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Volume 25, Issue 2 (March 2023) 25, 166–170; 10.4103/aja202265

Research progress of m6A methylation in prostate cancer

Shou-Yi Zhang, Yu Zeng

Department of Urology, The Cancer Hospital of China Medical University, Liaoning Cancer Hospital and Institute, Shenyang 110042, China

Correspondence: Dr. Y Zeng (zengyud07@foxmail.com)

Received: 09 April 2022; Accepted: 26 July 2022; published online: 28 October 2022


N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is a ubiquitous RNA modification in mammals. This modification is “written” by methyltransferases and then “read” by m6A-binding proteins, followed by a series of regulation, such as alternative splicing, translation, RNA stability, and RNA translocation. At last, the modification is “erased” by demethylases. m6A modification is essential for normal physiological processes in mammals and is also a very important epigenetic modification in the development of cancer. In recent years, cancer-related m6A regulation has been widely studied, and various mechanisms of m6A regulation in cancer have also been recognized. In this review, we summarize the changes of m6A modification in prostate cancer and discuss the effect of m6A regulation on prostate cancer progression, aiming to profile the potential relevance between m6A regulation and prostate cancer development. Intensive studies on m6A regulation in prostate cancer may uncover the potential role of m6A methylation in the cancer diagnosis and cancer therapy.

Keywords: epigenetic; N6-methyladenosine methylation; molecular biology; prostate cancer

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Asian Journal of Andrology CN 31-1795/R ISSN 1008-682X  Copyright © 2023  Shanghai Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  All rights reserved.