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- Complementary Medicine -
Effect of an extract of Ganoderma lucidum in men with lower
urinary tract symptoms: a double-blind, placebo-controlled
randomized and dose-ranging study
Masanori Noguchi1, Tatsuyuki
Kakuma2, Katsuro Tomiyasu1, Yoshiko
Kurita1, Hiroko Kukihara1, Fumiko
Konishi3, Shoichiro
Kumamoto3, Kuniyoshi
Shimizu4, Ryuichiro Kondo4, Kei
Departments of 1Urology and
2Bio-statistics, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume 830-0011, Japan
3Research Laboratories, Chlorella Industry, Chikugo 833-0056, Japan
4Department of Forest and Forest Products Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
Aim: To conduct a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized and dose-ranging study to evaluate the safety and
efficacy of the extract of Ganoderma
lucidum (G. lucidum) in men with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Methods: We enrolled male volunteers
(¡Ý 50 years) with an International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS; questions
1_7) ¡Ý 5 and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value < 4 ng/mL. Volunteers were randomized into groups of placebo
(n = 12), G. lucidum of 0.6 mg
(n = 12), 6 mg
(n = 12) or 60 mg
(n = 14), administered once daily. Efficacy was
measured as a change from baseline in IPSS and the peak urine flow rate
(Qmax). Prostate volume and residual urine
were estimated by ultrasonography, and blood tests, including PSA levels, were measured at baseline and at the end of
the treatment. Results: The overall administration was well tolerated, with no major adverse effects. Statistical
significances in the magnitude of changes between the experimental groups were observed at weeks 4 and 8. No
changes were observed with respect to
Qmax, residual urine, prostate volume or PSA
levels. Conclusion: The extract of
G. lucidum was well tolerated and an improvement in IPSS was observed. The recommended dose of the extract
of G. lucidum is 6 mg in men with LUTS.
(Asian J Androl 2008 Jul; 10: 651_658)
Keywords: lower urinary tract
symptoms; phytotherapy; outcome; randomized trial
Correspondence to: Dr Masanori Noguchi, Department of Urology, Kurume University School of Medicine, 67 Asahi-machi, Kurume
830-0011, Japan.
Tel: +81-942-31-7572 Fax: +81-942-34-2605
Received 2007-06-27 Accepted 2007-07-25
DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2008.00336.x
1 Introduction
Phytotherapeutic agents have gained widespread
usage in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS),
including urinary incontinence, overactive bladder and
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) [1]. These agents
have been popular in some Asian and European countries.
The use of these agents in Japan has also escalated. The
clinical profile of patients presenting with LUTS and BPH
is not the same in all countries. Many factors, including
differences in health services, treatment culture and
degree of urbanization, influence the point at which a
patient first consults with either their general practitioner
or an office-based urologist. Defining the clinical profile
and initial treatment selection of the LUTS and BPH
population is important for health-care systems, impacting on
medical manpower requirements and pharmacologic demands and expenses, as well as providing information
for the cost_benefit analysis of treatment strategies [2].
When strict criteria of evidence-based medicine have been
applied, the available data have not yet provided clear
evidence of efficacy for most phytotherapeutic
preparations [2]. As a result, the role of phytotherapeutic agents
in treating LUTS secondary to BPH is continuously debated.
In Japan, the Minister for Health, Labor and Welfare
introduced a unique law in 1991 for food companies that
label foods claming to have specific health benefits. Those
companies are required to present relevant scientific data
to obtain permission or approval from the Minister to
label their products as having specific health benefits.
We reported recently that an ethanol extract of
Ganoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) shows the strongest
5α-reductase inhibitory activity among the extracts of 19
edible and medicinal mushrooms, and the treatment of the
fruit body of G. lucidum or the extract prepared from it
significantly inhibits the testosterone-induced growth of
the ventral prostate in castrated rats [3]. The fungi
G.lucidum has been used for centuries in East Asia. Its
fruiting body is called "Reishi" in Japan and "Lingzhi" in
China. In these areas, G. lucidum is a popular folk or
oriental medicine used to cure various human diseases,
such as hepatitis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and
gastric cancer [4, 5]. However, the role of
G. lucidum in treating LUTS has never been reported.
The symptoms experienced by the 17 men with LUTS
included in our clinical pilot study were alleviated after
administration of G. lucidum (data not shown). A
clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and
feasibility of the use of G. lucidum, and to determine an
effective dose of the extract of
G. lucidum for men with LUTS.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Study design
This double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized and
dose-ranging study was carried out at the Kurume
Research Park at the Kurume University School of Medicine,
Kurume, Japan, from November 2004 to April 2005. The
aim of this trial was to evaluate the safety and feasibility
of the use of G. lucidum, and to determine an effective
dose of the extract of G. lucidum for men with LUTS.
Participants were screened for eligibility using an
interview on the first visit, and randomized on the second.
The study included an 8-week double-blind
dose-ranging treatment, during which participants were
randomized to receive each extract of
G. lucidum of 0.6, 6 or 60 mg, or the placebo, once daily. Written informed
consent was provided by each participant before
enrollment in the study. The study protocol was approved by
the Kurume University School of Medicine Ethics Committee, and the study was conducted in accordance
with the declaration of Helsinki.
2.2 Eligibility criteria
Eligibility criteria for enrollment in the study included:
men aged ¡Ý 50 years with an International Prostate
Symptom Score (IPSS; questions 1_7) ¡Ý 5 and a
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) value < 4 ng/mL on the first
interview [6]. Exclusion criteria included: men with
concomitant urological disease; diagnosed or suspected
carcinoma of the prostate; previous radiation therapy of the
pelvic region; previous prostate surgery or invasive BPH
treatments; men using androgens, α-blockers or herbal
preparations for urinary problems in the previous 4 weeks;
men with insulin-dependent diabetes, severe
cardiopulmonary disease, active liver disease or significant central
nerve system (CNS) disease.
2.3 Randomization
The men were randomized off-site using a blocked
stratified procedure, where each block consisted of four
treatment assignments with two strata, two age groups
(< 65 years, ¡Ý 65 years) and two groups with different
baseline IPSS scores (< 12, ¡Ý 12). Randomization codes
were concealed in sealed envelopes and opened only
after the last man had completed treatment. Power
analysis was carried out based on the results from the
previous pilot study, which furnished estimates of mean IPSS
change from baseline to 12 weeks on 6 mg/day, 60 mg/day
and placebo groups. They are 10.333 ± 7.506 (mean ±
SD), 4.571 ± 4.504 and 2.143 ± 2.854, respectively. To
determine the adequate sample size for the present study,
mean changes and associated SD on the placebo group
and the 6 mg/day group were used with a paired
t-test with a power of 0.8 and a significance level of 0.05.
This power analysis yielded 10 subjects for each group.
Allowing for dropout, a final sample size of 12 subjects
for each experimental group was decided upon.
2.4 Intervention
Eligible participants were randomized to receive each
extract of G. lucidum of 0.6 mg, 6 mg and 60 mg, or a
placebo. Tablets providing different doses and placebo
were manufactured by Chlorella Industry (Tokyo, Japan),
using a method involving a sugar coating to produce the
same taste and no smell. The weight of each tablet is
250 mg, and eight tablets were put together into a pack
to be taken once daily. Each package for the four
treatment groups was labeled using four different colors, and
administered by study nurses in a double-blinded manner.
In brief, dried and chipped G. lucidum was extracted
with 30% EtDH at room temperature for 24 h using a
blender. The extracts were filtered through ADVANTEC
No. 2 filter paper, concentrated under a vacuum, and
then freeze-dried. The basic contents of each tablet are
83.65% maltitol (Towa Chemical Industry, Tokyo, Japan), 10% cornstarch (San-ei Sucrochemical, Chita,
Japan), 3% vitamin C (BASF Japan, Kawasaki, Japan),
0.2% gardenia yellow (Hodogaya Chemical, Tokyo, Japan) and 3% sucrose fatty acid ester (Dai-ichi kogyo
seiyaku, Kyoto, Japan). The tablet for the
G. lucidum groups of 0.6 mg, 6 mg and 60 mg included 0.075 mg,
0.75 mg and 7.5 mg of the extract of
G. lucidum (Chlorella Industry, Tokyo, Japan), respectively, and the
tablet for the placebo was adjusted by naringin (Inabata
Koryo, Osaka, Japan) for the same taste. Participants
were advised to take the study medication once a day
with meals and to bring all unused tablets to each study
2.5 Evaluation procedure
Participants were assessed on day _14, day 0,
4 weeks and 8 weeks into the double-blind treatment
period, and followed up on the 10th week. Efficacy
assessments included the seven-item IPSS and one
qua-lity-of-life (QoL) question, for which the answers ranged
from `delighted' (0) to `terrible' (6) (on day _14, day 0,
4 weeks, 8 weeks and 10 weeks). The peak urinary flow
rate was assessed using an uroflowmeter (W.O.M. World
Medicine, UROPOWER201, Berlin, Germany), for which
a voided volume of ¡Ý 150 mL is required for an accurate
reading [7] (on day _14, day 0, 4 weeks and 8 weeks).
Prostate volume and residual urine volume were also
measured on day 0 and after 8 weeks using an
ultra-sonography (Aloka, SSD-900, Japan). Vital signs (heart
rate and blood pressure) were assessed in the afternoon
on day _14, day 0, 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 10 weeks.
Treatment-emergent adverse effects, adverse effects
leading to discontinuation of treatment, and serious adverse
effects were monitored and recorded throughout the
double-blind treatment period. Laboratory tests,
including PSA, were conducted on blood samples taken on
day _14 and at 8 weeks.
2.6 Statistical analyses
Data were entered into an online database with a
security system by two research nurses using the electric
data capturing system (System Lab, Kurume, Japan) and
then analyzed using commercial software (SAS V9.1 for
Windows; SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). To control
the effects on the baseline measure, treatment efficacies
were tested by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), where
the baseline measure was used as a covariate. The
results from ANCOVA were conformed using linear mixed
models, where all repeated measures were utilized while
accounting for their serial correlations as well as baseline
effects. Although no adjustment was made for multiple
comparisons, significant treatment efficacy was reported
only when the overall treatment group F-test was
significant on ANCOVA.
3 Results
3.1 Study participants
Of the 63 men who were assessed for initial
eligibility by the interview on the first visit, 50 qualified to be
randomized to receive the placebo (12 men),
G. lucidum of 0.6 mg (12 men), 6 mg (12 men) and 60 mg (14 men)
(Figure 1). All of the 50 men completed the study. There
were no statistically significant differences in baseline
characteristics for age, PSA level, prostate volume, peak
urinary flow rate, or symptom score among the
G.lucidum groups and placebo. However, as a result of
the entry criteria using only age and total-IPSS score,
there is a wide range of variation between the groups for
baseline prostate volume, baseline peak urinary flow rate,
and PSA level (Table 1).
3.2 Serial changes of total IPSS and IPSS-QoL scores
The serial changes of total IPSS and IPSS-QoL scores
in the four groups are shown in Figure 2. There was an
escalating trend of dose-response among the placebo,
G. lucidum of 0.6 mg, 6 mg and 60 mg groups, evident
in the mean change from baseline in total IPSS
throughout the study. Significant overall treatment effects in
total IPSS were observed at 4 weeks, F (3,45) = 7.08,
P = 0.0005, and 8 weeks, F
(3,45) = 3.38, P = 0.026,
while there was a trend at 10 weeks, F (3,45) = 2.52,
P = 0.07. Mean changes at 4 and 8 weeks adjusted for
baseline measures and its 95% confidence intervals for
each treatment group are shown in Table 2. At 4 weeks,
the mean change in the G. lucidum 60 mg group was
significantly larger than in the placebo group
(P = 0.012) and in the
G. lucidum 0.6 mg (P < 0.0001) group. The
mean change in the G. lucidum 6 mg group was also
larger than the G. lucidum 0.6 mg group
(P = 0.004). At 8 weeks, the mean change in the
G. lucidum 0.6 mg group was significantly smaller than that in the
G. lucidum 60 mg group (P = 0.0049) and in the
G. lucidum 6 mg group (P = 0.0155). For the QoL score, the
G. lucidum 6 mg group had a baseline score of 3.3 (2_5), which
decreased to 2.3 (1_4) after 8 weeks; the placebo baseline
score was 4 (0_6), which decreased to 3.6 (2_5) after
8 weeks. The mean changes from baseline in the QoL
after 8 weeks of treatment with
G. lucidum 6 mg was significantly better than that for the placebo
(P = 0.04).
3.3 Serial changes of the peak urine flow rate
(Qmax), residual urine, prostate volume and PSA levels
The initial mean Qmax in the placebo,
G. lucidum of 0.6 mg, 6 mg and 60 mg groups were 17.9, 13.8, 19.2
and 15.4 mL/s, respectively, which improved to 21.3
mL/s, 17.6 mL/s, 21.6 mL/s and 18.3 mL/s at 8 weeks after
treatment, respectively. However, there was no
statistical difference in the mean changes from baseline to
8 weeks among the four groups (Figure 3). No changes
were observed with respect to residual urine, prostate
volume or PSA levels (Figure 4).
3.4 Adverse events
All adverse events in each group are summarized in
Table 3. The overall administration with
G. lucidum of 0.6 mg, 6 mg and 60 mg was well tolerated with no
major adverse effects. Mean changes from baseline in
heart rate and blood pressure were small and similar
among the four treatment groups. There was no
treatment related hematologic, hepatic or renal toxicity.
4 Discussion
Although there is a relatively high total IPSS at baseline
in the placebo group, the baseline demographics and
clinical characteristics of the participants were comparable
between the four treatment groups. The results of the
present study showed that the extracts of
G. lucidum 6 mg and 60 mg significantly improved the total IPSS scores,
with mean changes of 3.2 and 3.6 from the baseline in
men with LUTS. Statistically significant overall
treatment efficacy in IPSS total scores was observed at 4
and 8 weeks. Specifically, these significant differences
revealed a dose response among the
G. lucidum treated groups, whereas there was a significant difference
between the 60 mg of G. lucidum
group and the placebo group at week 4.
The 6 mg dose was more effective in improving the disease-specific QoL in those men than
was the 60 mg dose. However, there were no
significant changes in the PSA levels and prostate volume, and
no significant improvement was noted in peak urinary
flow rate and post void residual urine volume among the
four groups.
In our recent study, we found a new facet of the
biological activities of the
G. lucidum, anti-androgenic activities on
in vitro 5α-reductase inhibitory activity and
in vivo growth suppression of the rat prostate, and that
the extracts of G. lucidum have the strongest
5α-reductase inhibitory activity among the extracts of 19 edible
and medicinal mushrooms [3]. In addition, the
treatment of G. lucidum itself or the ethanol extract prepared
from it significantly inhibited the growth of the ventral
prostate induced by testosterone in rats. The inhibitory
concentration leading to 50% activity loss
(IC50) of the ethanol extract of
G. lucidum was estimated to be
93.6 µg/mL. Finasteride, which is known as a potent
steroidal inhibitor, showed an IC50 of 0.73 µmol/L in our
assay system [8]. These results indicated that the
fruiting body of G. lucidum contained some triterpenoids with
5α-reductase inhibitory activit, although their inhibitory
activity is lower than that of finasteride. Finasteride is
an inhibitor of human 5α-reductase, which causes in a
decrease in plasma and intraprostatic dihydrotestosterone
(DHT) levels. In clinical studies involving men with BPH,
finasteride has been shown to reduce the volume of the
prostate and to reduce urinary symptoms [9, 10]. Our
observations that prostate volume and PSA did not
decrease in men might be explained by the assumption that
the effects of 5α-reductase inhibitors are limited in
small-sized prostates [11]. In the present study, the mean
prostate volume was only 25.4 mL. Hamdy [12] also
postulates that the prostate volume does not correlate with the
efficacy of treatment using either finasteride or phytotherapy. In addition, a short period of treatment
time, such as 8 weeks in the present study might result
in no significant change in prostate volume. Treatment
with the extracts of G.lucidum had no effect on serum
PSA levels in the present study. The absence of any
effects of G. lucidum on serum PSA suggests that this
agent has little or no effect on other androgen-dependent
processes, which rely on the binding of androgens to
their receptor [13]. This is in contrast with other
5α-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride, which in
addition to their enzyme-inhibitory activities, appear to alter
the level of PSA expression by inhibiting the complex
formed between androgen receptors and the steroid
receptor binding consensus in the promoter region of the
PSA gene [14]. The residual volume is known to be an
unreliable measurement, with poor reproducibility [15].
The lack of any effect on prostate volume and PSA for
G. lucidum is similar to the effect seen with other
phytotherapeutic agents, such as Permixon or a Saw
Plametto extract. Perhaps the mechanism of action of
all plant extracts with 5α-reductase activity is both
similar and different from that of the synthesized
Phytotherapy for men with LUTS is very popular in
France and Germany, with a market share up to 50% of
all drugs used to treat symptomatic BPH [16]. In these
countries, phytotherapeutic agents are prescription drugs,
whereas they are neither approved nor reimbursed in the
UK [17]. In the USA, up to 90% of newly referred
patients with LUTS secondary to BPH have already tried or
are using some form of alternative or complementary
medication at the time of their presentation [1, 18]. A
recent US survey conducted by National Family Opinion
determined that the widespread use of these agents was
a result of the philosophical congruence with people's
own values, beliefs and orientation toward health and life
[19]. However, this widespread and increasing patient
preference has to be balanced against the call for an
increased awareness of the need to submit to medical
evaluations and decisions according to the evidence-based
approach [20].
This is the first randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study in Japan assessing the usefulness of
phytotherapy for men with LUTS. In Japan,
phytotherapeutic agents can be obtained in health food stores as
non-reimbursable and non-prescription "dietary
supplements", and are being used by an increasing
number of patients without medical evaluation. However,
the Japanese medical insurance system is the most
comprehensive in the world, and their costs are increasing.
Therefore, the Minister for Health, Labor and Welfare in
Japan introduced the new law for labeling food.
The results of the present study encourage us to
perform further evaluations to obtain approval from the
Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare for the use of LUTS
in healthy food products.
The extracts of G. lucidum in 6 mg and 60 mg doses
were tested and found to be safe and effective in
relieving urinary symptoms in men with symptoms of bladder
outlet obstruction. The 6 mg dose was more effective
in improving the disease-specific QoL in men than was
the 60 mg dose. Therefore, the 6 mg dose is going to be
selected for further evaluation in a placebo-controlled trial.
This study was supported in part by the City Area
Program from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports
and Culture of Japan.
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