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Volume 26, Issue 4 (Jul 2024)

Review | Original Article | Commentary | Letter to the Editor |
Male sexual function/ED
Current devices, outcomes, and pain management considerations in penile implant surgery: an updated review of the literature
Ancha, Nirupama1; Eldin, Maya1; Woodle, Tarah2; Gereta, Sofia1; Hariprasad, Krishna3; Butler, Imani1; Charles Osterberg, E III1
Asian J Androl 26: 335-343; 10.4103/aja202386
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [118]
Original Article
Impact of low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy on vascular parameters and sexual function in patients with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction
Rubino, Matteo1; Ricapito, Anna1; Finati, Marco1; Falagario, Ugo G1,2; Annese, Pasquale1; Mancini, Vito1; Busetto, Gian Maria1; Cormio, Luigi1,3; Carrieri, Giuseppe1; Bettocchi, Carlo1
Asian J Androl 26: 344-348; 10.4103/aja202384
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [109]
Male Fertility
Machine learning approach to assess the association between anthropometric, metabolic, and nutritional status and semen parameters
Bachelot, Guillaume1,2,3; Lamaziere, Antonin1,3; Czernichow, Sebastien4; Faure, Celine2; Racine, Chrystelle1; Levy, Rachel1,2; Dupont, Charlotte1,2; Nutrition and Fertility (ALIFERT) Group
Asian J Androl 26: 349-355; 10.4103/aja20247
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [175] PDF [175]
Male Reproductive Health
The association and underlying mechanism of the digit ratio (2D:4D) in hypospadias
Ding, Yu1,*; Chen, Zu-Quan1,*; Pan, Wen-Feng1; Chen, Hao-Jie1; Wu, Min1; Lyu, Yi-Qing1; Xie, Hua1; Huang, Yi-Chen1; Chen, Zhong-Zhong1,2; Chen, Fang1,3
Asian J Androl 26: 356-365; 10.4103/aja202377
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [118]
Sperm Biology
Evaluation of microRNA expression profiles in human sperm frozen using permeable cryoprotectant-free droplet vitrification and conventional methods
Zhang, Li-Xin1,2; Mao, Jing1,2; Zhou, Yan-Dong2; Mao, Guang-Yao2; Guo, Run-Fa2; Ge, Hong-Shan2; Chen, Xia1
Asian J Androl 26: 366-376; 10.4103/aja202390
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [114]
Prostate Disease
Transrectal versus transperineal prostate biopsy for cancer detection in patients with gray-zone prostate-specific antigen: a multicenter, real-world study
Liu, Jun-Xiao1,2,*; Wang, Ze-Yuan3,*; Niu, Shao-Xi4; Sai, Xiao-Yong5; Zhang, Xu2; Zhang, Xue-Pei3; Ma, Xin2
Asian J Androl 26: 377-381; 10.4103/aja20241
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [129]
Male sexual function/ED
Relationship between dietary niacin intake and erectile dysfunction: a population-based study
Lin, Wei-Long1; Zheng, Cheng2; Wang, Hao-Xu1; Zhang, Wei1; Lin, Ming-En1
Asian J Androl 26: 382-388; 10.4103/aja202378
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [119]
Male Fertility
Novel PLCZ1 mutation caused polyspermy during in vitro fertilization
Tong, Ke-Ya1,2,*; Liu, Wei-Wei1,2,*; Sun, Li-Wei1,2; Liu, Dong-Yun1,2; Xiang, Ye-Zhou1,2; Li, Chong1,2; Chai, Lu-Wei1,2; Chen, Ke1,2; Huang, Guo-Ning1,2; Li, Jing-Yu1,2
Asian J Androl 26: 389-395; 10.4103/aja202376
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [124]
Male Endocrinology
Impact of carbimazole combined with vitamin E on testicular injury induced by experimental hyperthyroidism in adult albino rats: oxidative/inflammatory/apoptotic pathways
Hussein, Ramadan S1,2; Eyada, Moustafa M3; Mostafa, Rashad M4; Elaidy, Samah M5; Elsayed, Shereen H6; Saad, Hany M3
Asian J Androl 26: 396-401; 10.4103/aja202365
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [116]
Prostate Disease
Network meta-analysis of combination strategies in metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
Wang, Shan-Shan1,2,*; Bian, Xiao-Jie1,2,*; Wu, Jun-Long1,2; Wang, Bei-He1,2; Zhang, Sheng1,3; Ye, Ding-Wei1,2
Asian J Androl 26: 402-408; 10.4103/aja20242
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [119]
Cost-effectiveness analysis of different anesthesia strategies for transperineal MRI/US fusion prostate biopsy
Jin, Di1,*; Kong, Xiao-Qi1,*; Zhu, Ya-Juan1; Chen, Zong-Xin2; Wang, Xi-Ming3; Xu, Cai-Hua4; Pu, Jin-Xian2,5; Hou, Jian-Quan2,5; Huang, Yu-Hua2; Ji, Fu-Hai1; Huang, Chen2
Asian J Androl 26: 409-414; 10.4103/aja202385
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [114]
Male Reproductive Health
Effect of male HBV infection on the outcomes of IVF/ICSI cycles: a retrospective cohort study based on propensity score matching
Zhu, Su-Qin1,2,*; Liao, Xiu-Hua1,*; Jiang, Wen-Wen1; Sun, Yan1; Xu, Hui-Ling1; Chen, Xiao-Jing1; Zheng, Bei-Hong1,3
Asian J Androl 26: 415-420; 10.4103/aja202382
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [86]
Male Fertility
Testicular volume is a noninvasive predictor of sperm retrieval failure in idiopathic nonobstructive azoospermia
Xiao, Hong*; Tang, Song-Xi*; Yao, Rui-Jie; Ding, Yi-Lang; Yang, Peng; Chen, Qiang; Huang, Hai-Lin; Chen, Xi; Zhou, Hui-Liang
Asian J Androl 26: 421-425; 10.4103/aja202379
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [106]
Male Endocrinology
Clinical manifestations and spermatogenesis outcomes in Chinese patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism caused by inherited or de novo FGFR1 mutations
Yang, Yu-Fan; Ma, Hai-Lu; Wang, Xi; Nie, Min; Mao, Jiang-Feng; Wu, Xue-Yan
Asian J Androl 26: 426-432; 10.4103/aja202366
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [121]
Operational Andrology
Efficacy comparison between Mathieu combined urethral plate incision and onlay island flap urethroplasty for distal hypospadias in patients with urethral plate stenosis
Zhang, Tao1,*; Zhu, An-Bang2,*; Mao, Chang-Kun1; Cao, Yong-Sheng1
Asian J Androl 26: 433-438; 10.4103/aja202441
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [74]
Male sexual function/ED
Commentary on “Relationship between dietary niacin intake and erectile dysfunction: a population-based study”
Chung, Eric1,2
Asian J Androl 26: 439-439; 10.4103/aja202424
Full Text | PDF [119]
Letter to the Editor
Operational Andrology
Squamous cell papilloma at the urethral meatus
Wang, Chuan; Ma, Xue
Asian J Androl 26: 440-440; 10.4103/aja202372
Full Text | PDF [106]
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