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- Clinical Experience -
Different hemodynamic responses by color Doppler ultrasonography studies between sildenafil non-responders
and responders
Shih-Tsung Huang, Ming-Li Hsieh
Section of Andrology and Female Urology, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital-Linkou, Chang Gung University, College of Medicine, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, China
Aim: To determine if there are different penile hemodynamic patterns between sildenafil non-responders and
responders by using color Doppler ultrasonography.
Methods: A total of 69 erectile dysfunction (ED) patients aged
22_79 years were enrolled into the present study. Thirty-eight (55.1%) men with ED who did not respond to four
attempts of treatment with 100 mg sildenafil after re-education were classified as sildenafil non-responders. A
combination of three vasodilator drugs, 1.25 mg papaverine, 0.4 mg phentolamine and 5
mg prostaglandin E1, was given by intracavernous injection before penile Doppler ultrasonography was carried out. The erectile response to
intracavernous injection and vascular parameters including peak systolic velocity (PSV), resistance index (RI), end
diastolic velocity (EDV) and cavernosa artery diameter (CD) were measured and the results between sildenafil
non-responders and responders were compared.
Results: No statistical difference in vascular parameters measured by
Doppler ultrasonography studies between non-responders and responders was noted. Sildenafil non-responders had
a poorer penile rigidity response to intracavernous injection than responders
(P < 0.05). Among patients with adequate PSV
(³ 30 cm/s) and abnormal EDV (> 5 cm/s), individuals in the non-responder group had fewer positive
responses to intracavernous vasodilator injection than in the responder group (35.3%
vs. 72.2%, P < 0.05). Advanced age and comorbidity with diabetes mellitus were significantly associated with sildenafil non-response
(P < 0.05). Conclusion: Sildenafil non-responders were characterized by a poorer penile rigidity response to intracavernous
injection and had an associated impaired veno-occlusive mechanism. Advanced age and comorbidity with diabetes
mellitus were two common factors associated with
(Asian J Androl 2007 Jan; 1:129_133)
Keywords: color Doppler ultrasonography; erectile dysfunction; impotence; sildenafil citrate; ultrasonography
Correspondence to: Shih-Tsung Huang, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital-Linkou, Chang
Gung College of Medicine, Taoyuan 333, Taiwan, China.
Tel: +886-3-328-1200 ext. 2137 Fax: +886-3-318-5116
Received 2006-04-18 Accepted 2006-07-12
DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2007.00227.x
1 Introduction
Normal penile erectile function depends on adequate relaxation of smooth muscle in the corpora cavernosa.
Vasodilatation occuring after relaxation of the smooth muscle in arterioles results in increased blood flow within the
corpora cavernosa. A veno-occlusive mechanism enables the corpora to retain blood within the expanded sinusoids
by relaxation of trabecular smooth muscles and compression of emissary venules against the tunica albuginea [1].
Sildenafil citrate was the first type of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors introduced to treat male
erectile dysfunction (ED). Sildenafil citrate prevents cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) degradation and enhances smooth
muscle relaxation within the corpora cavernosum. In
healthy young men, oral sildenafil citrate can reduce the
interval between first and second nocturnal erections and
prolong the duration of the last nocturnal erection [2]. Oral
sildenafil citrate has been extensively prescribed as the first
line of ED treatment since its release in 1998; however,
not all patients with ED treated with oral sildenafil citrate
have a satisfactory response, that is, adequate penile
rigidity for vaginal penetration. Patients with severe
neurologic damage, diabetes mellitus or severe vascular disease
might be resistant to PDE5 inhibitors. In a dose-response
study, 84% of the men receiving 100 mg of sildenafil had
improved erection as compared with 25% of those receiving placebo [3]. Approximately 40% of individuals
who do not have an adequate response to sildenafil achieve
satisfactory penile rigidity after re-education and/or proper
instruction [4].
Intracavernous injection of vasodilators has become
a salvage treatment for individuals who do not respond
to sildenafil after re-education. A response of 88.1% to
intracavernous self-injection of alprostadil has been noted
in a prospective study of sildenafil non-responders [5].
However, a direct comparison of penile hemodynamics
between sildenafil non-responders and responders has
never been carried out. Color Doppler ultrasonography
studies (CDUS) were used to measure penile blood
velocity and have become a useful tool for the diagnosis of
penile vasculogenic insufficiency.
For a better understanding of the penile hemodynamic
differences between sildenafil non-responders and responders, we retrospectively analyzed ED patients who
were referred to our department for CDUS of the penis
during the past 6 years. We compared the erectile
response to intracavernous injection of a combination of
three vasoactive drugs and the parameters measured from
penile blood flow studies between sildenafil
non-responders and responders.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Study population and design
The penile hemodynamics of pharmacologically induced erection in 69 ED patients evaluated with CDUS
in our department since 1999 were studied. The mean
patient age was 50.4 years (range 22_79 years). Patients
referred to our department as a result of an unsatisfactory
sildenafil response were re-educated and challenged with
100 mg sildenafil citrate. Patients who did not reach
satisfactory rigidity after a fourth challenge were
classified as non-responders. ED patients who reached
satisfactory penile rigidity after sildenafil treatment were
classified as responders. A successful response to sildenafil
was defined as the ability to achieve vaginal penetration
in ³ 75% of attempts. Patients diagnosed to have
Peyronie's disease were excluded from the present study.
Penile CDUS were carried out in an outpatient clinic.
Intracavernous injection of 0.5 mL of a solution
containing 1.25 mg papaverine, 0.4 mg phentolamine and 5
mg prostaglandin E1 was given before the start of penile blood
flow measurement. Semiquantitative clinical grading of
an erection was carried out throughout the Doppler
evaluation. Erectile response was documented using a
5-grade scale: 0, flacid; 1, mild tumescence; 2, moderate
tumescence but inadequate rigidity for vaginal penetration;
3, full tumescence with moderate rigidity allowing vaginal
penetration with some difficulty; and 4, full tumescence
and full rigidity allowing vaginal penetration without
difficulty. The same physician (STH) carried out all the
studies. Patients classified as grade 3 or 4 were regarded
as having a positive response to intracave-rnous injection.
2.2 CDUS
All CDUS were carried out in a quiet, private room
with minimal distractions by the same urologist (STH)
using an Acuson 128XP machine (Mountain View, CA, USA) and an L7 (7.0 MHz) small piece transducer. In
order to reduce measurement variation, the transducer
was always positioned at the penile base. Grayscale
scanning of the penis was carried out at the beginning of
each study to document any structural abnormality. Color
mapped Doppler ultrasonography was then used to
measure the proximal cavernosa arteries. After intracavernous
injection, assessment of the corpora cavernosa was
carried out at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 min. All injections
were carried out in the left corpora. Measurements of
peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV),
cavernous artery diameter (CD) and resistance index (RI)
over both sides of the proximal cavernous arteries were
carried out during the CDUS. The measurement angle
was 55 degrees.
2.3 Vascular diagnosis of ED by CDUS
Patients with normal PSV (≥ 30 cm/s) and normal
EDV (≤ 5 cm/s) were classified as having a normal penile
blood flow study. Arterial insufficiency type ED was
defined as PSV < 30 cm/s with normal EDV
(≤ 5 cm/s). The diagnosis of veno-occlusive type erectile
dysfunction was defined as normal PSV (≥ 30 cm/s) with
abnormal EDV (> 5 cm/s). Patients who could not be
classified into the above categories were defined as having
mixed type ED [6_8].
2.4 Analysis of data
Comparison of age and vascular parameters between
sildenafil non-responder and responder groups was
carried out using unpaired t-test. Categorical data was
analyzed using c2-test or Fisher's exact test. Differences
were considered significant when P < 0.05. Statistical
analysis was carried out with commercial software SPSS
11.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).
3 Results
Thirty-eight (55.1%) patients with a mean age of 57.3
years were included in the sildenafil non-responder group,
and 31 (44.9%) patients with a mean age of 41.9 years
were in the sildenafil responder group (Table 1). Of the 38
patients in the non-responder group, 21 (55.3%) had no
comorbid disease, nine (23.7%) had diabetes mellitus,
three (7.9%) had both diabetes and hypertension,
three (7.9%) had undergone prostatectomy, one (2.6%) had coronary
artery disease and one (2.6%) had cerebrovascular disease.
Of the 31 patients in responder group, 25 (80.6%) had no
comorbid disease, three (9.7%) had coronary artery disease,
one (3.2%) had dyslipidemia, one (3.2%) had diabetes
mellitus and one (3.2%) had multiple sclerosis.
There was no statistical difference in vascular
parameters (PSV, EDV, CAD and RI) between the two groups (Table 2). Veno-occlusive ED was the
commonest type in both non-responder and responder groups
(44.7% vs. 58.1%, respectively), followed by normal type
(23.7% vs. 22.6%), arterial type (23.7%
vs. 12.9%) and mixed type (7.9% vs. 6.5%). No patients diagnosed with
mixed type ED in either group were able to achieve
adequate rigidity (grade 3 or 4). Overall, the rigidity
response to intracavernous injection of three vasodilators
had a significant difference in favor of the sildenafil
responder group (P = 0.032). Only 34.2% (13/38) of
non-responders, but 67.7% (21/31) of responders, had a
positive response to intracavernous vasodilator injection (Table
2). Fewer patients with veno-occlusive type ED in the
non-responder group had a positive response to intracavernous
injection than in the responder group (35.3%
vs. 72.2%, P = 0.044). No prolonged erections (more than
4 hours) or priapism occurred in any individual in the present study.
4 Discussion
Color Doppler ultrasonography is an excellent
non-invasive method to evaluate the arterial and venous
components of ED. Intracavernous injection of vasoactive
agents before CDUS has been noted to provide a better
response and higher blood flow in cavernosa arteries than
oral sildenafil with audiovisual stimulation [9]. In the
present study, we used a solution of three vasodilators
(1.25 mg papaverine, 0.4 mg phentolamine and 5 mg
prostaglandin E1) to enhance smooth muscle relaxation of
corpus cavernosum. There was no statistical difference
in vascular parameters (PSV, EDV, CAD and RI) as
measured by color Doppler ultrasonography between sildenafil non-responders and responders. Using a PSV
< 30 cm/s and EDV £ 5 cm/s as the diagnostic criteria,
our data also showed a low incidence of arterial
insufficiency in both non-responders and responders (23.7%
and 12.9%, respectively). This finding was comparable
to the results of a previous study by McCullough
et al. [10]. In the aforementioned study, a low incidence of
arterial insufficiency (19%) in sildenafil non-responders
receiving nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy using a PSV
< 25 cm/s as the diagnostic criteria was also noted.
Interestingly, in the present study no patient
categorized with mixed type ED in either group had a positive
erectile response to intracavernous vasodilator injection.
Thus, mixed type ED might represent the most severe
form of vascular insufficiency. It has also been noted
that only 6% of patients diagnosed with mixed type ED
respond to sildenafil [11].
A high incidence of veno-occlusive type ED (44.7%
in the non-responder group and 58.1% in the responder
group) was noted in the present study. This might be
overestimated as a result of inadequate smooth muscle
relaxation induced by intracavernous vasodilator injection.
In patients having a normal PSV (≥ 30 cm/s) and
abnormal EDV (> 5 cm/s), more sildenafil responders reached
adequate penile rigidity in response to intracavernous
vasodilator injection. Six of the 69 patients classified as having
normal CDUS did not have an adequate penile rigidity
response after intracavernous vasodilator injection. Five of
these six patients were in the sildenafil non-responder group.
Therefore, a subgroup of sildenafil non-responder patients
characterized by adequate PSV (³ 30 cm/s), normal EDV
(≤ 5 cm/s) and negative response to intracavernous
injection were identified in the present study.
Psychogenic suppression during examination might
cause a false negative response to intracavernous
vasodilator injection. Complete cavernous smooth muscle
relaxation is essential for normal erection and without a
normal erection, the diagnosis of venous insufficiency
might be overestimated. A second injection of
vasodilators can reduce this type of overestimation, but the risks
of prolonged erection must be weighed against potential
benefits. A second intracavernous vasodilator injection
was not given to any patient in the present study. More
than 75% of our non-responders had adequate flow
velocity (PSV ³ 30 cm/s), but the erection response to
intracavernous vasodilator injection was poorer than in
the responder group. Patients with normal PSV, but an
incomplete erectile response, are considered to have a
veno-occlusive dysfunction [6].
It had also been postulated that men with an intact
veno-occlusive mechanism can maintain an erection in response
to intracavernous vasodilator injection despite arterial
insufficiency [12]. Veno-occlusive dysfunction alone, or
combined with arterial disease, is the hemodynamic abnormality
causing non-response to intracavernous pharmacotherapy
[13]. However, non-response to intracavernous
vasodilator injection in an older patient with a long duration of ED is
most likely to the result of venous insufficiency [14]. Age
and the competence of smooth muscle relaxation to
vasoactive agents might play a major role in the difference of
erectile response in the present study, that is, the mean age
of patients in the non-responder group was 15 years older
than in the responder group. Partial androgen deficiency
might also be a factor contributing to poorer erectile
response an aging male. Older men might require higher
levels of testosterone for normal sexual function and
testosterone replacement might possibly improve the therapeutic
response to PDE5 inhibitors [15].
Diabetes mellitus might be another major factor
contributing to sildenafil non-response. Diabetic patients with
erectile dysfunction have autonomic and endothelium
dependent smooth muscle relaxation impairment [16].
Diabetes mellitus was present in 31.6% (12/38) of sildenafil non-responders in the present study; however,
the PSV of our diabetic non-responders was similar to
that in responders. In a longitudinal observation study,
diabetic men with erectile dysfunction had more severe
function impairment and lower intercourse satisfaction
than non-diabetic men [17]. Diabetes mellitus has been
noted to negatively impact the response to intracorporeal
injection and is associated with low PSV and poor penile
axial rigidity [18]. In a 10-year follow-up study, diabetic
patients using self-injection to treat ED had the tendency
to switch from a single vasodilator to a combination of
vasodilators in order to reach maximal cavernous smooth
muscle relaxation and a better erection response [19].
In a recent prospective morphometric study, severe
vascular lesions with reduction of cavernous smooth muscle
(< 35%) were observed in sildenafil non-responders [20].
Further immunohistochemical or molecular studies in
sildenafil non-responders and responders are needed to
confirm the role of cavernous smooth muscle in the
pathogenesis of sildenafil non-response.
In conclusion, the present study has shown that
sildenafil non-responders had a poorer rigidity response to
intracavernous injection of vasodilators than responders.
Most sildenafil non-responders were characterized by
adequate PSV (³ 30 cm/s) and abnormal EDV (> 5
cm/s). Older age and diabetes mellitus are two common factors
associated with non-response.
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