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Volume 17, Issue 5 (Sep 2015)

Editorial | Experience and History | Review | Research Highlight | Commentary | Original Article | Letter to the Editor |

(Guest editors: Dr Trevor G Cooper.)
“EPIDIDYMIS VI - THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE EPIDIDYMIS” SPECIAL ISSUE This September 2015 Special issue of Asian Journal of Andrology presents the outcome of the Sixth International Conference on the Epididymis, which was held from October 31-November 3, 2014, in Shanghai, China. This Special Issue provides an overview of the major discussions that occurred at the conference, guest-edited by Dr Trevor G Cooper.

Sperm Biology
Epididymal research one generation on
Yongliang Zhang1, Trevor G Cooper2
Asian J Androl 17: 691-692; 10.4103/1008-682X.160264
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1701]| 中文摘要
Experience and History
The epididymis re-visited: a personal view
J Michael Bedford
Asian J Androl 17: 693-698; 10.4103/1008-682X.153297
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [2780]| 中文摘要
Male Reproductive Health
Epididymal research: more warp than weft?
Trevor G Cooper
Asian J Androl 17: 699-703; 10.4103/1008-682X.146102
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1773]| 中文摘要
Exploring the epididymis: a personal perspective on careers in science
Terry T Turner
Asian J Androl 17: 704-707; 10.4103/1008-682X.145432
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1801]| 中文摘要
Sperm Biology
Phosphorylation of Izumo1 and Its Role in Male Infertility
Samantha A. M. Young, John Aitken, Mark A. Baker
Asian J Androl 17: 708-710; 10.4103/1008-682X.156119
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1773]| 中文摘要
From the epididymis to the egg: participation of CRISP proteins in mammalian fertilization
Vanina G Da Ros, Mariana Weigel Muñoz, Maria A Battistone, Nicolás G Brukman, Guillermo Carvajal, Ludmila Curci, Matías D Gómez-Elías, Débora J Cohen, Patricia S Cuasnicu
Asian J Androl 17: 711-715; 10.4103/1008-682X.155769
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1815]| 中文摘要
Novel phenotype of mouse spermatozoa following deletion of nine β-defensin genes
Julia R Dorin
Asian J Androl 17: 716-719; DOI:10.4103/1008-682X.159712
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1760]| 中文摘要
Epididymosomes: transfer of fertility-modulating proteins to the sperm surface
Patricia A Martin-DeLeon
Asian J Androl 17: 720-725; 10.4103/1008-682X.155538
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1846]| 中文摘要
Research Highlight
Epididymosomes: a heterogeneous population of microvesicles with multiple functions in sperm maturation and storage
Robert Sullivan
Asian J Androl 17: 726-729; 10.4103/1008-682X.155255
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1724]| 中文摘要
Extracellular microRNAs from the epididymis as potential mediators of cell-to-cell communication
Clémence Belleannée
Asian J Androl 17: 730-736; 10.4103/1008-682X.155532
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1770]| 中文摘要
The role of Dicer1 in the male reproductive tract
Ida Björkgren, Petra Sipilä
Asian J Androl 17: 737-741; 10.4103/1008-682X.155542
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1775]| 中文摘要
Posttesticular sperm maturation, infertility, and hypercholesterolemia
Marjorie Whitfield, Xavier Pollet-Villard, Rachel Levy, Joël R Drevet, Fabrice Saez
Asian J Androl 17: 742-748; 10.4103/1008-682X.155536
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1731]| 中文摘要
Understanding normal and abnormal development of the Wolffian/epididymal duct by using transgenic mice
Aki Murashima, Bingfang Xu, Barry T Hinton
Asian J Androl 17: 749-755; 10.4103/1008-682X.155540
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1793]| 中文摘要
Epididymitis: revelations at the convergence of clinical and basic sciences
Vera Michel1, Adrian Pilatz2, Mark P Hedger3, Andreas Meinhardt1
Asian J Androl 17: 756-763; 10.4103/1008-682X.155770
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1757]| 中文摘要
Looking both ways: new research on old theories
Trevor G Cooper
Asian J Androl 17: 764-766; 10.4103/1008-682X.160265
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1709]| 中文摘要
Research Highlight
Prostate Disease
From bench to bedside: bipolar androgen therapy in a pilot clinical study
Qing Zhang1, Phillip J Gray2
Asian J Androl 17: 767-768; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.151390
Full Text | PDF [1715]| 中文摘要
Locally‑advanced prostate cancer in the elderly: should we revisit our treatment paradigms?
Giovanni Lughezzani, Nicoló Maria Buffi
Asian J Androl 17: 769-770; 10.4103/1008-682X.151394
Full Text | PDF [1703]
Sperm Biology
Spermatogonial stem cells: progress and prospects
Mitsuru Komeya, Takehiko Ogawa
Asian J Androl 17: 771-775; 10.4103/1008-682X.154995
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1711]| 中文摘要
Male sexual function/ED
Role of Schwann cells in the regeneration of penile and peripheral nerves
Lin Wang1,2, Melissa T Sanford1, Zhongcheng Xin2, Guiting Lin1, Tom F Lue1
Asian J Androl 17: 776-782; 10.4103/1008-682X.154306
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1751]| 中文摘要
Prostate Disease
Heart healthy equals prostate healthy and statins, aspirin, and/or metformin are the ideal recommendations for prostate cancer prevention
Mark A Moyad1, Nicholas J Vogelzang2
Asian J Androl 17: 783-791; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.148070
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1691]| 中文摘要
Original Article
Male sexual function/ED
Management of end-stage erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy by simultaneous dual implantation using a single trans-scrotal incision: surgical technique and outcomes
Juan I Martínez-Salamanca1, Estefanía Linares Espinós2, Ignacio Moncada3, Luis Del Portillo1, Joaquín Carballido1
Asian J Androl 17: 792-796; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.143757
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1756]| 中文摘要
Chronic administration of sildenafil improves erectile function in a rat model of chronic renal failure
Nilgun Gurbuz, Arif Kol, Tumay Ipekci, Erhan Ates, Asli Baykal, Mustafa F Usta
Asian J Androl 17: 797-801; 10.4103/1008-682X.146973
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1720]| 中文摘要
Prostate Disease
Sexual outcome of patients undergoing thulium laser enucleation of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Luca Carmignani, Giorgio Bozzini, Alberto Macchi, Serena Maruccia, Stefano Picozzi, Stefano Casellato
Asian J Androl 17: 802-806; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.139255
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1672]| 中文摘要
Combined tests of prostate specific antigen and testosterone will improve diagnosis and monitoring the progression of prostate cancer
Weitao Song, Vikram Soni, Mohit Khera
Asian J Androl 17: 807-810; 10.4103/1008-682X.148721
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1654]| 中文摘要
Upgrading and upstaging of low risk prostate cancer among Korean patients: a multicenter study.
Insang Hwang1, Dong Hun Im2, Yung Bum Jung3, Seung Chol Park4, Jun Hwa Noh5, Dong Deuk Kwon1, Taek Won Kang1
Asian J Androl 17: 811-814; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.143751
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1707]| 中文摘要
Gleason score and tumor laterality in radical prostatectomy and transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy of the prostate: a comparative study
Renan A Pereira, Roberto S Costa, Valdair F Muglia, Fábio França Silva, Joyce S Lajes, Rodolfo B Dos Reis, Gyl EB Silva
Asian J Androl 17: 815-820; 10.4103/1008-682X.146970
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1659]| 中文摘要
Prostate cancer detection upon transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy in relation to digital rectal examination and prostate-specific antigen level: what to expect in the Chinese population?
Jeremy YC Teoh1, Steffi KK Yuen1, James HL Tsu1, Charles KW Wong1, Brian SH Ho1, Ada TL Ng1, Wai-Kit Ma1, Kwan-Lun Ho1, Ming-Kwong Yiu1.
Asian J Androl 17: 821-825; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.144945
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1706]| 中文摘要
Association between benign prostatic hyperplasia, body mass index and metabolic syndrome in Chinese men
Zhuo Yin1, Jin-Rui Yang1, Jian-Ming Rao2, Wei Song3 and Ke-Qin Zhou1
Asian J Androl 17: 826-830; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.148081
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1693]| 中文摘要
Re-epithelialization resulted from prostate basal cells in canine prostatic urethra may represent the ideal healing method after two-micron laser resection of the prostate
Ying Cao1,2,3, Guang-Heng Luo2, Lei Luo2, Xiu-Shu Yang2, Jian-Xin Hu2, Hua Shi2, Ping Huang3, Zhao-Lin Sun2, Shu-Jie Xia1
Asian J Androl 17: 831-838; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.146972
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1664]| 中文摘要
The association between metabolic syndrome and advanced prostate cancer in Chinese patients receiving radical prostatectomy
Gui-Ming Zhang1, 2,*, Yao Zhu1,*, Da-Hai Dong3, Cheng-Tao Han1, 2, Cheng-Yuan Gu1, Wei-Jie Gu1, 2, Xiao-Jian Qin1, Li-Jiang Sun3, Ding-Wei Ye1, 2
Asian J Androl 17: 839-844; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.148138
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1669]| 中文摘要
Male Fertility
ICSI treatment of severe male infertility can achieve prospective embryo quality compared with IVF of fertile donor sperm on sibling oocytes
Ju‑Fen Zheng1,2, Xiao‑Bao Chen2, Lei‑Wen Zhao2, Min‑Zhi Gao2, Jie Peng1 , Xian‑Qin Qu1, Hui‑Juan Shi1, Xing‑Liang Jin1,3
Asian J Androl 17: 845-849; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.146971
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1719]| 中文摘要
Prostate Disease
Tetrandrine suppresses proliferation, induces apoptosis, and inhibits migration and invasion in human prostate cancer cells
Wei Liu1,2,*, Bo Kou1,2,*, Zhen‑Kun Ma1,2, Xiao‑Shuang Tang1,2, Chuan Lv3, Min Ye4, Jia‑Qi Chen1,2, Lei Li1, Xin‑Yang Wang2, Da‑Lin He1,2
Asian J Androl 17: 850-853; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.142134
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1611]| 中文摘要
Male sexual function/ED
Commentary on – “Comparison of the efficacy and safety of once-daily dosing and on-demand use of udenafil for type 2 diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction”
De‑Hong Cao, Liang‑Ren Liu, Qiang Wei
Asian J Androl 17: 854-854; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.148069
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1777]| 中文摘要
Letter to the Editor
Mother and daughter became father and son: a case report
Tatjana Sajevets1, Charlotte Verroken1, Gunter Heylens2, Elfride De Baere3, Guy T’Sjoen1,2
Asian J Androl 17: 855-856; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.145430
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1718]| 中文摘要
Male Fertility
An insertion mutation in the androgen receptor gene in a patient with azoospermia
Yun-Hao Chen1, Hui-Ying Xu1, Zhang-Yang Wang1, Zhe-Hui Zhu1, Cheng-Di Li1, Zhi-Gang Wu2, Bi-Cheng Chen1
Asian J Androl 17: 857-858; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.148724
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1718]| 中文摘要
Glutathione S‑transferase T1: a potential marker for the selection of varicocelectomy in infertile male patients with varicocele
Qi‑Fei Wu1, Kai‑Fa Tang2, Jian‑Hua Sun1, Jun‑Ping Xing1
Asian J Androl 17: 859-860; doi: 10.4103/1008-682X.149179
Abstract | Full Text | PDF [1574]| 中文摘要
Asian Journal of Andrology CN 31-1795/R ISSN 1008-682X  Copyright © 2023  Shanghai Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  All rights reserved.