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Volume 8, Issue 3 (May 2006) 8, 337–341; 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2006.00128.x

Seminal characteristics and sexual behavior in men of different age groups: is there an aging effect

Panayiotis M Zavos, Khalied Kaskar, Juan R Correa and Suresh C Sikka

1.Andrology Institute of America, Lexington, Kentucky 40523, USA
2.Centre de Fertilidad del Caribe, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00923, USA
3.Department of Urology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, USA

Correspondence: Dr Panayiotis M. Zavos, Andrology Institute of America, P. O. Box 23777, Lexington, Kentucky 40523, USA. Fax: +859-278-6806. E-mail: zavos@zavos.org

Received 15 November 2004; Accepted 23 December 2006


Aim: To assess the seminal characteristics as well as the sexual behavior of men of various age groups to establish the presence of an aging effect on those characteristics.

Methods: Semen samples were collected from men (n = 792) undergoing in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination in cases of female factor infertility only. Samples were collected using a seminal collection device at intercourse and evaluated manually according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Men were divided into four groups according to their ages: (i) 20–30, (ii) 31–40, (iii) 41–50 and (iv) 51–60 years, and their seminal characteristics and responses to a sexual behavior questionnaire were compared.

Results: The data showed statistically significant differences in the seminal characteristics tested, most notably in the sperm concentration, motility, grade of motility, hypo-osmotic swelling and normal sperm morphology. Furthermore, the decline in normal sperm morphology with age was more pronounced when using strict criteria rather than WHO standards. There were also differences in total sperm count, total motile sperm and total functional sperm fraction (assessed by both WHO and strict criteria). Significant differences were also observed in the sexual behavior patterns in older men in terms of the number of years they have been trying to conceive, sexual frequency and sexual satisfaction.

Conclusion: The data clearly illustrate an aging effect on semen characteristics and sexual behavior in men as they age. It is suggested that the aging effect be taken into consideration when proposing normal standard values for semen characteristics in routine semen analysis as outlined by WHO standards.

Keywords: seminal parameters, male, aging effect, fertility, sexual behavior, semen quality, male factor infertility

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