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Volume 9, Issue 3 (May 2007) 9, 403–407; 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2007.00276.x

Yohimbine in the treatment of orgasmic dysfunction

Ade A Adeniyi, Giles S Brindley, John P Pryor and David J Ralph

1.Institute of Urology and Nephrology, London W1P 7EY, UK
2.102 Ferdene Road, London SE24 0AA, UK

Correspondence: Mr. David J. Ralph, Institute of Urology and Nephrology, 48 Riding House Street, London W1P 7EY, UK. Fax: +44-207-486-3810. E-mail: dralph@andrology.co.uk

Received 19 April 2006; Accepted 8 February 2007.


Aim: To study the effect of yohimbine in the treatment of men with orgasmic dysfunction.

Methods: A 20-mg dose of yohimbine was first given to 29 men with orgasmic dysfunction of different aetiology in the clinic. Patients were then allowed to increase the dose at home (titration) under more favourable circumstances. The outcome and side effects were subsequently assessed.

Results: The patients were classified into three groups of orgasmic dysfunction: primary complete (13), primary incomplete (8) and secondary (8). Nocturnal emissions were present in 75%, 40% and 50% of patients in the above groups, respectively (overall average 62%). The men presented because of fertility problems (52%) or because they wanted to experience the pleasure of orgasm (48%). Of the 29 patients who completed the treatment, 16 managed to reach orgasm and were able to ejaculate either during masturbation or sexual intercourse. A further three achieved orgasm, but only with the additional stimulation of a vibrator. A history of preceding nocturnal emissions was present in 69% of the men in whom orgasm was induced but only 50% who failed treatment. Of the patients, two have subsequently fathered children (one set of twins) and another 3 men were also cured. Side effects were not sufficient to cause the men to cease treatment.

Conclusion: Yohimbine is a useful treatment option in orgasmic dysfunction.

Keywords: Yohimbine, anorgasmia, orgasm, orgasmic dysfunction, impotence, ejaculation

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