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Volume 15, Issue 5 (September 2013) 15, 622–625; 10.1038/aja.2013.65

Obesity leads to higher risk of sperm DNA damage in infertile patients

Charlotte Dupont1,2,3,4, Céline Faure1,2, Nathalie Sermondade1,2, Marouane Boubaya5, Florence Eustache1, Patrice Clément6, Pascal Briot7, Isabelle Berthaut8, Vincent Levy5, Isabelle Cedrin-Durnerin9, Brigitte Benzacken1, Pascale Chavatte-Palmer3,4 and Rachel Levy1,2

1AP-HP, Jean Verdier hospital, Reproductive Biology unit-CECOS, F-93140 Bondy, France
2Paris 13 University, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Nutritional epidemiology unit (UREN, UMR U557 Inserm, U1125 Inra, Cnam, CRNH IdF), F-93017 Bobigny, France
3INRA, UMR1198 Biologie du Développement et Reproduction (Biology of Reproductive and development unit), F-78352 Jouy en Josas, France
4ENVA, veterinary school, F-94704 Maisons-Alfort, France
5AP-HP, Avicenne hospital, Clinical research unit, F-93000 Bobigny, France
6Clément laboratory, Laboratoire Clément, F-93150 Le Blanc Mesnil, France
7American hospital of Paris, Reproductive Biology unit, F-92200 Neuilly sur seine, France
8AP-HP, Tenon hospital, Reproductive Biology unit-CECOS, F-75020 Paris, France
9AP-HP, Jean Verdier hospital, Reproductive medicine unit, Paris 13 University, F-93140 Bondy, France

Correspondence: Dr C Dupont, (charlotte.dupont@jvr.aphp.fr)

Received 16 January 2013; Revised 26 March 2013; Accepted 30 April 2013 Advance online publication 24 June 2013


There has been a growing interest over the past few years in the impact of male nutrition on fertility. Infertility has been linked to male overweight or obesity, and conventional semen parameter values seem to be altered in case of high body mass index (BMI). A few studies assessing the impact of BMI on sperm DNA integrity have been published, but they did not lead to a strong consensus. Our objective was to explore further the relationship between sperm DNA integrity and BMI, through a 3-year multicentre study. Three hundred and thirty male partners in subfertile couples were included. Using the terminal uridine nick-end labelling (TUNEL) assay, we observed an increased rate of sperm DNA damage in obese men (odds ratio (95% confidence interval): 2.5 (1.2–5.1)).

Keywords: male infertility; obesity; overweight; sperm; sperm DNA fragmentation

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