ISI Impact Factor (2004): 1.096


Prof. Yi-Fei WANG,




Prof. WANG Yi-fei
Run Wang, M.D., M.S.

Sex: Male
Birth Date: Nov.3, 1939
Birth Place: Shanghai, China
Nationality: Chinese
Married Status: Married

Present Position Past Experience Education
Chinese CV Contact Information

Present Position

1.   Senior Advisor, Medical School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2.   Senior Advisor to the President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3.   Director, Research and Training Center for Reproductive Medicine, Shanghai

4.   Professor of Histology, Embryology and Reproductive Biology

5.   Member of Scientific Discipline Review Group, Scientific Degree Evaluating Committee, State Council of China

6.   Member of National Strategic Advisory Committee for Scientific and Technological Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

.   Member of Scientific Expert Committee, National Population and Family Planning Commission of China

8.  President, Chinese Society of Reproductive Medicine, Chinese Medical Association

9.  Chairman, Shanghai Society of Family Planning and Reproductive Health

10 .   Acting President of Asian Society of Andrology

11.   Chief Editor, Asian Journal of Andrology

12.   Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee of Shanghai Municipal Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine

13.   Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, National Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Chinese Academy of Science

14.   Vice Chief Editor, Chinese Journal of Reproductive Medicine

15.   Vice Chief Editor, Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception

16.   Advisor, National Journal of Andrology of China

17.   Honorary Chief Editor, Chinese Journal of Andrology

18.   Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, National Key Laboratory of Oncogene Research

19.   Member of Bio-ethical Review Committee, Life Science Institute, Chinese Academy of Science

20.   Member of Scientific Advisory Committee, Shanghai Municipal Key Laboratory of Embryo and Reproductive Engineering Research


1.  Undergraduate    (1957---1962)
Shanghai Second Medical College ---- majored in Medical Sciences and Biophysics

2.  Graduate    (1964---1967)
Beijing Medical College -----Experimental Medicine: Histology and Embryology

3.  WHO Fellowship    (1980---1981)
(1) Reproductive Biology Unit, Medical Research Centre, Edinburgh, Britain (Tutor: Professor R.V. Short)
(2) Institute of Microscopic Anatomy, UKE, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany (Tutor: Professor A.F. Holstein)

Past Experience

1. Teaching Programme :

For undergraduate students

(1)   Introduction of Medical Sciences

(2)   Histology

(3)   Embryology

For graduate students:

(1)   Research Strategy and Philosophy of Medical Sciences

(2)   Cell and Molecular Biology

(3)   Reproductive Biology and Reproductive Medicine

2. Research & Laboratory Work :

(1)   Structure and Function of Gametes

(2)   Capacitation and Fertilization

(3)   Reproductive Immunology

(4)   Infertility

(5)   Reproductive Medicine

(6)   Family Planning

3. Administration and Management

1984 ---1986 Dean of Basic Medical Sciences College, Shanghai Second Medical University (SSMU)

1986 ---1988 Vice President, SSMU

1988 ---1997 President, SSMU

1995 ---2001 Medical Officer, Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, serving as the Area Manager for Asia and the Pacific, as well as the coordinator of 60 Global WHO Research and Training Collaborating Centers for Reproductive Health

4. International and National Award

1995: the award of La Medaille de Chevalier de la Legion D'Honneur by the Government of the Republic of France

1996 and 2004: National Excellent Teacher of China

Chinese CV

    王一飞 教授,男,博士生导师, 1939年生于上海市。
    1962年毕业于上海第二医学院,1967年北京医学院组织胚胎学研究生毕业。 1980-1981年英国爱丁堡大学生殖生物学中心与德国汉堡大学医学院访问学者。1988-1997年任上海第二医科大学校长。1995-2001年任联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)生殖健康科学研究部医学官员,负责亚洲及太平洋地区合作项目规划与实施,并管理全球60个WHO生殖健康研究培训合作中心。曾先后主持15项生殖健康芋生殖医学研究项目,获得12项科技奖励,发表论文与综述100余篇,主编及参编专著十余部。领衔的组织胚胎学被评为2003年国家级精品课程。现任国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员,国家科技部中长期科技发展规划咨询专家,国家人口与计划生育委员会科技专家委员会委员,亚洲男科学会(Asian Society of Andrology)执行主席,亚洲男科学杂志(Asian Journal of Andrology)执行主编及其他10余个学术机构和专业刊物的兼职。 曾担任国家973项目“生殖健康的基础研究”与“国家人口出生缺陷的遗传与环境可控性研究”的专家顾问组成员。 1985年被评为上海市劳动模范,1986年全国教育系统劳动模范,1988年国家有突出贡献的中青年专家,1995年被法兰西共和国授予荣誉军团骑士勋章,2004年全国优秀教师。


E-mail  Address:
Office Address:

Medical School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,280, South Chongqing Road, Shanghai, 200025,People's Republic of China


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