enrichment, the cells then need to be returned to the testes. Although this has been successfully performed in animal models as discussed above, the procedure for transplantation into the human testis remains unclear. The three main routes of re-infusion used previously are multiple microinjections into superficial seminiferous tubules, injection into the rete testis or injection into the efferent ducts. Although all of these techniques have been successful in the mouse [66], the most effective method in larger testes, including humans, is likely to be injection into the rete testis under ultrasound guidance [56]. Injection into this area allows a much larger volume to be infused. This technique is particularly successful in immature or regressed testes because of the lower intratubular fluid pressure, which can impair the injection into fully active testes. As the testes in cancer patients can be regressed secondary to cytotoxic treatment, this technique is certainly promising, although still needs to be refined prior to clinical application.

As can be seen, germ cell transplantation has potential, but there are a number of problems with the technique that need to be resolved. It could be argued that the safest method would be xenografting testicular tissue, for example into nude mice as demonstrated by Honaramooz et al [55]. In particular this eliminates the risk of re-introducing malignant cells. There would, however, be a risk of inter-species transfer of potentially pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, this process would not be ethically acceptable for widespread clinical use.

The technique of in vitro maturation of stem cells shares many of the problems discussed above but also circumvents the risk of re-introducing malignant cells, thus making this procedure potentially highly beneficial in this patient group. However, as discussed above, the technology to enable this maturation to occur may be some time away. Although ICSI has been successful using nuclear material from a round spermatid [67] and thus the maturation to spermatozoa need not be complete; the ability to artificially mature a diploid stem cell into a suitable haploid cell is not possible at the present time.

Finally, ICSI itself is not without potential compli-cations. Because ICSI involves the injection of nuclear material directly into an oocyte, some of the natural mechanisms that normally prevent sperm with defective DNA being involved in fertilisation are bypassed. In addition, the oocyte fertilized may itself be abnormal. There is, therefore, genuine concern that DNA and chromosomal abnormalities are more likely to be passed on to offspring produced with such techniques. Indeed, a number of large follow up studies have demonstrated an increase in chromosomal abnormalities, particularly of the sex chromosomes, in offspring born using ICSI [68, 69]. However, rather than the technique itself predisposing to these abnormalities, the increased incidence is felt to reflect the higher rate of constitutional chromosomal anomalies observed in infertile couples utilizing ICSI, particularly on the paternal side [69].

Transmission of constitutional chromosomal anomalies is less likely in cancer survivors because their infertility is secondary to gonadotoxic treatment. However, concerns have been raised that the mutagenic potential of cancer therapy could predispose the offspring of these patients to congenital abnormalities, and even cancer themselves. A large epidemiological study has failed to demonstrate any such link [70], except in those with familial malignancies, although these offspring resulted from natural conception. A recent study [18] investigated the integrity of spermatozoal DNA in men who had undergone treatment for childhood cancer. These sperm did not carry a greater burden of damaged DNA as compared to age-matched controls, providing some reassurance with regards to the use of spermatozoa from oligospermic men who have survived childhood cancer.

A further concern of offspring born using ICSI and IVF is the risk of congenital malformations. A number of large follow up studies have demonstrated no difference between ICSI and IVF in this regard, and indeed have suggested a comparable rate of major malformations to that seen following natural conception [71, 72]. Other studies have suggested an increased malformation rate, although have attributed this to the higher rate of multiple births seen following assisted reproduction [73].

However, interpretation of studies such as these can be problematic due to the inherent difficulty in obtaining appropriate control data for comparison, as maternal age, parity, sex of the infant and multiple births will affect the incidence of these abnormalities. In addition, variability exists between definitions of major and minor birth defects. In contrast to the aforementioned studies, Hansen et al [74] suggested that infants conceived using ICSI or IVF are twice as likely to suffer a major birth defect, and that this risk remained significant even allowing for these factors. Infants born of such techniques will be followed up more closely and thus one could argue that defects are more likely to be diagnosed in this cohort. However, the authors included defects diagnosed up to one year of age, at which time the majority of major defects would have been detected in all patient groups. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that babies born following assisted reproduction are at greater risk of low and very low birth weight [75]. Although this can again be explained, in part, by an increase in multiple births, it can also be a feature of singletons born with this technology.

Further long-term prospective studies are required to obtain accurate information on these children. If an increased risk of abnormalities is genuine, consideration must be given to the aetiology of these problems. The difficulty in identifying causative factors is that couples utilizing these techniques are inherently more at risk prior to fertility treatment, and thus the effect of the procedure itself can be difficult to elucidate. As discussed above, these risk factors may be less likely in survivors of childhood cancer.

In summary, both germ cell transplantation and in vitro maturation offer real hope for fertility preservation in males treated for cancer, particularly those in the prepubertal age group. However, there are a number of potential complications with both techniques, which must be overcome before they form part of the routine management in these patients.

4.3 Hormonal manipulation

Cytotoxic treatment, as mentioned previously, acts principally on rapidly dividing cells. As the testis demonstrates much cellular activity it is therefore prone to this damage and gonadotoxicity may result. In view of this, it has been postulated that inducing testicular quiescence could prevent gonadal toxicity, by making germ cells less vulnerable to the cytotoxic effects.

Studies investigating this technique using rodent models have produced very encouraging results. Ward et al [76] induced suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis using a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist. Pulsatile GnRH is required for normal gonadal function, but if administered at a supraphysiological dose in a non-pulsatile, chronic manner, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis will occur via down-regulation of pituitary GnRH receptors. When administered to rats prior to treatment with procarbazine, enhanced recovery of spermatogenesis was demonstrated, as compared to control animals. Similar protection of spermatogenesis has also been demonstrated using other methods of suppressing the reproductive axis, including treatment with testosterone, testosterone and oestradiol [77], GnRH antagonists and anti-androgens such as flutamide [78]. In addition, these methods have been protective against other gonadotoxic agents such as cyclophosphamide [79] and radiotherapy [80], suggesting that the mechanism of protection is not specific to particular modes of cytotoxic therapy.

A number of issues have arisen from these experi-ments. Firstly, the time required to suppress the reproductive axis is an important factor if this procedure is to be utilized in a clinical setting. Many of the studies discussed above involve hormonal manipulation commencing a number of weeks prior to administration of the cytotoxic agent. Cancer treatment should, in general, start as soon as possible following confirmation of the diagnosis, and therefore this delay would not be acceptable in patient management.

Secondly, the timing of suppression of the reproductive axis in relation to the cytotoxic damage has provoked many questions regarding the mechanism of gonadal protection. Meistrich et al [81] demonstrated that hormonal manipulation with a GnRH antagonist or testosterone led to the successful recovery of spermatogenesis in rats even when given after irradiation. Similar results have also been observed with hormonal treatment after the administration of procarbazine [82]. Whilst this would circumvent the concerns highlighted above regarding the delay in cancer treatment, these studies suggest that the original hypothesis of gonadal protection simply involving a reduction in the susceptibility of germ cells is incorrect.

There is evidence, based on rodent studies, to suggest that azoospermia following cytotoxic therapy does not necessarily result from complete depletion of spermatogonia, but is secondary to a failure of surviving spermatogonia to replicate and differentiate [5]. It has therefore been postulated that the recovery of spermatogenesis following hormonal treatment observed in these rodent models is due to stimulation of differentiation of surviving spermatogonia. A consistent feature observed in recovery of spermatogenesis is a reduction in intratesti-cular testosterone [81, 83], and it has been suggested that this relieves the block of differentiation, perhaps by alterations in the endocrine and paracrine environment of the testes. This subsequently allows the restoration of spermatogenesis.

Despite the success of these techniques in rodent models, clinical trials of hormonal manipulation in patients receiving gonadotoxic therapy have thus far failed to demonstrate any benefit. Administration of a GnRH analogue prior to and during treatment for lymphoma has been ineffective in conserving fertility [84, 85]. Subsequent to these earlier trials, and in view of the studies discussed above regarding the optimal timing of hormonal treatment, Thomson et al attempted to restore spermatogenesis in seven men rendered azoospermic following treatment for childhood cancer [86]. However, after suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis with testosterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate the men remained azoospermic on reassessment, and their testes, on biopsy, lacked germ cells. Perhaps in this study the hormonal treatment was initiated too long after the cytotoxic therapy. In addition, the lack of success may be because the initial testicular insult was too severe, and that this technique may be more beneficial in patients with less severe gonadal damage in whom some spermatogonial stem cells are preserved following cytotoxic treatment. However, it is difficult to justify further clinical trials in this area until the mechanism of gonadal protection?is better understood. Indeed, extrapolating evidence from rodent models to clinical trials assumes that both the physiology of spermatogenesis and the mechanisms of gonadotoxic damage are similar in both species. However, there is evidence to suggest that significant inter-species differences do exist, and that perhaps other primates would be more appropriate models in which to study spermatogenesis in this regard [87, 88].

The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a New World primate, demonstrates similar phases of testicular development and displays similarities in its organization of spermatogenesis to the human [89]. It therefore represents a useful model for studying prepubertal testicular development. Kelnar et al [90] investigated this phase of development using immunoexpression studies of marmoset testes. Functional development of both Sertoli cells, based on the expression of sulphated glycoprotein-2 and androgen receptor, and of Leydig cell activity, based on the expression of 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, was demonstrated pre-pubertally. In addition, proliferation of germ cells was noted at this age, indicated by the immunoexpression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). This provides further evidence that the pre-pubertal testis is not quiescent, and improves our understanding of why the testis is susceptible to cytotoxic damage at this age group.

In addition, this study also investigated the effects of treatment with a GnRH antagonist on the prepubertal marmoset. It was found that this treatment largely prevented many of the changes highlighted above. However, unexpectedly, the proliferation of germ cells, as assessed by the PCNA labeling index of spermatogonia, was unaffected by administration of the GnRH antagonist, when compared to control animals. This suggests that germ cell proliferation, in primates, is in fact gonadotrophin-independent, and therefore hormonal manipulation based on suppression of the gonadotrophin axis is unlikely to be successful in alleviating gonadotoxic damage secondary to cancer treatment. Studies are currently in progress in order to identify what factors do regulate spermatogonial proliferation, with the hope that these may offer novel targets of gonadal protection during cytotoxic therapy.

Thus, hormonal manipulation may in the future become a beneficial therapeutic intervention in boys with cancer, but a greater understanding of the physiology of human spermatogenesis is required before the clinical application of these techniques is feasible.

5 Ethical and legal issues

Both harvesting gonadal tissue for future use, and hormonal manipulation to improve future spermatogenesis, are exciting prospects that provide hope for children with cancer. Although there are still many scientific and technical issues to resolve, this technology also raises a number of important ethical and legal issues, which must be addressed before these procedures are utilised in a clinical setting.

Of prime importance, when considering options for future fertility following childhood cancer treatment, must be that any decision is taken in the child's best interests. Thus the advantages of any intervention, or of an active decision not to intervene, must outweigh any disadvantages, both in the short and long term. Attempts to preserve fertility must not raise unrealistic expectations, and must not have undue adverse effects in either the patient or any subsequent offspring.

Comparing potential benefits with long-term risks is particularly problematic in this situation. The effectiveness of therapeutic intervention is still unknown at present, and it will be many years until expertise has improved sufficiently to assess it realistically. However, unless these techniques are considered and appropriate methods offered now, the opportunity of fertility preservation will be missed. Deleterious effects will also take many years to fully evaluate, particularly with respect to future progeny. Thus fertility preservation must be considered in the context of clinical benefit within the management of childhood cancer, and also in the context of ongoing research. Valid consent to perform these procedures is therefore both a legal and ethical requirement.

For consent to be valid it must be informed, obtained voluntarily and given by a competent person. Legal competence to consent requires that the individual giving it is able to understand the information given, believes it applies to them, retains it, and uses it to make an informed choice. In view of the complexity of the issues surrounding fertility preservation, the anxieties of both patients and their families at the time of diagnosis, and the limited time for discussion due to the urgency of commencing treatment, the validity of such consent may be impaired.

The issue of valid consent is further complicated by the age of the patient involved and their degree of understanding of the issues being discussed. Young persons over the age of 16 years in Scotland, and 18 years in England may consent to treatment under the Family Law Reform Act (1969). Otherwise consent is obtained by proxy, from a parent or legal guardian. Younger children may give valid consent if they demonstrate sufficient understanding and intelligence to enable them to make an informed decision, so called "Gillick competence" [91]. However, with respect to the storage and future use of gametes, consent by proxy is specifically excluded by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act [92]. Thus parents, or legal guardians, cannot give consent on behalf of the child. Immature germ cells, however, are not within the HFEA definition of a gamete as they are unable to take part in fertilisation. Therefore these cells could be harvested with parental consent, if the procedure was in the child's best interests. If this immature material were subsequently matured to produce gametes this tissue would then fall under the jurisdiction of the HFEA.

Consent in situations such as this should be viewed as a dynamic, continual process that is adapted as new information becomes available. Indeed, many of the difficulties discussed above may be alleviated by obtaining consent in different stages [93]. The first stage of consent would be for the harvest and storage of the gonadal tissue. The second stage, at a later date, would involve consent for the use of stored germ cell material for both fertilisation and research. In addition it is important to consider what should happen to gonadal tissue in the event of the child's death. Whilst some would advocate destruction of the tissue in this situation, others have suggested allowing the parents to consent for the tissue to be used for research purposes [94].

These issues must be addressed in order that new techniques are adequately regulated. Following extensive, collaborative discussion within a multidisciplinary setting, a number of recommendations have been suggested [94, 95]. These include ongoing, structured research with centralization of data and rapid dissemination of results, a rigorous review of procedures and development of the process of obtaining informed consent. This will ensure that children with cancer have a realistic and safe prospect for fertility in the future.

6 Conclusions

Infertility can be a major long-term side effect following treatment for childhood cancer, and will become increasingly important as greater numbers of children survive into adulthood. It is therefore imperative to consider ways of protecting or restoring fertility at an early stage.

Infertility is associated with a number of chemotherapeutic agents and with radiotherapy. Treatments for certain cancers are more likely to result in subsequent infertility than others. However, it can be very difficult to predict which children will be affected in later life.

At present there is nothing to offer the prepubertal boy at risk of infertility, and indeed the provision for postpubertal boys is inadequate. However, there are a number of potential therapeutic interventions that may be of benefit. Although many scientific, technical, legal and ethical issues need to be addressed before these techniques become part of the routine management of these patients, there exists genuine hope for childhood cancer survivors at risk of infertility in the future.


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Correspondence to: Dr W.H.B. Wallace, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, 17 Millerfield Place, Edinburgh EH9 1LW, UK.
Tel: +44-131 536 0420, Fax: +44-131 536 0430
E-mail: Hamish.Wallace@luht.scot.nhs.uk
Received 2003-09-10 Accepted 2003-09-15