ISI Impact Factor (2006): 1.737


Prof. Yi-Fei WANG,



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Detecting subtle changes in sperm membranes in veterinary andrology [731-737]
F. J. Peña
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Original Article

Analysis of the genetic interactions between Cyclin A1, Atm and p53 during spermatogenesis [739-750]
N. Bäumer, M.-L. Sandstede, S. Diederichs, G. Köhler, C. Readhead, P. Ji, F. Zhang, E. Bulk, J. Gromoll, W. E. Berdel, H. Serve, C. Müller-Tidow
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Androgen receptors are expressed in a variety of human fetal extragenital tissues: an immunohistochemical study [751-759]
Y. Sajjad, S. Quenby, P. Nickson, D. I. Lewis-Jones, G. Vince
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Treatment preferences in men with erectile dysfunction: an open label study in Korean men switching from sildenafil citrate to tadalafi [760-770]
T. Y. Ahn, S. W. Lee, S.-W. Kim, D. Y. Yang, N. C. Park, K.-S. Min, K. Park, J.-S. Paick, Y. Dyachkova, T. Dwight, M.-S. L. Lee
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Effects of retrospective quality control on pressure-flow data with computer-based urodynamic systems from men with benign prostatic hyperplasia [771-780]
L. M. Liao, W. Schaefer
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Association of XRCC1 gene polymorphisms with idiopathic azoospermia in a Chinese population [781-786]
A. H. Gu, J. Liang, N. X. Lu, B. Wu, Y. K. Xia, C. C. Lu, L. Song, S. L. Wang, X. R. Wang
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Differential impact of aging and gender on lipid and lipoprotein profiles in a cohort of healthy Chinese Singaporeans [787-794]
V. H. H. Goh, T. Y. Y. Tong, H. P. P. Mok, B. Said
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Relaxation mechanisms of neferine on the rabbit corpus cavernosum tissue in vitro [795-800]
J. Chen, J. Qi, F. Chen, J. H. Liu, T. Wang, J. Yang, C. P. Yin
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Novel flutamide regulated genes in the rat ventral prostate: differential modulation of their expression by castration and flutamide treatments [801-808]
A. M. Limaye, I. Asangani, N. Bora, P. Kondaiah
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Novel mutations in ubiquitin-specific protease 26 gene might cause spermatogenesis impairment and male infertility [809-814]
J. Zhang, S. D. Qiu, S. B. Li, D. X. Zhou, H. Tian,Y. W. Huo, L. Ge, Q. Y. Zhang
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Routine screening for classical azoospermia factor deletions of the Y chromosome in azoospermic patients with Klinefelter syndrome [815-820]
J. H. Choe, J. W. Kim, J. S. Lee, J. T. Seo
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Prostate cancer antigen-1 as a potential novel marker for prostate cancer [821-826]
B. Q. Liu, Y. D. Wu, P. H. Li, J. X. Wei, T. Zhang, R. L. Liu
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Do reproductive hormones explain the association between body mass index and semen quality? [827-834]
D. D. Qin, W. Yuan, W. J. Zhou, Y. Q. Cui, J. Q. Wu, E. S. Gao
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Reconstruction of the urethral defects with autologous fascial tube graft in a rabbit model [835-842]
Ç. Sade, K. Ugurlu, D. Özçelik, Í. Hüthüt, K. Özer, N. Ütündag, Í. Saglam, L. Ba
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Changes in aortic endothelium ultrastructure in male rats following castration, replacement with testosterone and administration of 5α-reductase inhibitor [843-847]
Y. L. Lu, L. Kuang, H. Zhu, H. Wu, X. F. Wang, Y. P. Pang, N. J. Wang, D. L. Yu
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Complementary Medicine

Effects of Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf. on sexual behaviour of male rats [849-855]
P. Sudwan, K. Saenphet, S. Aritajat, N. Sitasuwan
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Case Report

Post-coital gross hematuria: an unusual presentation of benign prostatic hyperplasia [856-858]
Y. H. Chen, P. Y. Lin, Y. S. Cheng, J. S. N. Lin, Y. M. Lin
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Letters to the Editor

Inguinal recurrence of malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis: one case report with delayed recurrence and review of the literature [859-860]
G. Liguori, G. Garaffa, C. Trombetta, R. Bussani, S. Bucci, E. Belgrano
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Acknowledgments to reviewers for this issue      [738,848]



Information for Authors of Asian Journal of Andrology      [861]

Keywords & Author Index and Contents for Volume 9      [863]

Announcement of AJA Special Issue on Men's Health & Erectile Function      [872]