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Volume 19, Issue 1 (January 2017) 19, 26–33; DOI:10.4103/1008-682X.184271

Combination of low-energy shock-wave therapy and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation to improve the erectile function of diabetic rats

Hai-Tao Shan1, Hai-Bo Zhang2, Wen-Tao Chen3, Feng-Zhi Chen2, Tao Wang4, Jin-Tai Luo2, Min Yue5, Ji-Hong Lin5, An-Yang Wei6

1 Department of Urology, Medical Center for Overseas Patients, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou; Department of Urology, Shawan People's Hospital, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China
2 Department of Urology, Medical Center for Overseas Patients, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
3 Shenzhen Hyde Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen, China
4 Department of Urology, Longjiang Hospital, Shunde District, Foshan, China
5 Laboratory Animals Center, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
6 Department of Urology, Shawan People's Hospital, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China

Correspondence: Dr. AY Wei (profwei@126.com)

Date of Submission 03-Dec-2015 Date of Decision 21-Feb-2016 Date of Acceptance 16-May-2016 Date of Web Publication 12-Jul-2016


Stem cell transplantation and low-energy shock-wave therapy (LESWT) have emerged as potential and effective treatment protocols for diabetic erectile dysfunction. During the tracking of transplanted stem cells in diabetic erectile dysfunction models, the number of visible stem cells was rather low and decreased quickly. LESWT could recruit endogenous stem cells to the cavernous body and improve the microenvironment in diabetic cavernous tissue. Thus, we deduced that LESWT might benefit transplanted stem cell survival and improve the effects of stem cell transplantation. In this research, 42 streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were randomized into four groups: the diabetic group (n = 6), the LESWT group (n = 6), the bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (BMSC) transplantation group (n = 15), and the combination of LESWT and BMSC transplantation group (n = 15). One and three days after BMSC transplantation, three rats were randomly chosen to observe the survival numbers of BMSCs in the cavernous body. Four weeks after BMSC transplantation, the following parameters were assessed: the surviving number of transplanted BMSCs in the cavernous tissue, erectile function, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and penile immunohistochemical assessment. Our research found that LESWT favored the survival of transplanted BMSCs in the cavernous body, which might be related to increased stromal cell-derived factor-1 expression and the enhancement of angiogenesis in the diabetic cavernous tissue. The combination of LESWT and BMSC transplantation could improve the erectile function of diabetic erectile function rats more effectively than LESWT or BMSC transplantation performed alone.

Keywords: bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell; diabetes mellitus; erectile function; low-energy shock-wave therapy

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Asian Journal of Andrology CN 31-1795/R ISSN 1008-682X  Copyright © 2023  Shanghai Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  All rights reserved.