ISI Impact Factor (2006): 1.737


Prof. Yi-Fei WANG,



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Evaluation and diagnostic testing of erectile dysfunction in the era of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors [3-7]
K. Jacobsohn, R. Wang
[Extract] [PDF full text] [中文文摘]

Gene therapy and erectile dysfunction: the current status [8-15]
D. H. W. Lau, S. S. Kommu, E. J. Siddiqui, C. S. Thompson, R. J. Morgan, D.P. Mikhailidis, F. H. Mumtaz
[Extract] [PDF full text] [中文文摘]

Hypospadias: an update [16-22]
A. K. C. Leung, W. L. M. Robson
[Extract] [PDF full text] [中文文摘]


Original Article

Inhibition of mouse acrosome reaction and sperm-zona pellucida binding by anti-human sperm membrane protein 1 antibody [23-29]
G.Y. Cheng, J. L. Shi, M. Wang, Y. Q. Hu, C. M. Liu, Y. F. Wang, C. Xu
[Extract] [PDF full text] [中文文摘]

α-Vitamin E derivative, RRR-α-tocopheryloxybutyric acid inhibits the proliferation of prostate cancer cells [31-39]
E. Chang, J. Ni, Y. Yin, C. C. Lin, P. Chang, N. S. James, S. R. Chemler, S. Yeh
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Dual androgen-response elements mediate androgen regulation of MMP-2 expression in prostate cancer cells [41-50]
B. Y. Li, X. B. Liao, A. Fujito, J. B. Thrasher, F. Y. Shen, P. Y. Xu
[Extract] [PDF full text] [中文文摘]

Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on interaction between bladder compliance and outflow obstruction in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia [51-56]
L. M. Liao, W. Schaefer
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Single nucleotide polymorphism C677T in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene might be a genetic risk factor for infertility for Chinese men with azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia [57-62]
Z. C. A, Y. Yang, S. Z. Zhang, N. Li, W. Zhang
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Assessment of seminal plasma laminin in fertile and infertile men [63-67]
M. R. El-Dakhly, G. A. Tawadrous, T. Mostafa, M. M. F. Roaia, A. R. M. El-Nashar, S. A. Shedeed, I. I. Kamel, A. A. Aziz, Y. El-Mohtaseb
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Frequency of Y chromosome microdeletions and chromosomal abnormalities in infertile Thai men with oligozoospermia and azoospermia [68-75]
T. Vutyavanich, W. Piromlertamorn, W. Sirirungsi, S. Sirisukkasem
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Influence of enterococci on human sperm membrane in vitro [77-81]
H. Qiang, M. S. Jiang, J. Y. Lin, W. M. He
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Improvement in erectile dysfunction after insulin-like growth factor-1 gene therapy in diabetic rats [83-91]
X. Y. Pu, L. Q. Hu, H. P. Wang, Y. X. Luo, X. H. Wang
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Seasonal variation in semen quality of swamp buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) in Thailand [92-101]
S. Koonjaenak, V. Chanatinart, S. Aiumlamai, T. Pinyopumimintr, H. Rodriguez-Martinez
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Sperm lipid peroxidation and pro-inflammatory cytokines [102-107]
P. Martínez, F. Proverbio, M. I. Camejo
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Increased oxidative damage of sperm and seminal plasma in men with idiopathic infertility is higher in patients with glutathione S-transferase Mu-1 null genotype [108-115]
B. Aydemir, I. Onaran, A. R. Kiziler, B. Alici, M. C. Akyolcu
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Protective effects of vitamin E on ethane dimethane sulfonate-induced testicular toxicity in rats [117-124]
V. Sahinturk, C. Guclu, C. Baycu
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Clinical Experience

Different hemodynamic responses by color Doppler ultrasonography studies between sildenafil non-responders and responders [129-133]
S. T. Huang, M. L. Hsieh
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Improved spontaneous erectile function in men with mild-to-moderate arteriogenic erectile dysfunction treated with a nightly dose of sildenafil for one year: a randomized trial [134-141]
F. Sommer, T. Klotz, U. Engelmann
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Acknowledgments to reviewers for this issue     [40, 76, 82]



A Good Choice for Publication—Asian Journal of Andrology      [30]

Meeting Announcement—The 5th China International Congress of Sexology      [116]

News from the Second Asia-Pacific Forum on Andrology (2APFA)      [125-126]

Press Release—Wiley to Acquire Blackwell Publishing (Holdings) Ltd.      [127]

Meeting Announcement—The 18 th World Congress of WAS, first World Congress for Sexual Health     [128]

Information for Authors of Asian Journal of Andrology      [142]

Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Andrology      [144]