Zheng Li

Zheng Li, Ph.D.&M.D.
Chief Physician
Department of Urology and Andrology
Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
145 Shandong Zhong Rd
Shanghai, 200001, China
Tel:86-6373-2926 (o); 86-5094-0007
Email: Lizhengboshi@163.com; doc.zheng.li@gmail.com
Website: http://www.spermwindow.com; http://www.nankezhuanjia.com
Education and Work Experience:
Nov, 2005-Present |
Chief Physician, Urology and Andrology, Department of Urology and Androlgoy, Renji Hospital Director of Shanghai Human Sperm Bank, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine |
Sep, 2007-Apr, 2008 |
Visiting Scholar Department of Urology, Civic Hospital Ottawa Fertility Center Ottawa University |
Mar,2007-Aug, 2007 |
Visiting Scholar, Prince of Wales Hospital, Chinese Hongkong University |
Jun, 2001-Nov, 2005 |
Associate Chief Physician, Urology and Andrology, Department of Urology and Androlgoy, Renji Hospital Director of Shanghai Human Sperm Bank , Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine |
Sept, 1999-Jul, 2002 |
Ph.D. Surgery Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine |
Sept, 1996-Jul, 1999 |
M.S. Surgery Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Jun, 1985-Sept, 1999 |
Resident, attending and Associate Professor, Shandong Hospital of TCM Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Sept, 1980-Jun, 1985 |
Bachelor, TCM Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Membership of professional societies and other academic activity:
1. Member of Chinese Society for Reproductive Medicine
2. Member of Chinese Society for Sperm Banking
3. Member and Sec of Society for Reproductive Medicine of Shanghai
4. Member of Shanghai Association for Andrology
5. Committee Member of Chinese Ministry of Health for Reproductive Medicine
6. Committee Member of Chinese Association of Urology for Prostatitis
7. Committee Member of Chinese Association of Androlgy for Male Infertility
8. Member of Editorial Committee of Asian Journal of Andrology
9. Member of Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Andrology
10. Member of Editorial Committee of National Journal of Andrology
11. Reviewer for some scientific Journal and grant applications
Honors & Scholarships:
2006 Top 100 Talent Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
2002 Outstanding Ph.D. student
1999 Outstanding M.S. student (Top 5)
